"My School. Present Perfect Tense."
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Открытый урок в 7 классе. 


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Открытый урок в 7 классе.

My School. Present Perfect Tense.

Цели и задачи урока.

  1. Закрепить знания учащихся по теме“ The Difference in Usage of The Present Perfect and The Past Simple Tenses.”
  2. Закрепить использование лексических единиц, связанных с темой.
  3. Развивать фонематический слух, восприятие англоязычной речи, адекватно на нее реагировать.
  4. Научить самоконтролю и умению проверять работы других учащихся, распознавая возможные ошибки в лексике и грамматике.
  5. Воспитывать интерес к предмету, стремление выполнить работу быстро, правильно, аккуратно.


  1. Компьютер, проектор, экран.
  2. Раздаточный материал.
  3. Наглядное пособие.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие. Сообщение целей урока.

Good day dear girls and boys! How are you? Is everything all right? I’m very glad to see you!

Who is on duty today? What date is it today? What is the day of the week? What is the weather like today?

Today we’ll speak about “School” and we’ll revise grammar theme “Present Perfect”. Look wt the screen, please. Let’s read a poem.

Wake, body, wake, mind!
Work, play, seek, find,
Eat breakfast, dinner too,
Wash, brush, sing, dance, and do!

2. Речевая зарядка. (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы учителя)

Now, first of all, let’s answer my questions.

1. Is our school small or big?

2. Do you like your school?

3. What is your favourite subject?

4. What do you do at the lesson of Physical Education?

5. What do you do during English lesson?

6. What kind of schools do you know?

7. Do you have many friends at school?

8. Do you work hard at school?

9. Do you like teachers ?

Thank you for your answers.

II. Основная часть.

1. Повторение грамматики.

And now, let’s revise the grammar theme “Present Perfect”.

1. How do we form the Present Perfect?

2. Give the examples.

3. V3, Ved. What do they mean?

4. What adverbs and words are used in the Present Perfect?

We know how to form interrogative sentences. What types of questions do you know? Name them.

Now, look at the screen. There is a sentence. Your task will be to make up questions.

              1. Sasha has just got an excellent mark in English.

              2. We have already translated the text.

2. Now, let’s have a rest.

3. And now we will play a game. The game is called “Football”. First of all, let’s divide into two teams. I’ll read sentences to each team. Your task will be to name the tense in the sentence. Is it Past Simple or Present Perfect?        

1. Last year I gave a present to my friend.

2. He had dinner with his sister two days ago.

3. Jack has already done his homework.

4. We lost our books last week.

5. I have cut my finger with a knife.

6. What games have they played today?

7. Who has left the red scarf?

8. We have never spoken about it.

9. John took the pen, sat down at the table and began to write.

10. Did you swim last summer?

11. Have you brought your drawings?

12. Have you ever read books by Christie?

13.  She didn’t understand the text yesterday.

14. She hasn’t worn this dress since 1996.

15. Who came to you yesterday?


3. And now let’s sing our song.

  1. Dealing with irregular verbs.  (Тренировка навыков орфографии).

Работа у доски.

Find and correct mistakes.

  1. get – got – get (got – got)
  2. cut – cat – cut (cut – cut)
  3. drink – drunk – drank (drank – drunk)
  4. say – sad – said (said – said)
  5. feed – fed – feed (fed – fed)
  6. catch – caught - cought (caught – caught)
  7. see – saw – seеn (saw – seen)
  8. run – run – ran (ran – run)
  9. go – went – gone(went – gone)
  10. have – hed – had (had – had)

5. Make up sentences.

  1. Worked, hе, last, garden, in, the, summer
  2. Years, than, for, seen, I, three, more, Jill, haven’t
  3. Saturday, worn, dress, I, since, this, haven’t
  4. Of, the, ever, have, Harold, daughters, seen, you?
  5. Yesterday, so, was, road, the, slippery
  6. trip, from, Browns, haven’t, yet, their, returned, the

III. Заключительная часть.

1. Home task

Your home work will be for the next lesson to learn 7 irregular verbs.

Your marks are …

Thank you for the lesson. I’m satisfied with your work. The lesson is over. Good bye!

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