Spotlight 11 Exit test
тест (11 класс)

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Sp11        Exit Test        2020-2021

Exercise 1        Listen to the text and match statements A-G to the headings 1-8.  There is an extra heading. Use heading once.( 7 points)

Breath taking views

Bring your kayak

Wildlife flourishing

US Navy ship

Local cuisine

Colonial busiest ports

A lot of harbours

Car journey

Exercise 2 Read the text and match paragraphs A-F to the expressions 9-15.  There is  an extra expression. Use expression once.( 6 points)

illustrates the lighthouses

overlooks above

series of small sandy coves

slope to the sea

creating a safe haven

which marks the entrance

going behind the scenes

  1. A landmark of Casco Bay and the Portsmouth harbor is Portland Head Lighthouse, ________________________to the harbor. It is one of the most beautiful along the coast, and from its promontory, you can see the city and Old Port, as well as the passing ships and boats.
  2. The museum in the former Keeper's Quarters ____________________________and their keepers, showing how these bastions of maritime safety have changed over the years with advances in technology. Along with historic photos, artifacts on display include Fresnel lenses and exhibits on how they work.
  3. The paved walking path along the shore from Ogunquit's long sandy beach to Perkins Cove is a beautiful way to see the rocky coast and its crashing surf. Among the rocky cliffs are a _______________________that offer a more intimate beach experience than Ogunquit Beach. The path is for walkers only (no bikes, no dogs from April to October) and runs about a mile and a half from the end of the village to the scenic wharfs of Perkins Cove.
  4. Here, a slender peninsula shelters a small bay, ______________________for small craft. Originally a small fishing port, today the harbor is overlooked by restaurants and small shops, but you'll still see plenty of fishing boats.
  5. All along the path there are benches conveniently placed, both on the path and on _______________________the sea. You can return to town on the Marginal Way, walk back along the shady Shore Road or take the trolley.
  6. Ogunquit Beach has a gentle _______________and comparatively warm water, which makes it popular with families. The town's shops and restaurants are busy in the summer, and the thriving arts scene brings more tourists to the nationally known Ogunquit Playhouse and the Ogunquit Museum of American Art.

Exercise 3 Comment on the following statement(10 points)

37 Is progress always good?

What is your opinion? Do you agree with the statement.

Write 200 -250 words (count them and write them in the brackets) in space provided

Use the following plan

        Make an introduction- state the problem

        Express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion

        Express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion

        Explain why don’t agree with the opposing opinion

        Make a conclusion restating your position


Exercise 1        .( 7 points)


Breath taking views


Bring your kayak


Wildlife flourishing


US Navy ship


Local cuisine


Colonial busiest ports


A lot of harbours


Car journey

Exercise 2 ( 6 points)


illustrates the lighthouses


overlooks above


series of small sandy coves


slope to the sea


creating a safe haven


which marks the entrance

An-extra one

going behind the scenes

  1. Few states can claim as many iconic images as Maine. Think of that northern New England state, and immediately springing to mind are fully rigged Windjammers, waves breaking against a rocky coast, fishing harbors filled with colorful boats, lighthouses, and tall pine trees. The miles and miles of backwoods inhabited by moose hold their own mystique, conjuring images of a lone canoe barely riffling the mirror-like surface of a forest-encircled lake, or rainbow trout jumping from crystal waters.
  2. The remarkable thing about Maine is that it doesn't disappoint tourists who arrive with these romantic images in mind. Lighthouses do crown points from York to Quoddy Head, and between them lie dozens of snug little fishing harbors and mile after mile of rocky wave-beaten shore. Windjammers weave between the fir-clad islands just offshore, and bright-painted lobster buoys bob in the water, with lobster boats scuttling between them to haul traps.
  3. The rugged and beautiful stretch of coastline that is set aside as Acadia National Park also surrounds a large inland region of lakes, streams, and forests. It provides a playground for locals and visitors who enjoy the outdoors. The scenic Park Loop Road winds its way through the park past the main attractions and is the best way to tour the park by car.
  4. The handy Island Explorer buses also connect the various attractions, while cyclists and walkers can follow the network of unpaved carriage roads, part of the more than 100 miles of hiking trails for all levels of ability. These include trails to the summit of 1,530-foot Cadillac Mountain, the park's highest point, from which there are views of the coast and islands.
  5. Other highlights in the park are Bass Harbor Head Lighthouse and the dramatic chasm of Thunder Hole. A second and little-visited portion of Acadia National park is farther north, on the Schoodic Peninsula, where there are more hiking trails, coastal views, and opportunities for kayaking. There are two large campgrounds in the park and a number of picnic areas.
  6. Tourists arriving at Maine's largest city, Portland, invariably head straight for its harbor district, the Old Port. There, along with fishing boats, busy docks, and seafood restaurants, they may find a cruise ship or see the tall masts of a sailing ship, for Portland is still an active port. The narrow streets that climb from the dockside Commercial Street are lined by the brick and stone buildings that supported one of the East Coast's busiest ports from colonial times through the 19th century.
  7. Shop for maritime souvenirs in a ships' chandlery, eat seafood on the wharf, and if you're there early enough, watch the fishing boats unload and local chefs choose the menu at the city's restaurants. Fore Street, which parallels Commercial, is where you'll find several of these. At the docks, you can board a cruise of Casco Bay or a ferry to visit its islands.

Points- mark:        23-21=”5”              20-17=”4”             16-12=”3”                    11-0=”2”

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