Дети Радуги - презентация о Хиппи ( т. "Субкультуры")
творческая работа учащихся (английский язык, 10 класс) по теме

Андропова Елена Геннадьевна

В презентации дается информация о хиппи т. "Субкультуры", 10 класс основной школы


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Слайд 1

Rainbow children Pharhutdinova Eugenia, 10 “A” form Hippies

Слайд 2

The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that began in the United States during the early 1960s and spread around the world. The peace symbol was developed in the UK as a logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, and was embraced by U.S. anti-war protestors in the 1960s.

Слайд 3

B oth men and women in the hippie movement w ere jeans and long hair and both genders w e re sandals or went barefoot . Men often w e re beards, while women w e re little or no makeup . Hippies often cho o se brightly colored clothing and w e re unusual styles, such as bell-bottom pants, vests, tie-dyed garments, dashikis, peasant blouses, and long, full skirts .

Слайд 4

Much of hippie clothing is self-made, and hippies often buy their clothes from flea markets and second-hand shops.

Слайд 5

Hippie homes, vehicles and other possessions were often decorated with psychedelic art. A 1967 VW Kombi bus is decorated with hand-painting

Слайд 6

It is n ecessary to be in that place where is comfortable.

Слайд 7

I want to tell about some principles and, maybe, commandment of hippies! I think that it is the most harmless subculture…

Слайд 8

Hippie s - not violence. Hippie s - a free people. Hippie s deny the society, don’t take the authorities a state and money. There is no the laws and traditiona l moral rates f or the m They don ’ t understand, what is a border and why it is necessary to be protect ed . Hippie s know for what the war and they do not take part in it. Hippie s are against any murder.

Слайд 9

They are anarchists. They are vegetarians . They individuals . They p refer to live the creative commune. They consider that it is impossible to spoil the nature - thence long hairs, naturalness . They respect the right s of the weak s . They are one family, they do not separate the children (and people) on "my" and "someone else", "strong" and "weak" and etc . They are oriented to love and follow to this tradition.

Слайд 10

Remember : “ I f it’s seem s person to be fool, but good , he will remain fool, but the whole move ment of ev ent s , caused his(its) foolishness will do him bastard ”. M.VELLER (from one hippie’s site)

Слайд 11

Kip the wimp hippy, 16 years old: I am a hippy my hair is long I am a hippy I am never wrong I am a hippy peace is my middle name I am a hippy war is lame I am a hippy covered in beads I am a hippy but I don't smoke weeds

Слайд 12

That's all!

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