Неделя английского языка для 2-9 классов (План и сценарий)

Пигарева Елена Владимировна


План проведения недели английского языка


1. Открытие недели, 2-9 кл.
2. Брейн-ринг «Кладовая английского языка», 2-5кл.
3. Викторина «Эрудит»,7-9 кл.


1. «Конкурс чтецов» - конкурс чтецов стихотворений на английском языке, 2-5кл.

2. Стихи – догадки, 2-5кл.

3. Конкурс рисунков «Animals ABC», 2-9 кл.


1. "A magic trip to English Land". Конкурс для учащихся 2-4 классов

2. Пословицы; сокращения; угадай, кто на картинке, 5-9 кл.

3. Конкурс рисунков «Fruits and Vegetables ABC!», 2-9 кл.


1. Брейн-ринг для начальных классов: найди предложения и слова, 3-4классы
2. Презентация «Англицизмы в современном мире», 7-9 кл.

3. Конкурс рисунков «Достопримечательности Англии», 2-9 кл.


1.Culinary Duel. Кулинарная дуэль для 2-5кл.
2. Подведение итогов, 2-9 кл.




Предварительный просмотр:

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Неделя английского языка

Слайд 2

Брейн-ринг «Кладовая английского языка» 2-5 классы Отгадай загадки : • It lives in the house. It likes fish. • It lives in the forest. It likes bananas. • It is very big and grey. • It is little and grey.

Слайд 3

Расшифруй слова : odg - ? act - ? ifsh - ? ipg - ? ccok - ? owc - ? hrose - ? zbrea - ? xfo - ?

Слайд 4

Заполни пропуски в алфавите: A … C…. E…. G…. I…. K…. M…. OP… .R…. T…. V… .XY ….

Слайд 5

Стихи, « Funny poems » 2-5 кл Good morning. Good morning, good morning Good morning to you! Good morning, good morning We are glad to see you! I like cats. I like cats, Cats like rats, Rats like cheese, Say it again please!

Слайд 6

Little mouse. Little mouse, little mouse, Where is your house? I live under the floor, My flat has no door! My dog Jack I have a dog, His name is Jack, His coat is white With spots of black. I take him out Every day, Such fun we have, We run and play. Such clever tricks My dog can do, I love my dog, He loves me, too.

Слайд 7

Seasons. Spring is green, Summer is bright Autumn is yellow Winter is white At the zoo I saw, I saw, I saw A lion at the zoo, I saw, I saw, I saw A baby tiger too. I saw, I saw, I saw A big grey kangaroo. I saw, I saw, I saw I saw them at the zoo.

Слайд 8

My dear Mummy My dear, dear Mummy, I love you very much. I want you to be happy On the Eight of March! My dear, dear Mummy, Let me kiss your face, I want you to be happy Today and always! I like. I like fish, I like eggs I like cheese and meat I like jam, I like cakes In fact I like to eat!

Слайд 9

I like to skip. I like to skip I like to jump I like to run about I like to play I like to sing I like to laugh and shout! Good night. Good night mother, good night father Kiss your little son. Good night sister, good night brother, Good night everyone!

Слайд 10

Winter Winter , Winter – let’s go skate! Winter, Winter – don’t be late. Winter, Winter – let’s go roll. Winter, Winter – in the snow! Where Are My Animals? Where is the cat? - It’s under the bed. Where is the mouse? - Behind the house. Where is the fox? - It’s in the box. Where is the snake? - It’s in the lake. Where is the frog? - It’s in the log. Where is the bee? - It’s in the tree.

Слайд 11

"A magic trip to English Land". 2-4 кл . для 1й команды: [t],[p],[s],[j],[ʊ],[u:],[ aʊ ],[æ],[v],[ʃ]. для 2й команды: [d],[r],[g],[z],[b],[ʤ],[ ei ],[i:],[ oi ],[ əʊ ]. для 1й команды : [ faiv ],[tri:],[ laik ], [ blu :],[ foks ],[pig], [ frendly ], [ smo:l ], [ kju:t ],[ sili ], [ jeləʊ ]. five, like, fox, small, cute, yellow, friendly, pig, blue, tree, silly. для 2 й команды : [ i:vl ], [milk], [ ʤoifl ], [ sma:t ], [ kaind ], [ kæt ], [ breiv ], [ ɒrinʤ ], [ fʌni ], [ gri:n ], [ maʊs ]. mouse, milk, orange, funny, joyful, green, brave, smart, cat, к ind , evil.

Слайд 12

c) Найдите рифмующееся слово: для 1 - й команды : mouse – ? cat - ? pen - ? hi - ? name - ? box - ? для 2- й команды : donkey - ? cock - ? carrot - ? fine - ? how - ? my - ?

Слайд 13

Расшифруйте анаграммы: для 1- й команды : god stesir thorme thoerbr maylfi madnarg clenu unta для 2- й команды : ergy kablc der ewhti elub neerg welylo knpi

Слайд 14

Задание –прочитать фразу 23.5. ** Use the code: 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E 6 F 7 G 8 H 9 I 10 J 11 K 12 L 13 M 14 N 15 O 16 P 17 Q 18 R 19 S 20 T 21 U 22 V 23 W 24 X 25 Y 26 Z

Слайд 15

Найти слова Foxesraccoonshenstigerspigshorsesparrotscatsdogsrabbitsbearslionswolves

Слайд 16

1) Употребите правильно глагол to be ( am / is / are ) 2) Употребите правильно глагол to have got (have got/ has got) 1. I …a dog. 2. My name…. Sharik . 3. I …. smart and strong. 4. My friend …. Diadia Fiodor . 5. We … friends . 1. Buratino ... a father. 2. Malvina….a dog. 3. Kolobo к ….grandparents. 4. Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile …. friends. 5. Alionushka …a brother .

Слайд 17

загадки I am from Africa. I am green. I am big. I am strong. I can swim very well. I like fish . I am grey, strong, evil. I can run, jump. I like meat. I am from Russia. I am very big and brown. I can run, climb. I live in the forest. I like honey . I am not big. I am not small. I am cunning. I am orange. I like mice, chickens and hares. I am grey in summer and I am white in winter. I can run and jump. I have long ears and a small tail. I like carrots. I am not small. I am not big. I can run, jump, climb. I like milk. I like mice. I live in the house . It is my friend. It is big and brave. It likes bones, soup, meat. It barks « bow-wow , bow-wow ». I am very little. I am green. I can jump. I can swim. I eat flies. I can croak.

Слайд 18

Расскажите о хороших и плохих качествах Петрушки и Бабы Яги . Выберите подходящие cлова из таблицы: Рисунок 1 Рисунок 2 Petrushka Baba-Yaga is / is not a/ an character, boy, girl, mascot, dragon monster, dwarf, mermaid, animal, toy kind, merry, joyful, friendly, good friend, nice, smart, evil, brave, silly, cute, unlucky, funny, big, small, nice He She likes dancing, singing, playing football swimming, playing tricks, telling tales, helping, painting, talking

Слайд 19

Замени слова цифрами four nine three seven one ten eight two five

Слайд 20

Подбери русский вариант пословицы 1 Rome was not built in one day. A Лучше поздно, чем никогда. 2 All is good in its season. B Любовь побеждает всё. 3 East or West – home is best. C Яйца курицу не учат. 4 Better late than never. D Москва не сразу строилась. 5 A cat in gloves catches no mouse. E Язык до Киева доведёт. 6 Eggs cannot teach hens. F С милым рай и в шалаше. 7 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. G Всё хорошо вовремя. 8 Love conquers all. H В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше. 9 Love in a cottage. I Лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе. 10 By asking one comes to Rome. J Без труда не вытащишь и рыбку из пруда.

Слайд 21

Расшифруй Что означают эти сокращения? 1 2 B or not 2 B 2 B or not 2 B 9 Wonna Wonna 2 4 ever 4 ever 10 U . K . U . K . 3 B 4 B 4 11 TV TV 4 GR 8 GR 8 12 xxx xxx 5 L 8 R L 8 R 13 e . g . e . g . 6 ICU ICU 14 FBI FBI 7 CUL 8 R CUL 8 R 15 IQ IQ 8 Yeah Yeah

Слайд 24

Прочитайте 2 предложения, заменив цифры буквами алфавита (3-4 кл ) A B C D E F G H I J K L M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 23,5,12,9,11,5,20,15,16,12,1,25,23,9,20,8,20,15,25,19 23,5,12,9,11,5,20,15,10,21,13,16,1,14,4,18,21,14

Слайд 25

Среди множества букв по вертикали и горизонтали найдите названия восьми фруктов C P L U M O D Q H I P X P R V L E Y K C E A F E R B A N A N A M R T Z S R G C O Y G R A P E U N L W A P P L E R

Слайд 26

Вставить пропущенные буквы и прочитать текст о питании в Англии. English cuisine English br … kfast is usually varied. For breakfast En … lish people may have po… idge or cornflakes with mil… or cream and su … ar , b…con and … ggs , fried mu…rooms, marmala …e with buttered toast and t…a or cof …e. For a change they can have a boiled egg, cold h…m, or f… ish with potato …hips. For lunch they may have a mutton chop, or f… sh and chi…s, or cold m…t, or stick with fried potatoes and s…lad and then a fr …it dessert. For supper they may have an … melet or sau …ages, or sometimes b…con and eggs, bread and cheese, a glass of juice or hot chocolate and frui …

Слайд 27

А вы знаете правила поведения за столом? You should eat with your fork and spoon. You shouldn’t talk while you are eating. You can eat your cake with a spoon. You can eat chips with your fingers. You should keep your napkin on the table near your plate. The knife goes on the right of your plate.

Слайд 28

Загадки : It is green and long. 2. It is yellow and long. It is very tasty. 3. It is big and round, green outside and red inside. 4. It is white outside and yellow inside. 5. It is white and sweet. All children like it. We usually put it into tea. 6. It is red and round. We make salad from it. 7. It is white. Little children usually drink it. 8. They are little and round. 9. We usually have it for dinner. 10. It is white, sweet and cold. It is very tasty and all the children like it very much. 11. Little old uncle, dressed in brown. Take off his coat... How tears run down!

Слайд 29

12. They don't eat me alone, But cannot eat without me. What am I? 13. The apple which grows on the pine. 14. It has very many shirts. It is white and round. 15. The berry which grows on the straw. 16. It has the name of a vitamin. 17. Its name is its colour . 18. It is brown outside and white inside. It is a vegetable. 19. The berries which the goose likes. 20. It is named "brown'' in England and "black" in Russia. 21. You cannot eat it, but you cannot eat food without it. 22. You smile when you name it. The mouse likes it very much.

Слайд 30

Read the names of fruits: Melno ( _ _ _ _ _ ) Pleap ( _ _ _ _ _ ) Abnana ( _ _ _ _ _ _ ) Imki ( _ _ _ _ ) Ajm ( _ _ _ ) Sifh ( _ _ _ _ )

Слайд 31

Write the missing letters: m – lk ch – se sw – t ca – ot ca – age bu – er co – ee dr – nk me – t t – a f – sh sal – mi

Слайд 32

Name the colours of food: milk ( ? ) bread ( ? ) lemon ( ? ) apple ( ? ) coffee ( ? ) banana ( ? ) meat ( ? ) cheese ( ? ) sugar ( ? ) orange ( ? ) carrot ( ? ) corn ( ? ) pop-corn ( ? ) salt ( ? ) cucumber ( ? )

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