презентация к уроку "Туристические места Алтая"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

презентация содержит материал для 8 класса по теме "Туристические места Алтая", интересные задания, прекрасные виды Алтая.


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Урок с использованием информационных технологий

The Best Places to See in Altai

(8 класс общеобразовательной школы)

Кох Елена Владимировна учитель английского языка

МОУ СОШ №9 г. Новоалтайска

Этапы    урока

        Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Введение в сюжет урока

I’m  glad to see you? Kids. I hope you are well.

 At the previous lesson we learnt a lot about places which are the best for visiting in GB. We read and discussed adventure holidays and got the information people need before planning travelling there. But are there any interesting places to spend in the Altai Krai?

 Will you name some of them?

We hope you are too.



  Yes, there are a lot of places.


Gorny Altai, the Salted lakes…

Речевая зарядка

 Now I want you to look at some pictures and say if you recognize them.(слайд №2)

 Have you ever been to Kolyvan? (Belokurikha, Tigiretsky reserve…)


 Why do you think people choose these places for holidays?


 Can you say you know much about the places of interest in your small motherland?

Уч-ся просматривают слайды и называют места


I think they like nature. People can swim in the river, climb the mountains.


I’m afraid, I can’t.

Постановка цели


 Imagine you are planning to have a good time in the place where you haven’t been before. You phone the travel agent. What kind of information will you need?

Where is the place situated?

 -What activities can tourists enjoy there?

- I’ll ask to show me the pictures with the sights.

Активизация лексики

At home you were to read the text about the most popular tourist destinations in the Altai Krai. I hope you liked it and now we are going to do some exercises which will help you to speak about the beauty of our native place. There were some new words in the text. Let’s have some phonetic drill. (слайд № 3)

Уч-ся повторяют за учителем слова и выражения.

Прослушивание текста с просмотром слайдов

Let’s see how you know the text and the words.


     How numerous are the words of praise that Altai nature is addressed with! The most common of them are “ The pearl of Siberia”, “Siberian Switzerland”. As if the very word Altai which means “golden” is not enough!  Sometimes it is difficult to describe the beauty of Altai  in words, - it’s better to look at it with your own eyes.

     That’s why every summer crowds of tourists look forward to  visiting Mountain Altai. This place fascinates both hikers, riders, rafters and climbers in any season. You can’t but admire the white peaks of mountains, waterfalls, the numerous blue lakes such as  the  Aya, theTeletskoye, mysterious and exiting thanks to the legends and myths connecting with them. Thousands of people spend Their holidays by the swift and powerful river Katun, swimming or rafting.

     And who doesn’t know the health resort  Belokurikha,  which is situated in  a picturesque corner of Altai foothills! The hot  medicinal springs, unforgettable environs, pure taiga air made the resort widely-known even abroad. Visitors can enjoy watching the  magnificent panorama of mountains from the bird’s eye view using the cable car.

 Another remarkable place which Altai is famous for is Kolyvan. But not only picturesque landscapes at the foothills of Mount  Sinyukha appeal to the hearts of nature-loving people, but also those stone-carved vases bowls make them be proud. Kolyvan’s  masterpieces have found their way to different parts of the world. They can be seen in the Moscow Kremlin, in the Pushkin Museum  Palaces. The “Queen of Vases”, the largest vase in the world made of the monolithic stone, is exposed in Hermitage. It’s a great joy to watch how the Altai masters are breathing  life into stone!

  Our native region is rich in many other places to enjoy while travelling:  the village of  Srostki, silver mines near the town of Zmeinogorsk,  the Salty steppe lakes. But we should remember that the main “gold” of Altai is it’s people with their customs, habits and lifestyles!


The next task will help you better memorize the words.

Уч-ся выполняют задание Match the words and their definitions

(слайды 17-20)

Работа в группах

And now you are working in groups. The task is: put up questions to the following answers. You have 5 minutes. Then you will ask the other groups to answer your questions.


 -at the foothills of Mount Sinyukha

 -they are proud of picturesque landscapes and the stone-carved vases

 -the Queen of vases


 Task 2

-in the picturesque corner of Altai foothills.

 -they can do it with the help of the cable car.

 -The hot medicinal springs and unforgettable environs.

 Task 3

-Mountain Altai

- Thanks to the myths andдупуттвы connected with it.

- because it’s better to lok at it with your own eyes

Уч-ся делятся на 3 группы и составляют вопросы на основе текста

Составление синквейна


 Let’s make up a cinquain using the words from our text.

Уч-ся составляют синквейны

Подведение итогов урока, рефлексия

Домашнее задание        

Подготовить рассказ о красоте Алтайского края от лица турагента

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