презентация к уроку 'Famous people'
презентация к уроку (6 класс)



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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

• Whom can you see in the picture?

Слайд 2

1. When and where was W. Disney born? 2. What did Walt Disney like from an early age? 3. What did Walt Disney sell to his neighbors? 4. At what age did he sell his first drawing? 5. When did he leave for Hollywood? 6. How much money did he have with him? 7. Where did his brother live? 8. What did they start together? 9. What did Walt create in 1928? 10. How many Academy Awards did Walt win? 11. Which popular films did Walt make? 12. How many films did he make? 13. When did Walt Disney die?

Слайд 3

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb in the past to complete the letters. be, try, enjoy, stay, study , have, visit, rent, travel, talk go, want, be, decide, be, buy , visit, stay , Dear Karen, Hi, there! My vacations … great! I … my friends in Puerto Rico . I … at a nice hotel near a beautiful beach. We … a car and … around the island. I … to learn windsurfing, but it …difficult. I … the food and really… the fresh fruit. I … to a lot of local people there. I am really glad that I … Spanish in high school. See you soon ! Ken Hello Mary, Tom and I … to Paris last weekend and I … to tell you about. Our hotel … great so on our first night we … there . The next day we … to visit the Eiffel Tower all the day. Then we …shopping and I … a very expensive jacket! On Sunday we … Notre Dame. Everything… wonderful . Please write back soon, Love, Claire

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