TEST 4 Spotlight 8
тест (8 класс)


Контрольная работа для обучающихся 8 класса. Учебник "Spotlight 8" , авторы: Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Julia Vaulina.


Файл Test 2 Module 416.74 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


1.Translate from Russian into  English the expressions:

Прямой нос, кучерявые волосы, широкие плечи, густые брови, юбка в клетку, платье в цветочек, подходить по цвету.

2. Transform the sentences from Active into Passive.

1.They cancelled the flight to Rome yesterday.


2. Did they invent DVDs in 1970s? _______________________________

3. My grandma makes this salad with pickled cucumbers and fresh tomatoes. _________________________________________

4. The chief will offer the worker a new job. ________________________________

5. Somebody has cleaned the room. ___________________________

3.Fill in the gapes with the correct prepositions (up with, on, away, out).

1 Put …… a jacket. It`s cold outside.

2. The firefighters put ….. the fire very quickly.

3. Helen couldn`t put… his bad behavior at the lesson.

4. Put all your books … , mum said.

4. Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold:

1. You can`t go across the road. It`s __LEGAL

2. Why didn`t you take your brother from school? Don`t be so ___RESPONSIBLE

3. Mum, I will take a piece of this cake! Why are you so ___ I wonder! PATIENT

4. Your behavior is very___ Do behave your age, please! MATURE

5. Rewrite the sentences in the causative form.

    1. The photographer has developed our holiday photos. ___________________

2. Jack paints his house every spring. _____________________________

3. John has cut his hair. ___________________________

4.She will fix her car tomorrow. ____________________________

6. Match the headings (A to F) to the paragraphs. There is one extra heading.


1.People have always had the need to set their own fashion trends, and there is no better witness to this fact than the Fashion Museum in Bath, England. With a display of original outfits dating from the 1700s to modern day, fashion enthusiasts will be thrilled to see not only authentic gowns worn by English kings and queens, but also some of the dresses made famous by the legendary Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe.

2.A long time ago, clothes were simply a way of covering our bodies. Of course, there have always been preferences in one style or another, but fashion rarely used to define who we are. Today, things are different. Our clothes make a statement about our personality and our lifestyle. Teens, especially, associate the way they dress with the image they want to show others. It’s not really about being fashionable anymore; it’s rather about showing our identity through our choice of outfit.

3.William Ivey Long is one of the greatest costumes designers of our time. His extraordinary work in Hairspray, Chicago and other Broadway and off-Broadway plays has won him five Tony awards and twice as many nominations. His costumes are clever, original and a perfect expression of the character they are created for. The highlight in Long’s career was in 2006, when he was admitted to the Theatre Hall of Fame.

4.With more and more people turning their attention to our planet’s growing problems, it’s no wonder that the fashion industry is also doing so. Eco-safe materials, organic coloring substances and even clothes made from recycled materials are now easier to find and are becoming more and more popular with today’s shoppers.

5.The next time you feel frustrated because you don’t have Nicole Kidman’s porcelain skin, Jennifer Aniston’s beautiful hair or David Beckham’s muscular body, have a look through some gossip magazines. It might make you feel better to see pictures of your favorite Hollywood icons without their make-up on. Take a closer look at a star’s picture that hasn’t been retouched, and you’ll discover that many of them are ordinary-looking people, just like you and me!

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