Игра по станциям
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Филонич Андрей Васильевич

      Игра по станциям-довольно распространенная форма внеклассной работы по различным предметам. Представители одного или нескольких классов делятся на команды и выполняют различные виды деятельности. Данная разработка включает в себя задания по грамматике, говорению и письму. Что касается грамматики, то страницы со словами разрезаются на карточки, раскладываются на столе, и от учеников требуется составить как можно больше правильных предложений. Задание по говорению включает в себя составление диалогов на заданные темы. Упражнение по письму-сочинение стихотворения с рифмованными словами.


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Microsoft Office document icon igra_po_stanciyam_2.doc27 КБ
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Microsoft Office document icon station.doc25.5 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. Football  don’t like very much
  2. London  do  you know very well
  3. Ate very quickly our dinner
  4. Did you buy  in England that ticket
  5. I  speak French
  6. We enjoyed  the party
  7. The woman put money  into her bag
  8. The news on television watch did you
  9. He walks to work
  10. George Helen John Paul Sally Sarah
  11. Mary Tom Harry Brian David
  12. Are going to  next week
  13. A a a a a a a a a a
  14. The the the the the the the the the the
  15.  At at at  in  out of from  near close to
  16. Will was were  would would was will
  17.  Beautiful nice great
  18. Terrible  famous careful
  19. polite  new old expensive
  20. To the cinema theatre
  21. Explained plan always never remember forget broken have have have has has has
  22.  Danced  started wanted had been got felt fallen lost won worn caught
  23. Eats plays  dances breaks
  24. Feels helps reads writes
  25.  Love book film park friend room dog cat train car music school
  26. Be be be be see enjoy listen hear feel open  close get help begin bring catch buy stay find get give
  27.  Is is is is are are are am am am am I I I I I I I
  28. Day evening day evening
  29. Place hotel name meat job breakfast dinner clothes job
  30. Brother friend teacher student
  31. My my my his his his her her her our their
  32. And and  or or but but that this those
  33. Do do do does does does did did
  34. All every always never just
  35. London Moscow Paris
  36. Goes lives reads writes says helps gets gives
  37. Russian English German
  38. Books friends trees hats jeans boots
  39. Can can must must should may
  40. Some any some any
  41. Didn’t didn’t can’t shouldn’t  couldn’t
  42. To to about next next with with at at by by
  43.  Game match party film dancing songs sing
  44. Me me me it it it him him her her them them them
  45. Let’s like like like likes likes likes let’s let’s
  46. Go go go today today yesterday yesterday tomorrow tomorrow
  47. Playing dancing studying
  48. Going going going
  49. Head foot arm eyes ears
  50. Feet feet hand hand hands hands
  51. Cinema theatre school home street bank room another planet fly other

Something anything nothing somebody anybody  nobody

Предварительный просмотр:

Much much much much

Many many many many

What What What What

Where Where Where Where

How How How How How

Why Why Why Why Why

When When When When

Who Who  Who Who

Whose Whose Whose

Предварительный просмотр:


  1. You meet a person from abroad in your school. He/she asks you some questions about it. You answer his/her questions.

  1. A foreigner  wants to know as much as possible about  the  city  you live in. Give him/her some information about it.

  1. You are taking an interview with a famous person. He/she is answering you questions.

  1. You work in a travel agency. A customer has come to your office to choose a trip for his/her holiday. Give him/her some information and answer his/her questions.

  1. You are speaking with a foreign friend about  your  families  and hobbies.

Предварительный просмотр:

Station-  Rhymes

Make up a rhyme using the words:

Go- snow                all-wall                tree-be                came-same                                


Winter                        fields                          grass                        white                way                        

Across                        silver                        mothers                always           children

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