Урок чтения-аудирования
план-конспект урока английского языка (7 класс) по теме

Прибылова Анастасия Николаевна

Урок разработан по материалу учебника О.В. Афанасьевой, V. Конспект содержит задания для контроля аудирования и чтения.


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Предварительный просмотр:

План – конспект открытого урока

английского языка в 7 классе

Тема: The Day I Came Face To Face With A Tiger.

Класс: 7 класс

Задачи урока:


  1. развивать лексические навыки говорения;
  2. совершенствовать навыки чтения и аудирования;
  3. формировать навыки и умения работы с текстом.


  1. приучать к соблюдению этикета в межличностном общении;
  2. воспитывать чувство ответственности перед своими одноклассниками;


  1. развивать внимание, память;
  2. развивать способность к догадке, коммуникабельности;
  3. развивать интерес к стране изучаемого языка;
  4. развивать способность к анализу и отбору информации;

Тип урока: урок чтения-аудирования.

Оборудование: а/магнитофон, а/кассета с записью, раздаточный материал, доска.

Ход урока.

Организационный момент:                                                                  3 мин

Приветствие. Good morning. I am very glad to see you. You may sit down.

Вводная часть:                                                                                        4 мин

Введение учащихся в атмосферу иноязычного общения.

How are you today?

What day is it today? What’s the weather like today? Do you like such weather? What weather do you like? What season is it now? Do you like winter? What season do you like?

Основная часть:

  1. Введение в сюжет урока.                                                                   3 мин

Let’s begin our lesson. Today we are going to work with the text, which is called “The Day I Came Face To Face With A Tiger”. First of all we will listen to it, and then you will have to do some exercises after it.

  1. Аудирование текста.                                                                          8 мин

Now, you have the text and your first task is to listen to the tape and put the words from the box into the sentences. But before it let’s read this words and translate them.

The Day I Came Face To Face With A Tiger.

shoes      holiday     wildlife      important       tigers       morning       sheep      dangerous          elephants           middle            snakes          mountains            jungle        suddenly

My name is Tony Russel. Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital. It was situated high in the mountains. I liked the place very much. The air was always fresh and there was a small lake which was not very deep not far from the hospital. I used to swim there early in the morning.

I think it’s ___________________to see as much of a foreign country as you can, but it’s difficult and sometimes ____________________ to travel around Nepal. Once I had a few days’ ___________ from the hospital, so I decided to go into the _______________ with my friend Kamal Rai who knew a lot about his own country and was fond of travelling among the _____________________.

We started preparing for the trip at six in the __________________ and left our camp with two ____________________. It was hot, but we were wearing _______________ and trousers to protect us from ______________.  In the jungle there was a lot of __________________, but we were trying to find big cats, especially _________________. We got onto the elephants’ backs but Kamal said it was unusual to find tigers in the ______________ of the day because they liked to sleep in the daytime, hiding in the grass.

Then __________________we saw a tiger rather far and Kamal told me to be quiet. We came nearer and saw a dead ___________ in the grass. This was the tiger’s lunch!

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. What do you think happened then?

  1. Контроль аудирования.                                                                       4 мин

Now, let’s check what you have done.

  1. Выполнение послетекстовых упражнений на проверку понимания прочитанного.                                                                                      15 мин

And now you are to do some exercises after the text. The first task is to read the sentences and circle the letter of the best answer. You have four minutes for doing it.

  1. The hospital was situated in _____ .
  1. the forest     b) the mountains     c) the town
  1. Tony Russel used to swim early _____ .
  1. at night     b) in the evening     c) in the morning
  1. When Tony Russel had a few days’ holiday he decided to go into _______ .
  1. the jungle     b) the forest      c) the mountains
  1. Tony Russel and Kamal Rai left their camp with two ______ .
  1. tigers      b) dogs       c) elephants
  1. Tigers liked to ______ in the daytime.
  1. hunt     b) sleep      c) have a rest
  1. They saw a dead sheep in the ______.
  1. grass       b) water      c) flowers
  1. The sheep was the tiger’s _______.
  1. breakfast       b) supper       c) lunch

So, your next task is to match the phrases in English and Russian. You have four minutes for doing this task.

  1. to be situated                                    a) защищать
  2. to see as much as you can                б) увлекаться чем-либо
  3. early in the morning                         в) находиться
  4. to be fond of something                   г) быть тихим
  5. to protect                                          д) подойти поближе
  6. to be quiet                                        е) рано утром
  7. to come nearer                                 ж) увидеть как можно больше

The third task is to read the sentences and say TRUE or FALSE. You have five minutes.

  1. Tony Russel went to Nepal for four months to work in a hospital.
  2. Tony Russel liked that place very much.
  3. There was a small river not far from the hospital.
  4. Once he decided to go into the jungle alone.
  5. They started preparing for the trip at seven in the evening.
  6. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife.
  7. In the grass they saw a dead cow.

Now you will work in pairs. You are going to read this text again and choose the right heading for each paragraph. Look at the text. There are five paragraphs here. We’ll combine the fourth paragraph with the fifth one and then we will have four paragraphs. You can see the titles on the blackboard. You have five minutes for reading this text and decide which of the titles will be suitable for the paragraphs.

  1. A trip into the jungle.
  2. Tony Russel’s life.
  3. A meeting with the tiger.
  4. Tony Russel’s holiday.

And now you will work in groups. At the end of the story Tony Russel asks you a question: “What do you think happened then?” And your task is to complete the story. You should make up the ending of this story. You have three minutes for it.

Заключительная часть:                                                                               3 мин

Подведение итогов.

Thank you for the lesson. Your work was very intensive. Your marks are…

Индивидуальные задания

Match the beginnings and endings of the sentences.

  1. I used to swim there …
  2. Last year I went to Nepal for three months …
  3. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife,…
  4. This was the …
  5. Once I had a few days’ holiday from the hospital, …
  1. … so I decided to go into the jungle with my friend.
  2. … tiger’s lunch.
  3. … early in the morning.
  4. … to work in a hospital.
  5. … but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers.

Put the sentences into a logical order.

  1. We heard the tiger a second before we saw it.
  2. We got onto the elephants’ backs.
  3. Once I had a few days’ holiday from the hospital.
  4. Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital.
  5. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife.
  6. The hospital was situated high in the mountains.
  7. We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning.
  8. Then we saw a tiger.
  9. I think it’s important to see as much of a foreign country as you can.
  10. We came nearer and saw a dead sheep in the grass.

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