Цветные идиомы
тест (английский язык, 11 класс) по теме

Власова Светлана Анатольевна

Материал для старшеклассников. Объяснение и тестовые задания. 


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1. I have butterflies in  my stomach.

1. I’m nervous about something.

2. I’m shorthanded.

2. I don’t have enough people to help.

3. He’s bending over backwards for you.

3. He is doing more than is necessary.

4. This is where I draw the line.

4. I will not do more ( or tolerate more).

5. I’ll  have to sleep on it.

5. I will think about it and let you know tomorrow.

6. He’s backing out of it.

6. He has changed his mind. He will not do it.

7.You’d better stay on your toes.

7. Be aware.

8. Watch your mouth.

8. Be careful what you say.

9. She has a green thumb.

9.She is good  at growing plants. She can grow plants.

10. Don’t stretch the truth.

10. Don’t turn the truth into a lie.

11. He must put his foot down.

11. He must insist and say no.

12. You really take the cake.

12. You did a good job. You really win the prize.

13. He’ll have to face the music.

13. He will pay for his mistake.

14. He is blowing his own horn.

14. He is bragging about himself. To boast or praise oneself.

15. Zip your lip.

15. Don’t talk.

New Words



To bend

To tolerate




To stretch the truth

To face the music

To brag

To boast

To praise

To change one’s mind


To insist


To zip

живот, желудок

нуждающийся в помощи


терпеть, выносить

палец  на  ноге


большой палец руки

преувеличивать (растягивать правду)

отвечать за последствия





растение, сажать


рог, рожок, рупор

застегивать молнию

1. To pull somebody’s

2. To pull a face (faces) leg

3. To pull to pieces

4. To pull oneself together

5. To push one’s luck

6. To  push one’s way

7. To push someone to the wall

дурачить кого-либо, морочить голову

гримасничать, изображать недовольство

разорвать на куски

собраться с духом, взять себя в руки

искушать судьбу

протискиваться через толпу

довести до крайности, припереть к стенке


Use the idioms:

     1.Luke! I know that the situation is quite serious. But it’s not the end of the world. …You will  get over all difficulties. 2. There were so many people in the square that they had to … to reach the entrance. 3.John told me he had seen an alien. I almost believed him but looked at him to see if he was … .4. Polly took a risk and hid the golden pen. Then she brought it home. She was not caught that time. But she was… .5. Though Boris said he hadn’t ridden his elder brother’s bike, Allan…and Boris had to explain where he had been and how he had broken his brother’s bike. 6. Ben didn’t like the idea of going to the library instead of watching a football match and … .



White-белый, чистый, невинный

A white lie        невинная, святая ложь, ложь во благо

A white man        порядочный человек

A white night        ночь без  сна

A white elephant        подарок, от которого не знаешь как избавиться, ( индийский слон).

As white as a sheet        бледный, как полотно (простыня)

To stand in a white sheet        публично каяться

White with anger        побледнеть (позеленеть) от злости

Black- черный, дурной, злой

Black art        черная магия

Black dog        зеленая тоска, дурное настроение

Black markret        черный  рынок

Blackhearted        дурной, злой

Blackberry (black current)        черная смородина

Black look        злой, сердитый

Black looks        злые взгляды

To beat black and blue        избивать до синяков

Black as ink        черный, как сажа (мрачный)

To know black from white        понимать, что на уме (быть себе на уме)

Black as hell        тьма кромешная (черный, как ад)

The black sheep (of a family)        негодяй, выродок (в семье)

Blue- голубой, синий, лазурный

Things look blue        дела плохи

Blue fear        паника

To make the air blue        ругаться, сквернословить

Once in a blue moon        очень редко

Out of the blue        совершенно неожиданно (как гром с ясного

To have the blues        быть в плохом настроении)        неба)

To give somebody the blues        наводить тоску на кого-то

To cry the blues        прибедняться

Blue-pencil        сокращать, вычеркивать, редактировать

bluebottle        василек

Brown-коричневый, смуглый, карий (о глазах)

Brown study        мрачное раздумье, размышление

As brown as berry        загорелый

I’m browned off with it        Мне  это осточертело.

Grey –серый, седой, пасмурный, мрачный

Grey mare        женщина, держащая мужа под башмаком

Purple-фиолетовый, пурпурный,  багровый

To turn purple with rage         побагроветь от ярости

To raise to the purple        сделать кардиналом

Yellow- желтый, ревнивый, подозрительный

Yellowish        желтоватый

Yellowness        желтизна

Yellow  dog        подлый человек, трус

Red-красный, румяный, рыжий

Red with anger        побагровевший от гнева

Red hands        окровавленные руки

To see red        прийти в бешенство, в ярость

To paint the town red        предаваться веселью, устраивать попойку

To be in the red        быть должником, иметь задолженность

To go into the red        становиться убыточным

Green– зеленый, незрелый, неспелый, растительный (о пище)

Green hand—greener        новичок

Green with envy        позеленеть от зависти

Green-eyed        ревнивый

To have green fingers (a green thumb)            хорошо выращивает цветы, овощи

A green winter        бесснежная, мягкая зима

In the green         в расцвете сил

Greenery         зелень, растительность

To see red        прийти в ярость

Hot –горячий, жаркий, свежий

To get into hot water        попасть в беду

To blow hot and cold        колебаться

To give it somebody hot        задать кому- то взбучку, проучить














  1. Your account is in the…
  2. They are waiting for the…light from the head office to launch their pilot program.
  3. Mike arrived completely out of…, nobody expected him. You can imagine my surprise.
  4. Her friends were… with envy when they saw her new bicycle.
  5. Sally was …sheep of the family, always staying out late, getting into trouble and so on.
  6. That’s a bit of a …area. It’s difficult to say who exactly has responsibility for the task.
  7. Young Eleanor is hot as…as you might think, she knew Roland wasn’t telling the truth.
  8. I used to spend a lot of time in London, but now I only go there once in a …moon
  9. I told him his suit looked wonderful. It was a…lie but it cheered him up.
  10. Presidents and Prime Ministers, when traveling abroad, are usually given the … carpet treatment.
  11. Bloodstock is a perfectly normal little chap, though  he happens to have been born into the…
  1. Scarlet –алый цвет (блудница, проститутка)
  2. Purple- фиолетовый (сан кардинала, царский)
  3. Crimson –малиновый                                            

12. The other students were… with envy when Aimee won a scholarship.

13. He refuses to tell any of the small…lies that are necessary in normal society.

Write the correct adjectives—white, black, green, brown, blue—to complete the sentences:

  1. Her little sister’s eyes are as… as the sea.
  2. I think my son is ill. He is as… as a ghost.
  3. We returned from the sea as… as a berry.
  4. I’m feeling a bit… at the moment.
  5. His mother turned…when she knew the truth.
  6. Don’t you think she’ll be…with envy?
  7. His elder son was the…sheep of the  family.
  8. My granny has…fingers and she is fond of gardening.

Complete the phrases with the words—black or white:

1.the …sheep of the family

2. a… wedding        7. …wine

3. a… eye         8….hot

    3….dog        9…. humour

     4.a…lie                                                    10. a… Christmas

5. the… market        11…. night

6. a…look        12.a …man

Complete the following sentences with:

White, black, brown, blue, green.

  1. Paul was always been the…sheep in the family.
  2. My wife just loves gardening; she has…fingers.
  3. Her voice shook, and her face was…with anger.
  4. The teacher gave the student a…look and went on.
  5. When they heard the news, It was completely out of the…
  6. My son is so honest, he would never tell even a … lie.
  7. After the fight the boys were… and …all over.
  8. Alice came back as… as a berry after her summer holidays.
  9. Are you OK? You are…as a sheet.
  10. When Jane saw Kate’s new dress, she was …with envy.
  11. A…night is her usual way of sleeping. I advise her to go to the doctor.
  12. He was sitting at home alone and… dog overwhelmed him.
  13. They gave such a present  that it was really a …elephant.
  14. She was as…as a sheet and was ready to faint but  he helped her.
  15. He was ready to stand in a …sheet when he realized  what he had done.
  16.  His aunt goes in for…art.I think it’s only superstitions, I don’t believe in it.
  17. The little child was beaten …and… and he was crying bitterly.
  18. Mother looked at her son with…looks and the boy understood that he was misbehaving.
  19. Many parents usually make the air… in the presence of their children.
  20. The pupil had already learned the poem but he cried the…and said that he couldn’t help her as he would have to learn it more and more.
  21. You needn’t trust him as he is known to be  a …dog.
  22. I  like … winter.
  23. She …with envy when she saw Kate’s new dress.
  24. This factory is going into the …


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