Презентация РР к уроку в 11 классе "How Do Elderly People Live?"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Ольховая Татьяна Степановна

Данная презентация является пособием к уроку английского языка в 11 классе Unit 5 по теме “How Do Elderly People Live?” к учебнику «Английский язык» авторов В.П. Кузовлева, Н.М. Лапы, Э.Ш. Перегудовой и других.

        Презентация состоит из 14 слайдов, включающих лексическую практику, повторение грамматики, а также упражнения, формирующие навыки говорения по теме урока.


Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

How Do Elderly People Live?

Слайд 2

-познакомить учащихся с условиями жизни престарелых людей в Великобритании и в России; -формирование способности к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов, к формулированию выводов; -воспитание чувства милосердия, уважительного отношения к пожилым людям, собственным бабушкам и дедушкам, уважительного отношения к достоинству других людей; -формирование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения, умению запрашивать информацию с помощью косвенных вопросов; Цели:

Слайд 3

Lexical activities. Add one word to make word combinations. Retirement pension Reduced payment for resort Telephone and public pension Free disabilities Special utilities Health housing Invalidity accommodations People with privileges

Слайд 4

a burden - to suffer - i ncapable - to lose - to get wiser - to cheer - Read and translate обуза с традать, переживать неспособный терять с тановиться мудрее п риветствовать громкими возгласами

Слайд 5

Translate English proverb: Everything comes to him who waits (Всё приходит к тому, кто ждёт.)

Слайд 6

Grammar activities. Reported speech (grammar revision) Example : Do you go to a health resort every summer? I wonder if you go to a health resort every summer. Is your education free of charge? I’d like to know if your education free of charge. Did you get the telephone numbers without going on a waiting list? I wonder if you get the telephone numbers without going on a waiting list. Are there any privileges of this kind? I’m interested if there are any privileges of this kind. I wonder… I’d like to know… I’m interested in (to know)

Слайд 7

While – cj 1) пока, в то время как 2) н есмотря на то, что… Whereas - с j 1) тогда, как 2)несмотря на то,что 3)принимая во внимание, поскольку. Данные союзы употребляются при сопоставлении фактов без их противопоставления Ex. 1 (3), page 157

Слайд 8

Answer the questions: How do elderly people live? Can elderly people become a burden to children? Do elderly people have financial problems? Do elderly people need regular care and nursing? Do elderly people live a boring life or not? Do the elderly have to go to work? Do they have a lot of time to work in the garden? Do the elderly have adult children who are not a burden any more? Do the elderly travel and go in for sports? Do the elderly have more experience and the ability to help with the advice? Why do some elderly people see only bad points in being old?

Слайд 9

Choose good and bad points about being old -b ecome ill and disa bled -b ecome a burden ( обуза) to children -d o not have to go to work -h ave financial problems -h ave adult children, who are not a burden any more -s uffer the fear of death -l ive in boring life -h ave a lot of time to meet with friends, read, travel, g o in for sports, work in their garden -g et wiser, have more experience and the ability to help advice -b ecome incapable of living independently, need r egular care and nursing Elderly people…

Слайд 10

British old people and the elderly from Russia… Are their life different or not?

Слайд 11

Say if these statements are true in respect of your country Most grandparents live their independent lives and don’t feel like taking care of their grandchildren full-time. It’s quite rare to find elderly grandparents living together with their adult children. In most cases elderly parents are put into old people’s homes. When children grow up they move out of their parents’ houses. Grandparents living close to their small grandchildren are found much more often in the countryside. Most grandparents would be horrified at the idea of giving up their independent lives and moving into their children’s homes to look after their grandchildren full-time.

Слайд 12

What is better for elderly: living in old people’s home or with relatives? Why?

Слайд 13

Do you agree with the following conclusions? Social services try to do their best to cheer the old people up, but they don’t have much success in doing it. When old people are put into homes for elderly people their pets get a place in the RSPCA hostels. At the homes for elderly people patients are provided with lots of entertainment. Social workers help the elderly in different ways, but they do not provide home help. Some pensioners are looked after at home. Some others are offered a place at home for elderly people.

Слайд 14

Home task: Ex. 6, p.159 (R. Unit 5, ex. 3)

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Савоська Наталья Васильевна

Татьяна Степановна, очень интересная работа! Спасибо!

Голик Людмила Александровна

Спасибо, Татьяна Степановна,за огромную проделанную работу по подготовке к уроку