План урока по английскому языку в 10 классе на тему "Rainbow of food"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс)

Урок является вводным для актуализации знаний и умений по теме "Еда" в английском языке. Урок составлен для учебника  “Английский в фокусе” 10 кл. О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева.


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Открытый урок в 10 классе по теме “Rainbow of food” 7/02/2017

Тип урока: Урок актуализации знаний и умений.

Цели урока:

  • совершенствование умения говорения по теме;
  • контроль знаний лексики.

Задачи урока:

  • обобщить информацию о здоровом образе жизни;
  • тренировать умения говорения, чтения и аудирования небольших текстов;
  • развивать грамматические навыки по теме “Cослагательное наклонение” 2 типа;
  • заполнить карту-тему.

Оборудование: учебник “Английский в фокусе” 10 кл. О.В. Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.В. Михеева (Москва, Express Publish Просвещение), интерактивная доска, презентация

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент

Приветствие учителя.

Hello, my dear students. I am very glad to see you.

2. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности учащихся.

Let’s have a look at the blackboard.

There are some taste, delicious, colorful things, aren’t there? Have you guessed what the topic of our lesson is? Yes, the topic of our lesson is “ RAINBOW OF FOOD”.

Today, we are learning how to talk about health, ask about health and respond, give and respond to advice and what sort of food we use and how it influences on our health.

Let’s change opinions about healthy and unhealthy food. Please, remember kinds of fruit and vegetables. Which food is considered healthy and unhealthy? Then fill in the map of the theme at the end of the lesson.http://festival.1september.ru/articles/641812/Image5408.jpg

2. Актуализация знаний.

Повторение и закрепление грамматики

Упражнение на закрепление грамматики “conditionals”

  • Impossible or unreal present or future situation
  • Present, Futurehttp://festival.1september.ru/articles/641812/img1.gif

3.Контроль грамматических навыков по теме.

Put the words in brackets into the correct tense:

1. A: I love ice cream.

B: Yes, but if you ......(eat) a lot of it, you......(get) fat.

2. A: I’m bored. I;m going out.

B: come on. If you....... (not/study) you ......(fail) your exams

3. A: Where is Donna?

B: If she......(not/arrive)soon, we...... (leave)without her.

4. A: If it’s sunny tomorrow, we......(go)to the beach.

B: What a good idea.

5. A: What would you do if you won the lottery?

B: If I......(win)a lot of money, I......(buy) a new car.

Now make up your own sentences using the conditional (Учащиеся составляют по схеме свои собственные предложения).

4. Применение знаний и умений в новой ситуации

4.1 Упражнение на закрепление лексики, умение найти нужную информацию в тексте и отвечать на вопросы. (упражнение 4 стр.102)

Wise men spoke: “Tell me what you eat and I’ll tell you what you are”.

We all know that colour is related to food. Look at the rainbow of food, listen to the text and try to answer how colour is related to food.

Which colour food should you eat if ...

  1. You have a difficult exam to study for?
  2. You are feeling very nervous about meeting someone?
  3. You are worried about getting lines and wrinkles?
  4. You’ve been feeling a bit sad lately?
  5. You are taking part in a championship swimming match?

Now work in pairs, please. Find words in the text related to the body. Compare with a partner. Add some more.

4.2 Упражнение на развитие диалогической речи.

Ask each other what cooking methods do you prefer to cook healthy food and why.

But first look at the table about healthy and unhealthy food and then discuss.

Healthy foods

rich in

high amounts found in

vitamins, minerals, fibre

fruit, vegetables


chicken, milk, cheese, yoghurt, meat, fish


eggs, rice, potatoes, cereal



sugar, fat

sweets, biscuits, fizzy drinks, butter, oil,


chocolate, crisps, cakes

Cooking methods

It’s interesting to know what cooking methods you use at home.









We took the investigation to find out what colour of food do our pupils prefer.



P1 - Our pupils prefer food of red, orange, yellow, green, purple colour. Red food gets us moving.

P2- Orange ones are brain food, yellow foods are nature’s way of helping us to stay happy. They make us more optimistic. Food of green colour such as broccoli, lettuce, cucumbers keep our emotions under control.

P3 – Fruits and vegetables like figs, prunes and beetroot make people more creative. As we see, our pupils eat food different colours that’s why we are optimistic, creative, healthy and happy.

4.3 Упражнение на совершенствование навыков находить решения проблем, связанных с употреблением несбалансированной пищи.

We all know that well-balanced food plays an important role in our life. If we eat unhealthy food we will get some problems. Then we have to find solutions. (таблица в презентации)



4.4 Аудирование.

Упражнение на понимание текста на слух с извлечением необходимой информации по теме и контроль знаний изученной лексики (WB стр. 105, упр.7)

The next point of our lesson is filling in the map of the theme.

5. Рефлексия.

OK, that’s very nice to you. You have worked very well and learnt some useful things. What have you learnt to? Yes, you’ve learnt how to give and respond to advice, talk about health, ask about health ,recommend a place. You’ve practised in speaking, listening and writing.

Please, write down your homework: make up a healthy menu for one day of a week. Use various colours of food or drinks.

Finally, you remember the proverb ”Early to bed, early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Goodbye!

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