Внеклассное мероприятиеТhе70 th anniversary of great victory
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Внеклассное мероприятие посвященное к 70 летию Победы , проведенное в рамках недели английского языка


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МБОУ  «Среднебалтаевская основная общеобразовательная школа» Апастовского муниципального района Республики Татарстан

Конспект внеклассного мероприятия

 по английскому языку

«Тhе70 th anniversary of great victory»

Выполнила: учитель английского языка

 Гибадуллина Г.Р.


Приближается величайший праздник всего человечества – семьдесят лет победы в самой жестокой, кровопролитной и разрушительной войне. С каждым годом всё дальше и дальше в прошлое уходят от нас героические и трагические годы Великой Отечественной войны, всё меньше остаётся живых ветеранов, искажаются факты, значимость Победы. Поэтому очень важно донести правду о войне тем, кто живёт в XXI веке.

 Как луч лазера, живые рассказы, свидетельства и факты должны пробиться в сознание и души детей, чтобы они раз и навсегда возненавидели фашизм и поняли, как он опасен и бесчеловечен.

 Отобранный для мероприятия материал никого не должен оставить равнодушным, должен затронуть самые глубины человеческих душ.

 Данная разработка внеклассного мероприятия направлена на воспитание патриотических качеств, гражданственности, идеалов гуманизма и справедливости, способности переносить чужую боль, пережитую реальными людьми в военное лихолетье.

 Тема войны принадлежит истории, но использование мультимедийных средств даёт возможность перенестись в те годы, одновременно эффективно воздействуя на эмоции и чувства участников и зрителей.

 Данное мероприятие посвящено памяти павших во время Великой Отечественной войны, а также ныне живущим ветеранам, испытавшим ужасы войны.

Цели мероприятия:

1. Познакомить обучающихся с историческим прошлым.

2. Показать обучающимся жестокость войны, принесшей огромные бедствия, гибель миллионов людей.

3. Вырабатывать сознательное отношение к гражданскому долгу.

4. Пробуждать активное стремление утверждать в отношениях между людьми гуманные отношения; противодействовать жестокости, агрессивности.

6. Содействовать патриотическому воспитанию подрастающего поколения: воспитание чувства гордости за народ, победивший в войне; уважительного отношения к ветеранам.

7. Способствовать развитию творческих и коммуникативных способностей обучающихся, навыков выразительного чтения на английском языке.

  Методы организации деятельности обучающихся: словесный, наглядный, интерактивный.



 Записи песен военных лет на английском языке, проектор, компьютер, мультимедийная презентация, кинофрагменты.

Good day , dear teachers! Soon wewill celebrate a great holiday – Victory Day. It’s a special day. It’s a wonderful holiday different from all other holidays. It is a national holiday and at the same time it’s a very personal one.

At down on 22, 1941, Hitlers armies attacked our country without declaring war. The great Patriotic War , which was to last about four years, had begun.

The hitlerites brought 190 divisions into action on the first day of the war. They had the advantage of a surprise attack . Our soldiers courageously met the Nazis and fought them to the last.


There are no victories great and small

In war there is but one victopy

One victory there is , as one love

A single effort of the people

The very battles convincingly showed that Hitlers plans a Blitzkrieg had failed completely. All of our people rose like one to defend their Motherland .Millions Fought against the Nazis. During the summer and autumn of 1941 sixty voluntary divisions  were formed. In the areas , occupied by the enemy , a lot of women, old men and young people joined the partisan units and fought heroically against the enemy.


Many factories and plants were moved east- to the Urals, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. There were actually only women , teenagers and old people who had to do most of the work at factories and plants as well as on the collective and state farms, but they did all they could for victory. Scientists and engineers worked hard to devise still better weapons. Doctors and other medical personnel did their best to save the lives of the wounded. People donated savings for tanks and aircraft or sent parcels of warm things to the men at the front . They knew that every little thing helped to defeat the enemy. Actresses, actors and singers performed concerts  for soldiers during short breaks between battles.

Танец «Катюша»

Mothers, wives, sisters and girl –friends waited for the sons, husbands, brothers and boy-friends with the victory.  They wrote warm letters to each other to help to survive in that terrible war.


Wait for me and I will return

Dear one, only wait

When the leaves of autumn burn

Round   the garden gate.

But, when days that endless creep

Bring no word from me

Still your lonely vigil  keep

Dear one wait for me.

Our people had to fight against the fascists from the White Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south. They defended Moscow and Volgograd  and thousands of other towns and villages. Thanks to the bravery of the army at front and the partisans and  to the heroic labour of the entire country the Nazis were stopped.

On the Eve

Do not forget a thing! To the last drop,

To the last tiny detail, memorize

All that you lived by,

Talked of with your friends,

All that you saw

And thought during these days.

Remember, too, the sky above,

The weather.

Imprint all things upon your mind

To stay

It shall be called the Spring time

Of our planet,

This year in whose bright spring you

Live today.

Remember everything!

Even in the humdrum cares

Of life, see how the light shines on your        


Soon she will enter.

Go to welcome her!  

The victory our people won in the Great Patriotic war cost them very dear. More than 27 million our people were killed. The Nazis destroyed and burned 1710 cities and towns and 70000 villages.

Our soldiers helped the peoples of many other countries to become free from fascism.Our heroic people not only defended their own country, they saved the world.

The Great Patrioticwar ended in May , 1945. The spring day of May 9 went down in the history of our country as Victory day.


The days and nights in the open-hearth furnaces
Not a wink of our Motherland eyes.
The days and nights battle difficult Veli -
This day we brought as they could.

This Victory Day
Powder smells,
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.        
It is a joy
With tears in his eyes.
The Day Of Victory!
The Day Of Victory!
The Day Of Victory!

The day of Victory, as he was from us far away
As the fire of a melting piece of coal.
There were miles away, burned, in the dust, -
This day we brought as they could.

This Victory Day
Powder smells,
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
It is a joy
With tears in his eyes.
The Day Of Victory!
The Day Of Victory!
The Day Of Victory!

Hello, mom, they returned we are not all...
Barefoot would run through the dew!
Half of Europe, walked, half-Land, -
This day we brought as they could.

This Victory Day
Powder smells,
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
It is a joy
With tears in his eyes.
The Day Of Victory!
The Day Of Victory!
The Day Of Victory!

Victory Day is celebrated by meetings and marches. People bring  flowers to the monuments where war heroes lie. War veterans tell young people how they fought during the war to defend their country.

Young generation know about the Great Patriotic War only from books and films. But it is difficult to believe that their hearts are not excited on Victory day. Every year War veterans in large cities and small villages come together to celebrate Victory Day. They traditionally go to the War memorials to honour the memory of war heroes. But the numbers of veterans become fewer from year to year. Time takes that historic day farther away from us, but we always must remember it because it is closely related with our grandparents or great grandparents which did all their best to bring this victory closer. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland. And our lesson is devoted to the War heroes.


“Who is your father, 
My little lad?” 
“My father is a hero 
Of Stalingrad. 
He fought for our country 
With-fearless heart, 
Was brave in the battle 
When taking part.” 
“My laddie, be worthy 
To have his name!” 
“My father serves Russia, 
And I’ll do the same! 
I’ll finish my school 
And, later, become 
A soldier, like Father, 
And march to the drum! 
Like him I’ll be brave and 
On duty I’ll stand 
Proud of my people, 
My Motherland!

But Victory day is not only a day to remember those who did not come back from the war. It is a day to be proud of all progressive people who took an active part in winning the victory over the fascists.

At the same time, on victory day we not only remember the past. We must think about the future and defend peace.

My wish

Peace will make the world free, 
Open our eyes, and help us see. 
Wars and conflicts make people sad, 
Hurting others is really bad.

We all know that healthy relations, 
Are the keys to peaceful nations. 
War and conflicts, we must avoid, 
So that beauty of life, may be enjoyed.

Peace to you, people

Under your feet.

May earth never shudder

Like a ship at sea.

Peace to you, people

May never the snow.

Catastrophically boiling

Your fields overflow.

Peace to you, people

May fire in your breast

Burn bright and steady

But never your home molest.

May your lives be brimful

Of good things I pray

Your tomorrow be better,

Than yesterday.

Песня    «Пусть всегда будет солнце»

May there always be sunshine

May there always be blue skies

May there always be Mummie

May there always be me!
Пусть всегда буду я!


Sun up on high

Это было изображение маленького мальчика

Он привлек для вас

Wrote for you, too

Just to make clesr what he drew
Просто, чтобы clesr то, чтоонобратил

My little friend

Listen, my friend
Послушай, другмой

Peace is the dream of the people

Hearts old and young

Никогда не сделали

Singing the song you have sung
Пениепесни, которуювыпели

Thank you very much.  We wish piece , health and happiness to you.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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