Внеклассная работа по предмету



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Предварительный просмотр:

Вопросы к конкурсу знатоков иностранного языка.

Английский язык.


1.            The sport of golf was originated in….

2.            How many steps in the Clock Tower in London?

3.            Name the Bank Holidays in Great Britain…

4.            What is a Christmas festival to remember the birth of Jesus?

5.            You can see this man near the Tower of London….

6.            What is the name of the ship of Captain Admiral Nelson?

7.            British policemen are called…

8.            One of the largest cities in the world, New-York, is often called…

9.            Give the former name of New-York before 1644…

10.        What is not allowed to be taken out of the house on New Year ’s Day in the United States?

11.        How many years was New-York was the capital of the United States?

12.        Where does the “White Sale” take place? What do they sell there?

13.        What colour are the pages of the US phone books?

14.        Is the Queen of the United Kingdom also the Queen of some other countries?

15.        Which plant is a symbol of piece in Great Britain? Can you name the national bird of Great Britain?  What is the national tree of England?

16.        What does the word “crocodile” mean in school life of the British children?

17.        Give the nick – name of the USA government?

18.        How do British people celebrate theirs 100 years birthday?

19.        What language is usually foreigners taught in U.K.?

20.        What is the name of the first U.S national park and which state is it located? What is it famous for?

21.        In which city and state is the Liberty Bell located?

22.        Which American architect is called ” the Father of the Skyscraper?

23.        Name the two political parties in the US and the animals that symbolize each party.

24.        What are the nicknames names for the Mississippi River?

25.        Every fall thousands of women and men from all over the world come to New-York to participate in…

26.        More than ten American writers have received the Nobel Prize for literature. Give at least two names of the writers.

27.        The faces of four American presidents are carved in the mountainside. What is the name of this place? What are the names of the presidents?

28.        Where is the tallest skyscraper in the world situated? Give us its name.

29.        One of the most impressive events at the Highland Games is the tossing of Caber. What is the size of the caber?

30.        Where and when did tea come to Britain? Who could drink it?

31.        Who built London and how was it called?

32.        Wimbledon is the most prestigious tennis tournament in the world. It has some customsand traditions. What is the colour of the players ‘clothes? What is traditional food to eat at Wimbledon?

33.        What does the V-sign mean? What did it mean in the period of World War II; in 1960s; in 1960s?

34.        Every year large crowds of people gather at Cooper’s Hill in Gloucestershire to watch the strangest and certainly the most spectacular British tradition. What is it?

35.        How much does Big Ben weigh?

36.        Where can you see a Stone of Destiny now?

37.        How many bridges cross the river Thames?

38.        The Scottish surnames begin with…

39.        One group of immigrants came to America unwillingly. Who were they and where did they arrive?

40.        How many crosses are there on the flag of the UK? What do they symbolize?

41.        What does “Tartan” mean?

42.        Name a festival of Welsh culture…

43.        What is the state system of the UK?

44.        Where does the British Prime-Minister live?

45.        What is the highest mark in British schools? Name the other marks.

46.        What was the name of the man, who made the first bowler hat? When did he make it?

47.        In what town did the Englishmen set up a monument to Francis Drake?

48.        How many hills is Edinburgh situated on?

49.        How many slots are there in the post boxes in Great Britain and for what kind of letters are they used?

50.         What does to R.S.V.P. in the sphere of writing invitation cards mean?


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