Home, sweet home (Урок-викторина)
материал (5, 6 класс) на тему

Разумова Ирина Игоревна

Материал предназначен для проведения внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке, посвященного теме "Дом". Он может быть применен в 4-6 классах в зависимости от уровня подготовки. Задания в данной разработке разнообразные:

  • поговорки по теме "Дом"
  • название комнат, мебели
  • поиск пропавших в доме вещей
  • описание своего идеального дома
  • составление истории

Некоторые задания были взяты из учебника британского издательства.


Файл home_sweet_home.docx12.12 КБ
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Предварительный просмотр:

Home, sweet home

Good afternoon boys and girls! Welcome to our competition ‘Home, sweet home’!

No one can deny that home is the nicest place to be. Our parents, our brothers and sisters live there. We can do a lot of things at home – we can read, listen to music, cook, have meals, play different games. When our home is not clean, we tidy it up, do the washing up, do the ironing and the washing and so on and so forth. We have pets at home and greet our relatives and friends there. At home we can be ourselves and do anything and everything. In other words, we love our home.

That’s why there are a lot of sayings and proverbs connected with home and household. And our first competition is devoted to them. But let’s get acquainted with our teams. Team 1 stand up and name yourselves. (Teams 2-4) And the jury … Thank you!

Task 1

Take the proverbs and match the English and the Russian equivalents. The first team to finish gets 2 points. Thank you, you see the sayings are really great.

Task 2

We want to know what an ideal home is. Take the sheets of paper, pens and dice. Throw the dice to fulfill the paper. Now each team reads the description of their ideal home and the jury gives the points – 1 or 2 at their disposal.

Task 3

We’ve already learnt the description of your ideal home and we want to know what rooms there are in the houses. Take the sheets of paper and guess the word. The first team to finish gets 2 points.

Task 4

Now you’ve revised all the rooms and that’s why you can help Mr. and Mrs. Funnybones to find a ghost in their house. Listen to the story and name the room where the ghost is in. The point is 3.

Task 5

The name of the task is rather simple. It’s ‘At home’. You are to name (each team one by one) things you can find at home. 2 points for the winner and 1 for the most active team.

Task 6

As I can see you are good at searching. Now I want you to help a grandma. She has lost her teeth. Help her! I’ll read the sentence which means that you can’t find the teeth there, mark it with a felt-tip pen or a marker. The team who can say where the teeth are gets 2 points.

Task 7

The name is ‘Camping out’. You’ll get a story about a boy and a girl. They’ve decided to make a tent. But the story parts and the pictures are not in order. Match them and put in order. 3 points for the right story.








Our competition is over. I’d like to thank everybody for coming and taking part in it. Let’s listen to the jury.

The winner is …

Thank you and good luck!

Предварительный просмотр:

Home is where your heart is.

Дом там, где твое сердце.

Houses are built to live in, and not to look on.

Дома строят, чтобы жить в них, а не для того, чтобы смотреть на них.

Men make houses, but women make homes.

Мужчины строят дома, а женщины создают уют.

An Englishman’s home is his castle.

Мой дом – моя крепость.

East or West – home is best.

В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.





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Answers: bedroom, garage, living room, bathroom, dining room, kitchen.

4 Mr. and Mrs. Funnybones have got a ghost in the house. Can you find it? Go in the front door. Turn left, open the door and go in. It isn’t there. Go into the hall. Walk across the hall and go into the bedroom. Turn right and go into the room on the right. It isn’t there. Go through into the kitchen. It isn’t there. Go into the hall. Go through the door opposite the kitchen. There it is. Wooooohhh! Where’s it going? It’s hiding behind the door!

The answer: in the cupboard.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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