Конспект урока "Моя семья"
план-конспект урока (5 класс)

Шмагина Татьяна Сергеевна

Конспект урока 5 класса


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Этапы урока

Деятельность урока

Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. We have a lot of guests, let’s tell: “Good morning” to them.

-Просмотр видеоролика (песни).

-Определение темы урока.

-Today I have a present for you. It’s a video file. Watch the video and fill in the gaps. Take a card and a pencil. Some words are missing. It will help us to find the topic of our lesson. Let’s look at the screen.

-Let’s read the words in the correct order. Do you agree?

-What is the topic of our lesson? (What is the video about?)

-Read the words in the correct order.

-Yes, you are quite right. The topic is “My family”.

-Can we talk about family? (continuously)

The quality is not very good. It’s a problem. Let’s revise.

-What is the aim of our lesson?

-What shall we do to make a story?

-So we have a bank of  words, which will help us today.

-The first step is words.

What can we do with these words?

- Please match the words to the groups. (4 groups of words).

Name the groups. (пишу на доске сверху).

- We have words like a pla

-The 1st step is done.

Let’s work with the 1st group. Let’s train our pronunciation.

Повторение фраз

Повторение фраз с описанием слов

- Look at the 2nd group. What other words can you add?  

- Let’s try to describe your family members using these adjectives.

- You can see the cards on your desks. You should work in pairs. Make up a small dialogue about family members.

  1. -Is your mother…..?

-Yes, she is. What about your mother?

- My mother is…...

*Can your mother make cookies / sing songs?

  1. - Is your grandmother  ……?

- Yes, she is. What about your grandmother?

- My grandmother is…...

*Can your grandma use a smartphone / speak English?

3. - Is your sister …..?

- Yes, she is. What about your sister?

- My sister is…...

*Can your sister play the guitar/ play computer games?

-You have 3 min.

-Stop discussing.

-So the 1st pair, read please (ask smb else meaning)

-Oh, we’ve revised the 3rd group.  

Good job!

Развитие грамматических навыков.

  1. Look at the 4th group.  I can make up 3 groups from these words. (разделяю маркером)

На какой вопрос отвечают слова из 1 и 2  и 3 столбика?

  1. Раздача карточек, объяснение.  
  2. Open your book on p.57 ex. 8.
  3. Выполнение задания/ обмен учебниками. Проверка на доске Миро.
  4. Поставьте отметку (описание баллов на миро).

-And now the time of story.

- I have a surprise for you. Let’s work in groups. Turn to your friends. You should make a story about famous families. I have 3 levels. Choose one envelope. You have 5 min.


Учитель дает учащимся опору для монологического высказывания и образец на основе этой опоры.)  (приложение 1).

-I have got a big/ small family.

-I have got a mother…

-My mother’s name is …

- She is …years old.

- She is …(clever, kind, friendly, caring, beautiful, sweet…)

- She can …

- She cooks a cool pizza/ cake / for us

- I can tell her all my secrets.

-I love her very much.

2 ур.

Русские предложения.

-Let’s listen to a story. Who will be a presenter?

-What is the most interesting story?

-Thanks a lot. Everybody makes a good story. Last Sunday we have a holiday, Mother’s day.

-So we make a story.

Please, tell what do you think about your work. You have 3 smiles.

You have pluses and questions signs. And we have our 4 groups.

Let’s show what is done and what is easy. And go further.

(показать на себе)

-You have worked very well. Your marks for the lesson.

-Your home task is to make up a story about your mother.

-Our lesson is over. Good bye!

 Местоимения по 3 штуки

Рефлексия + все понял

                   ?  остались вопросы

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