Статья "Modern technologies in foreign language education"

Тимофеев Юрий Александрович

Why do we use modern technologies today?

What do I use in my tutoring?

My experience for colleagues


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Предварительный просмотр:

Timofeyev U.A.

Modern technologies in foreign language education

Today technologies develop more quickly. Every man use new means in his life. Also every teacher use new technologies on the lesson. Using new technologies, we create interesting lesson. Popular devices on FL lessons are computer, marker, interactive board, computer test system for pupils and so on. It became convenient to expain topic using interactive board. Interactive board replaced blackboard. You may draw and write by pen like on blackboard. On interactive board pupils can watch different films after passing neccesary material.

Computer test system can check value of knowledge of pupils. Pupils can pass tests and get their results in this day when they passed the test. Test system contains all answers and checks test automaticaly. Every teacher can load his tests in system and see results of pupils. Also teacher can edit tests. I use website Master-Test for testing pupils. I like this website. You can make many tests on different topics. Link on website-http://master-test.net/ru

Computer became basic mean for the lesson. On computer we make presentations, load tests, watch films. Computer has unlimited possibilities for lessons. Today you can see a computer in every classroom.

You must use new technologies in measure. Combine different kinds of activities. Alive conversation is main key on the lesson. Don't use often tests, try give interesting works for pupils where they must think, compose. Test will make harm for pupil if you use it without stop.

Twenty-first century-century of interesting and combine lessons, where we must use all means for lessons.

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