11 класс самостоятельная работа Adjectives
учебно-методический материал (11 класс) на тему

Шитикова Ольга Николаевна
11 класс самостоятельная работа Adjectives


Предварительный просмотр:

NAME_________________________________FORM ____


I. Meaning

A) Match the adjectives to their opposites



  1. aggressive



  1. unsuccessful



  1. inconvenient



  1. shy



  1. kind-hearted



  1. communicative



  1. shy



  1. stubborn



  1. unfair



  1. tactful

B) Choose the correct word

1.  They often give money for charity, they are (arrogant, generous, lazy).

2.  The customer was very (impatient, jealous, quick-thinking) and told the cashier that he was too slow.

3. I’m fed up with (rude, hard-working, remarkable) people.

4. You can’t blame others for being (broadminded, indifferent, confident) to your problems.

5. He had a/an (cozy, easy-going, adventurous) manner, which made him a natural and popular leader.

II. Formation of adjectives

1. He is rude to his classmates and teachers, this makes him very (popular) ____________

2. She is always (tact) ________________  and polite

3. He is one of the most (honour) ____________________  citizens here.

4. Sue is very (rely) __________________ so you can be sure she will do what she promised.

5. My granny is very (sense) __________________ and she gets very upset if you say the wrong thing to you.

6. The words say one thing but (face) _______________ expressions may say something completely different.

7. No one could decide which of these claims was most (believe) ____________________

8. In the past it was accepted that people judged (emotion) ______________________ situations simply by looking at faces.

9. Keep silent, please. You are very (talk) _________________________

10. It was (response)  _________________  of them to leave her alone.

III.  Comparison of Adjectives.

1.  We have no (far) ____________ information.

2. Your spelling is (bad)  ______________ than mine.

3. He knows a lot. He is (well-read) ____________ than his classmates.

4. This is the (narrow) ________________ street in the town.

5. The Sahara is the (dry) ________________ place on the Earth.

6. East or West – home is (good) _____________________

7. It seems to me, it is (hot)  ________________  summer day.

8. Read (late) _________________ sentence, please.

9. Your typing is not so (fast) ________________ as hers.

10. In my view this city  is (much/attractive)  _____________________ than that one.

IV. Compound Adjectives.

1. My younger sister is 5 years old = I have a _______________ sister.

2. It will take you 10 minutes to go there on foot. = It will be a _________________

3. My new blouse costs 20 dollars. It is my new ____________

4. The path through the forest was 2 kilometers long. = It ___________________

5. The lake is  8 feet deep. = ___________________

V. Word order

1. In the art gallery I saw a/an (square, beautiful, old, Italian, multicoloured) picture of a woman sitting on the coach.

2. What a (metal, round, huge) bowl!

3. There was a (dark, wooden, long) table in the room.

4. It is the most (red, charming, evening, old-fashioned) dress I have ever seen.

5. Look at that (cotton, white, small, nice, table) cloth.

VI* Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

Use: as…as, not so … as, twice (three times) as….as, half the size (half the age), a bit (a little, far, much, a great deal), the (more) … the (better), the same … as.

1. Я бежал так быстро, как мог.

2. Он не такой общительный, как его брат.

3. Это дерево в три раза выше, чем то.

4. Моя комната в два раза меньше, чем гостиная.

5. Моя кузена в два раза моложе меняю

6. Не мог бы ты читать немного помедленнее.

7. Мой брат намного (гораздо, значительно) начитаннее, чем ты.

8. Чем раньше мы выедем, тем скорее мы приедем.

9. Я получила такую же оценку, как мой брат.

10. Сад был отделен от дороги большой белой кирпичной стеной.


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