творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Исследовательская работа ученицы 11 класса Диляры Тухфатуллиной. Экологические проблемы в городе Альметьевске.


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Предварительный просмотр:

N. Maktama school №1


Ecological problems in my native town

Student: Dilyara Tukhvatullina

Teacher:      Lyailya     Frolova

February – 2012.

The content:

  1. The introduction.
  2. Pollution of Almetevck environment.
  1. Air pollution.
  2. Condition of flora and fauna.
  3. Thermal pollution.
  1. Condition of health of the Almetevsk sitizen.
  2. Processing of waste ptoducts.
  3. How can a contradiction between the technological progress and ecology can be solved?

5.1.Advanced technology serves the ecology.


  1. Ecology- is a science which relationship all forms of life on our planet with

tsenvironmenti. This word came from the Greek “oikos” which means “home”. This idea of “home” includes the whole planet of ours, it’s population, the Nature, animals, birds, fish, insects all other living being and even the atmosphere around our planet. Do all of them live a happy and healthy life in our planet. Do all of them live a happy and indeed, many territories, water basins, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and atmosphere are polluted with all kinds of technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear and other wastes. The intensive development of sciences, industry and chemistry in the 21 st century has made the pollution of our environment a global problem which should be solved by all means.

Besides, rapid growth of our population (there are about 6 billion people living on our planet now) needs more and more land, food, goods and modern conveniences for newly-born people. The production of them in large amounts will greatly increase the pollution of the environment. And what to say about the awful harm caused to our home by nuclear tests, atom bombs and accidents at our atomic power station? Isn’t it night time to start solving this global problem and to make our life in our Home happy and healthy?

Now you know the answer to the question of why technology must bring to ecology. You are right. Because it has polluted and is badly polluted and is badly polluting our environment.

These problems become very pressing, the subject of many scientific meetings. Let everybody remember: we live only once and not a very long life. We have one earth for all those who love it and who do not.

2. We are living in the century of the technological progress trying to open all new and unknown, each day brings us new ideas, each month brings us new technological solutions, people go strait in development new invents and do not look back, do not stop, do not think of the act…All they think about is making their life more convenient for them self. That is why the have forgotten one of the most valuable things- the environment. You see we are living in the symbiosis with nature and we strongly depend on it. I’ll try to tell in my research work about its problems in my native town Almetevsk.

It was founded in 1953.During its history it was roughly all developed and became more beautiful. Now it is one of the largest towns in Tatarstan with the population more than 143000 of people. It is obvious, that in Almetevsk there are environmental problems as radioactive pollution, toxic pollution, air pollution, just like in other cities. In my research work I’ll try to meet you with the ecology of Almetevsk. And I will also tell you my point of view on it. All figures and data given in my work present as it was taken from the official site of Almetevsk administration.

2.1. The main problem of Almetevsk is the pollution of air. Each year atmosphere gets 1.5 million tons of harmful substances 90% from them is due to motor transport, and it is very clean because in my native town 35% of automobiles are more than 10 years old. There motor have fulfilled there term. 90% of all machines are not equipped with special filters to protect environment from harmful gases.

The number of automobiles in Almetevsk is growing from year to year and ecologists predict that in some years. It will plunge in smoke. Whether there is an exit from this situation?

The Almetevsk government has developed the new program. According to it in Almetevsk new road and high ways will be constricted. It should solve the problem of transport circulation. On public transport there will be filters putted. And we will come to euro-1 euto-2 standards.

2.2. A major component of urban terrain is the green massive (parks, urban forests and gardens), birds and animals inhabiting them. The greenery as well as the environmental system,  provide comfort of living conditions for people in the city, adjusts to definite limits the gas composition of air and the degree of its pollution, climatic characteristics of urban territories, reduces the influence of noise factor and is a source of aesthetic perception.

Kept within the Almetevsk boundary other natural components (moors and rivers) are also in a bad condition, as well as forests they have undergone definite changes as a result of effect of the complex of anthropogenic factors and have lost those of divers’ qualities and properties, characteristic for natural eco system. These natural components more than woods are subjecting to threat to a full degradation because of their unattended development.

The city of Alvetevsk includes green plantations parks, Districts and children’s parks, squares and boulevard. The gardening of the takes the special place in improvement of an ecological condition of the town. The green plantations should execute one more function protection of terrains of a housing estate against a transport noise.

2.3. The analysis of thermal anomalies has shown, that the areas with positive highly and medium contrast by thermal anomalies (temperature rise above background more than 10 0 C) are connected to industrial objects and intensive thermal outflow from underground of the water carrying communications. Out come of outflow of ardent water from underground water carryings of the communications, in particular, is the change of a temperature schedule of underground waters.

3. The ecological analyses have shown that 80% of illnesses have arisen in a result of the bad ecological situation in Almetevsk. Now days in big cities oncology death rate in age grade 40 years; maximum rating the rate of mortality gains in an age-grade of 80-90 years, the oncology death rate of men in age after 45 years exceeds death rate of the women in the same group in 2 times.

4. An important problem of a big city is the recycling of waste. Who enjoy living in dump? This problem recently began to get values because the development of his industry is accompanied by growth of industrial wastes, and it is not possible to dump all waste products in big heap, that is this problem has to be solved somehow.

5. My survey research claimed that 100% of Almetevsk citizen want there streets to be cleaned, but only 29,8% of them are ready to pay more taxes to deal with the problem. Next problem is that every third person in the street will through away different kind of litter just in the street for different reasons. From that fact the conclusion is that we should not only think of cleaned streets, we must work on saving them cleaned. That is what we must teach our children if we are not going to live like pigs.

The next kind of pollution that we can easily feel on our self is the air pollution. It is not a new for any one that cars, which all we like, are the main cause for it. Some people say that we should better use bicycles, not to pollute the environment; I advise them to live in caves with out electricity and other technological conveniences, to protect the environment. But there are much more useful ideas of saving our planet and there is one thing which sums them up:-The main idea is that technology must help us to protect the environment which has already suffered from it. From that idea recycling factories were maid, different filters invented, people even started to invent alternative kinds of fuel, which are nearly harm less to the planet, and at least we think so at the moment. There are even cars maid, which are working on new fuel elements, this is how we have called these kind of fuel.

Surely we will not be able to use these cars tomorrow and even in the next 10 years, that is why our government must continue working on pollution problems in our country at real time, and we will have to come to euro- 3 standard. We must also use special filters in our cars other last developments in this area.

What  do you think must be done to make the ecological situation of Almetevsk better? That is the question which was told to people on line. ( см. приложение.)

I think that it shows that 80% of Almetevsk citizen are interested in making our environment cleaner and that the main things they are interested is the air pollution which was produced by the plants and factories out of the city.

5.1.Now days Tatneft is in the process of implementation of a large- scale programme, “Ecology”. The programmer includes a complex of measures for the protection of soil, water and air by co- ordinating all company efforts aimed both at environmental protection and ensuring healthy and safe operation for personnel.

The programmer is based on effective and efficient environmental protection measures to be taken by the beginning of the next century.

Tatneft provides special care for water springs. The company has ceased drilling operations in protected areas as well as in areas where springs and small rivers are located. That has become possible due to the utilization of slanted directionally drilled wells. The quality of potable water in small rivers so common in Tatarstan is improving year by year. Today, the zone of strict supervision by a special well- equipped laboratory covers 504 springs.

(24-25 March) 2010.

  1.  To get plants and factories out of the city - 2439 (36%)
  2. There must be much more green plants in the city – 1788 (24%)
  3. The traffic must be limited – 1463 (20%)
  4. We can do nothing already – 939 (13%)
  5. I do not know – 549 (7%)

  1. Our planet needs us as well as we need our planet.

   The Purity of out ideas is purifying nature.

      Advanced Technology serves the ecology.

                Let the world be green.

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