Контрольные работы для учащихся
тест по английскому языку по теме

Штыркова Елена Геннадьевна
Данный материал можно использовать для контроля ЗУН учащихся


Предварительный просмотр:

Вариант 1

I Read the text and answer the questions:

Tommy asked Ronan to cheat in the test. Ronan said no, and told the teacher. Tommy got a zero, so he is angry with Ronan, because his basketball coach is going to take him off the school basketball team for bad marks. Tommy wants a good mark for this text, because he wants to stay on the team. Just a week ago the coach made Tommy starter. Tommy is very happy about it. Ronan is on the basketball team, too, but he is a reserve and starts the match on the bench. He wants to be a starter, too.

What did Tommy ask Ronan?

What did Ronan do?

Why did Tommy want to cheat in a test?

Why didn’t Ronan help Tommy?

II Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice:

Student use computers at their lessons.

The teacher explained the rules of the game to the students.

Ann cooks a special dinner on the 21 May.

They arrange a nice picnic last month.

Our Canadian exchange partners will write letters.

III Word building:

punish                                5. report

agree                                6. invite

enjoy                                7. trouble

discuss                                8. friend

IV. Match the word and the translation:

1. argue                                        a. образование

2. quite                                        b. Добро пожаловать!

3. study                                        c. спорить

4. education                                        d. обзываться

5. You are welcome                                e. пожалуйста

6. call names                                        f. на углу

7. on the corner                                g. спокойный

8. allow                                        h. изучать

                                                i. вполне

                                                j. разрешать

Вариант 2

I Read the text and write true or false:

We had a picnic with a football team from the Castle Hill School. I was sitting at a picnic table when somebody called me: “Hi, Max!”. It was David Traynor. We used to go to the same school. He moved to another house and changed schools a year ago. We were watching the other boys’ football practice when he started talking. He said that he felt lonely because he could not make new friends at school. Then he told me about his new home, his interests … Funny, we hardly knew each other then, but there was something about him I trusted. Now we are best friends.

This is David’s story about how he met his best friend.

David and Max studied together a year ago.

David and Max talked before the match.

David had no friends at school.

Max can trust David with his secrets and feelings.

II Rewrite the sentences using Passive voice:

The builders broke the old bridge across the river.

Every American knows Michael Jackson.

The students themselves will arrange the party.

Somebody wrote the book in 1974.

Lena will get an e-mail next week.

III Word building:

describe                                5. argue

behave                                        6. educate

create                                        7. work

use                                        8. help

IV. Match the word and the translation:

1. quiet                                                a. тревожить

2. trouble                                                b. изучать

3. do one’s best                                        c. нуждаться

4. straight along                                        d. посещать

5. need                                                e. спокойный

6. learn                                                f. прямо

7. attend                                                g. стараться

                                                        h. заучивать

                                                        i. вполне

Предварительный просмотр:

1 Complete each sentence with one of the word combinations below.

official languages, by boat, is situated, be successful, success, round Europe, was awarded, collected his thoughts, the rush hours, the only, foreign languages, collect.

He can speak three ………....: English, German and Spanish.

India ……..... in Asia.

If you work hard, you'll…..….. in your career.

There are 15………….. in India and thousands of

different dialects.

English is ... solution to this communication problem.

The famous scientist... a Nobel Prize in 1930.

He ... and began his report.

Last summer their family travelled ....... by bus.

Try to get to the office before ….... or you'll be late for the meeting.

The winners will travel....... from Australia to New Zealand.

Will you ........... the books from Ann, please?

His new film had ............

2        Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.

India is situated in Asia. This large country is.,……….. for its ancient culture and outstanding people. It is the birthplace of four world religions.

The ……... of the country is New Delhi. Its………. has grown to 1,000 million people. There are 15 official……... in India and thousands of different dialects. People from different parts of the country often do not speak …….... language. English is the ……. solution (решение) to this communication problem. Children ……... English at primary and ……….. school and then at the university.

3        These sentences are the answers to the questions. Write down the questions. Begin your questions with "How".

Example: Martin is ten years old.— How old is Martin?

It takes him 20 minutes to get to school.

Sir John Bouring (1792-1872) could speak 28 languages.

Everest is 8848 metres high. It's the highest mountain in the world.

The Thames is 334 kilometres long.

This nice dress is only 25 dollars.

They have 6 lessons on Monday.

4 The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: Her dance made a great... on my friends.   IMPRESS— Her dance made a great impression on my friends.

1, The girl was awarded a prize for her English ... of the poem.                                        TRANSLATE

2.        The ... has already begun.                                                                DISCUSS

3.        Hong Kong is famous for its quick economic …                                                DEVELOP

4.        At the award ceremony the ... collected a gold medal for his excellent Russian.                WIN

5.        Her last... in the theatre was successful.                                                        PERFORM

6. The National Park is visited by thousands of ... every summer.                                TOUR

7.        We'll discuss this important question at the ... tomorrow.                                        MEET

5 Read a sentence and write another sentence with the same meaning. Use the Passive Voice.

John R. R. Tolkien wrote his famous novel "The Lord of the Rings" in 1965.

In Bangladesh people celebrate New Year in April.

"Our team will win the prize," said the boy.

Most people in the country speak English.

The students use computers at the lesson.

Joseph Turner painted this unforgettable landscape.

The writer will publish his new book next year.

The girl cleaned the room yesterday.

"I'll collect the books from you," said Jim.

A group of artists organized this original exhibition.

Their team lost the game yesterday.

Thousands of tourists visit London every month.

Предварительный просмотр:

Test 1                                                        7th form

Вариант I

I Reading. Read the text and answer the questions:

What was a real name of Mark Twain?

Who was the prototype of his character Huckleberry Finn?

Who was the prototype of his character Tom sawyer?

What did happen to Samuel when he was twelve?

What was his brother’s name?

Many years ago there lived a man (жил да был) a man whose stories became some of the funniest stories in the world. Now people know him as Mark Twain but his real name was Samuel Clemens. He was born in 1835 and grew up in the little town of Hannibal, Missouri. The people in Hannibal did not have much money. In the town lived a boy called Tom Blankenship who had no home and no parents. No one said to him that he must go to school or wash. The children adored him because he was a boy who knew many exciting stories and the children followed him everywhere. Sam was happy to be one of Tom’s friends. Sam was twelve when his father died. The shock changed him and he was different boy. He stopped his little-boy games and thought about his mother’s hard work and money problems. Sam went to work in his brother Orion’s printing shop (печатная мастерская). Ones Sam wrote funny stories for the newspaper. He was too shy to sign his own name so he signed the name Mark twain to everything he wrote. He wrote many books, but Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer, the stories of his own childhood are still the favourites of boys and girls everywhere.

II Word formation. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a word that fits the space in the same sentence.

This film is about a ….. tour.

The hall was full. It was very ………. .

They have already discussed this important ……… problem.

He is a ……… scientist.

The telegraph was invented by …………. Scientist Shilling.

The book I’ve read yesterday was ………… .







III. Поставь глагол в Past Perfect или Past Simple

Jane and her parents 1 ______ (come) to St. David's on July 22. They 2 ______ (find) that their friends 3 _________ (leave) before they arrived. Jane and her parents go to one of the beautiful beaches. Jane 4 ______ (not see) such beautiful views before they 5 ________ (come) to St. David's. They 6 ________ (enjoy) the wonderful coastline and 7 __________ (walk) a lot. They 8 _________ (be) sorry that their friends 9 _________ (go) home before they 10______ (meet).

IV Translate:

Я считаю, что принимать участие в соревнованиях – это пустая трата времени.  Мне всегда не везет. В прошлом году я принял участие в литературном конкурсе и проиграл его. Я не выиграл мобильный телефон. Я не могу разговаривать с помощью мобильного телефона с друзьями.

Test 1                                                        7th form

Вариант II

I Reading. Read the text and answer the questions:

Was Ford’s family rich?

Did Henry like his childhood?

How did he change his life?

What did he invent?

How did he spend part of his money?

Henry Ford was a man whose ideas changed the world. Ford came from the down-to earth family. He was born in 1836 on a farm near Detroit. But when he was a boy, he didn’t want to live on the farm because he hated farming and he adored machines. When he was 16 he went to Detroit to work in a machine shop (мастерская). In 1896 he built his first automobile.

In 1903, when H. Ford was 40, he started the Ford Motor Company. At that time the automobile was a toy of rich people. Henry Ford decided to change the situation. The company made the model t Ford in 1908. It was small and even people who were not rich could buy it. He was the first who used assembly line (сборочный конвейер). The assembly line was a revolution in cars making. Ford also paid his workers 5 US dollars per day. It was a large sum in 1914.

H. Ford had more than one billion US dollars. He spent more than forty million on charities. He started the ford foundation that supported different programmes in education and culture.

II Word formation. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a word that fits the space in the same sentence.

Be ….. don’t break the mirror.

It is a …….. day, isn’t it?

They study ……… and French at school.

These pictures are very ……….. .

He has no friends, because he is ……………….. .

Are these gloves very ……. ?







III. Поставь глагол в Past Perfect или Past Simple

Emily Dickinson 1 ______ (be) one of the three children of Edward Dickinson. She 2 _____ (be) born and 3 ______ (live) in Amherst.

She 4  _____ (not, like) social activities and she 5 ____ (begin) to avoid people. Before Emily 6 _____ (be) 30 she 7 _____ (become) known as a recluse. She 8 _____ (write) beautiful poems. Before Emily 9 _____ (die) she 10 _______ (write) over 1000 poems. In fact Emily 11 _____ (publish) only 7 poems during her life.

IV Translate:

По моему мнению, мы должны рисковать и принимать участие в соревнованиях. Мне всегда везет. В прошлом году я принял участие в математическом конкурсе и выиграл его. Я выиграл компьютер. С помощью компьютера я могу посылать электронные письма своим друзьям из Америки.

Предварительный просмотр:

Version 1


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу в бланке ответов.

A.        She enjoys watching team sports.

B.        She wants to join a team to play a sport.

C.        She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit.

D.        She likes playing sports with her friends.

E.        She would like to try a dangerous sport.

F.        She thinks watching sport is boring.

Вы услышите разговор туриста и гида. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-6 соответствуют содержаниию текста (a), какие не соответствуют (b) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (c). Занесите ответы в бланки ответов. Вы услышите запись дважды.

6     The tourist has a limited amount of time in the area.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

7     Most visitors to Montford Hall go by taxi.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

8     The guide recommends a restaurant to the tourist.

a) верно      b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

9     The tourist wants to enjoy the good weather.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

10     You have to pay to enter the Rose Gardens.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

11     The tourist has a large garden at home,

a) верно       b) неверно      c) в тексте не сказано


Установите соответствие тем A – G  текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя








12. Ireland is located on an island. Winters in Ireland are not cold and rivers do not freeze. The summer months of June, July and August are mild. However, the weather is changeable. If you are going to visit Ireland in summer, do not forget to take an umbrella and warm clothes.

13. Most buses in big cities in Ireland have conductors who collect the money, but in small places passengers pay the driver. The trains in Ireland are not cheap, but they usually leave on time. Taxies are easy to get although they are rather expensive in comparison to other countries.

14. Irish farmhouse cheeses are very popular gift items. Other products to delight tourists  are Irish salmon, netted in autumn,  oysters and hand-made chocolates.

15 .The best place to learn how to get a room in a hotel, change money, and much more is your nearest Tourist office. In Dublin city-centre the Tourist office is situated at 14 Upper O'Connel Street, beside the Savoy cinema.

16. Ireland has two national stations, RTE 1 and Network 2. You can watch different programmes. Most popular are political news, country news, sports and music programmes. People can also enjoy watching drama, films etc.

17. It is impossible to make any statement about the characteristics of the Irish, but they are known for their humour, hospitality, kindness.

The Irish know how to have a good time and very often they get enjoyment in the pub to the accompaniment of Irish folk music.


Прочитай текст. Преобразуй слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


The Galapagos Islands in the Pacific ocean are __________wonders of the world.



The islands first became famous when Charles Darwin found there a key to “that great mystery of mysteries – the first _____ of new life on this Earth”.



Today the islands belong to Ecuador, and 97% of the area is a national park. However, despite this _____, the park is in danger.



The most serious threat comes from ____ fishing, which is slowly destroying marine life. Every day nets trap and kill sharks, pelicans and dolphins.



Another threat comes from animals brought over by people who have come to live on the islands. Dogs and cats eat the sea birds, and rats and pigs eat turtle eggs. ________ these animals off the island is difficult and expensive.


Transform into indirect speech:

23) Max:"Frank often reads a book."

Max told me that Frank often _____________.

24) Susan:"I'm watching TV."

Susan said to me that she __________________.

25) Simon:"David was ill."

 Simon said that David _____________.

26) Andrew:"Clean the blue bike!"

 Andrew told me ________ the blue bike.

27) Jessica:"Write a text message!"

Jessica told me _________ a text message.

28) Nelly:"Help Peter's sister!"

Nelly told me ________ Peter's sister.

29) Christopher:"Do you want to dance?"

 Christopher asked me _______________ to dance.

30) Betty:"When did you come?"

Betty wanted to know _________.

31) Mark:"Has John arrived?"

Mark asked me _______________.

32) Ronald:"Where does Maria park her car?"

Ronald asked me __________________.

Part IV. Writing

This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

… So you see that I enjoy watching TV, especially films based on true historic facts whereas most of my friends are fond of soap operas. What about you? Do you like watching TV? What do you like watching? Oh, and tell me something about the other members of your family. What do they prefer watching?

As for my family news, my brother won a championship last week…

Write back to Tom.

In your letter

answer the questions

ask 3 questions about his brother

Write 80 - 100 words

Remember the rules of writing letter

Version 2


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу в бланке ответов.

A.        She enjoys watching team sports.

B.        She wants to join a team to play a sport.

C.        She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit.

D.        She likes playing sports with her friends.

E.        She would like to try a dangerous sport.

F.        She thinks watching sport is boring.

Вы услышите разговор туриста и гида. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-6 соответствуют содержанию текста (a), какие не соответствуют (b) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (c). Занесите ответы в бланки ответов. Вы услышите запись дважды.

6     The tourist has a limited amount of time in the area.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

7     Most visitors to Montford Hall go by taxi.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

8     The guide recommends a restaurant to the tourist.

a) верно      b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

9     The tourist wants to enjoy the good weather.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

10     You have to pay to enter the Rose Gardens.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

11     The tourist has a large garden at home,

a) верно       b) неверно      c) в тексте не сказано


Установите соответствие тем A – G  текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя








12. Things boys play with are not like objects girls play with. Boys often have more freedom to run about and they get guns, train sets, toy trucks and toy cars. Electronic games are very popular among young boys. Toys for girls are much quieter and more passive. Young girls often get things like dolls, dresses, and pictures to colour.

13. “Teddies” are an important part of British culture. Most people in Britain have a teddy bear when they are young, and most people are very fond of their special bear, even when they are 30 or 40 years old! Many famous people like film stars or pop stars or politicians collect “teddies”. These people have donated their old friends to the teddy bear  museum which is in Stradford-on-Avon in England. Many tourists go to this place, because it is the birthplace of Shakespeare, but they often love the teddy bear museum more.

14. Computer games are a multimillion dollar industry, but people who really enjoy games are not satisfied with playing against the computer. They want to play against real people and most computer games allow you to do that just by joining up with other players on the Internet. Regular players say that this is where their true enjoyment of games can be found. With some games up to 60 people can take part. It's a good way to meet people and it gives you something to talk about.

15. The big American company General Motors has developed a vehicle that uses the power of the sun instead of petrol. The vehicle is called Sunraycer which means "ray of the sun"+"racer". Sunraycer has just taken part in a race against 25 solar-powered vehicles. Sunraycer covered the great distance in 45 hours at a speed of 41 miles an hour at temperatures as high as 48°C. It is certainly the car of the future.

16. Computers are a great technological invention of the 20th century. Their advantages are numerous yet much can be said against them. The main disadvantage of computers is that looking at a screen for long periods of time is bad for the eyes, and sitting on a chair for hours is not healthy. Also, people who use computers have a tendency to become anti-social and stay at home. The strongest argument against the use of computers is that the more jobs which are done by computers, the less are done by people.

17. Thirty years ago few people realized that computers were about to become part of our everyday lives. This short period of time has seen great changes in business, education and public administration. Jobs which took weeks to do in past, are now carried out in minutes. Schoolchildren have become as familiar with hardware and software as their parents were with pencils and exercise books and they don’t worry about mistakes having a computer.


Прочитай текст. Преобразуй слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


Dr. Hood, the famous criminologist and ______, heard a loud knock on the door of his study.



The next moment the door opened and a _____ came in.



He was a small man and a _____contrast to the tall thin criminologist. “My name is Brown,” he said.



I have heard that you often help people out of their troubles, so I have come to tell you about that ______ of the MacNabs.



“I don’t quite understand you”, said the scientist ______.


Transform into indirect speech:

23) Peggy:"The girls helped in the house."

Peggy told me that the girls ___________ in the house.

24) Richard:"I am going to ride a skateboard."

Richard said to me that he _____________ a skateboard.

25) Stephen and Claire:"We have cleaned the windows."

Stephen and Claire told me that they ______________ the windows.

26) Fred:"Wash your hands!"

Fred told me _____________ my hands.

27) Anna:"Open the window!"

Anna told me ___________ the window.

28) Tom:"Come at 8!"

Tom told me __________ at 8.

29) Elisabeth:"Did you watch the latest film?"

Elisabeth asked me ______________ the latest film.

30) Frank:"How much pocket money does Lisa get?"

Frank wanted to know ________________.

31) Anne:"Must I do the shopping?"

Anne asked _______________ the shopping.

32) Mandy:"Can I help you?"

Mandy wanted to know _______________.

Part IV. Writing

This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

… So you see that I enjoy watching TV, especially films based on true historic facts whereas most of my friends are fond of soap operas. What about you? Do you like watching TV? What do you like watching? Oh, and tell me something about the other members of your family. What do they prefer watching?

As for my family news, my brother won a championship last week…

Write back to Tom.

In your letter

answer the questions

ask 3 questions about his brother

Write 80 - 100 words

Remember the rules of writing letter

Version 3


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу в бланке ответов.

A.        She enjoys watching team sports.

B.        She wants to join a team to play a sport.

C.        She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit.

D.        She likes playing sports with her friends.

E.        She would like to try a dangerous sport.

F.        She thinks watching sport is boring.






Вы услышите разговор туриста и гида. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-6 соответствуют содержанию текста (a), какие не соответствуют (b) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (c). Занесите ответы в бланки ответов. Вы услышите запись дважды.

6     The tourist has a limited amount of time in the area.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

7    Most visitors to Montford Hall go by taxi.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

8     The guide recommends a restaurant to the tourist.

a) верно      b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

9   The tourist wants to enjoy the good weather.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

10     You have to pay to enter the Rose Gardens.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

11     The tourist has a large garden at home,

a) верно       b) неверно      c) в тексте не сказано


Установите соответствие тем A – G  текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя

A. First computers

B. Risky sport

C. Shopping in comfort

D. Difficult task

E. Professional sport

F. Shopping from home

G. New users

12. A group of university students from Brazil have been given the job of discovering and locating all the waterfalls in their country. It is not easy because very often the maps are not detailed. The students have to remain in water for long periods of time. Every day they cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilometers through the jungle, each carrying 40 kilos of equipment.

13.  For many years now, mail-order shopping has served the needs of a certain kind of customers. Everything they order from a catalogue is delivered to their door. Now, though, e-mail shopping on the Internet has opened up even more opportunities for this kind of shopping.

14. Another generation of computer fans has arrived. They are neither spotty schoolchildren nor intellectual professors, but pensioners who are learning computing with much enthusiasm. It is particularly interesting for people suffering from arthritis as computers offer a way of writing nice clear letters. Now pensioners have discovered the Internet and at the moment they make up the fastest growing membership.

15. Shopping centres are full of all kinds of stores. They are like small, self-contained towns where you can find everything you want. In a large centre, shoppers can find everything they need without having to go anywhere else. They can leave their cars in the shopping centre car park and buy everything in a covered complex, protected from the heat, cold or rain.

16. Not many people know that, back in the fifties, computers were very big, and also very slow. They took up complete floors of a building, and were less powerful, and much slower than any of today’s compact portable computers. At first, the data they had to process and record was fed in on punched-out paper; later magnetic tape was used, but both systems were completely inconvenient.

17. Potholing is a dull name for a most interesting and adventurous sport. Deep underground, on the tracks of primitive men and strange animals who have adapted to life without light, finding unusual landscapes and underground lakes, the potholer lives an exciting adventure. You mustn’t forget, though, that it can be quite dangerous. Without the proper equipment you can fall, get injured or lost.


Прочитай текст. Преобразуй слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


“Tomorrow will be the first day of the examinations for the Fortesque ______ at our college.



As I teach the Greek language at the college and the examination will be in my subject, - I’m the one of the __________.



The examination consists of a written ____ from Greek into English.



I took the examination papers out of my desk and began to read them _________.



“Please, continue your very _______ story”, said Holms


Transform into indirect speech:

23) Charles:"I didn't have time to do my homework."

Charles remarked that he _____________ time to do his homework

24) Jean:"The boss must sign the letter."

Jean said that the boss _________ sign the letter.

25) Teacher:"Do your homework!"

The teacher told me ______________.

26) Doris:"Dance with me!"

Doris told me _______ with her.

27) Sabine:"Meet Sandy at the station!"

Sabine told me _________ Sandy at the station.

28) Victoria:"Check your e-mails!"

Victoria told me ___________ my e-mails.

29) Andrew:"Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?"

Andrew asked _______________.

30) Justin:"What are you doing?"

Justin asked me _________________.

31) Paul: “When did you visit your Granny?”

Paul asked _________________

32) Anne:"Did you watch this film?"

Anne asked _______________ film.

Part IV. Writing

This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

… So you see that I enjoy watching TV, especially films based on true historic facts whereas most of my friends are fond of soap operas. What about you? Do you like watching TV? What do you like watching? Oh, and tell me something about the other members of your family. What do they prefer watching?

As for my family news, my brother won a championship last week…

Write back to Tom.

In your letter

answer the questions

ask 3 questions about his brother

Write 80 - 100 words

Remember the rules of writing letter

Version 4


Вы услышите 5 высказываний. Установите соответствие между высказываниями каждого говорящего 1–5 и утверждениями, данными в списке A–F. Используйте каждое утверждение, обозначенное соответствующей буквой, только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение. Вы услышите каждую аудиозапись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу в бланке ответов.

A.        She enjoys watching team sports.

B.        She wants to join a team to play a sport.

C.        She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit.

D.        She likes playing sports with her friends.

E.        She would like to try a dangerous sport.

F.        She thinks watching sport is boring.






Вы услышите разговор туриста и гида. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-6 соответствуют содержанию текста (a), какие не соответствуют (b) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (c). Занесите ответы в бланки ответов. Вы услышите запись дважды.

l     The tourist has a limited amount of time in the area.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

2     Most visitors to Montford Hall go by taxi.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

3     The guide recommends a restaurant to the tourist.

a) верно      b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

4     The tourist wants to enjoy the good weather.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

5     You have to pay to enter the Rose Gardens.

a) верно       b) неверно       c) в тексте не сказано

6     The tourist has a large garden at home,

a) верно       b) неверно      c) в тексте не сказано


Установите соответствие тем A – G  текстам 1-6. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании одна тема лишняя








1. Oxford University has been a centre of learning for over 900 years. Today, there are over 16,000 people studying at Oxford, but they are not all British. About 4,000 of them come from other countries. In fact, there are currently students from over 130 countries studying there. Every student at Oxford is a member of a ‘college’. There are 39 main colleges, and each college is in a different part of the town.

2. What's the best age for a child to learn how to read? Some people believe that children should learn at as young an age as possible. Because of this, some parents start teaching their children when they are about three years old. Other people believe it's better for a teacher at school to teach a class of children how to read, so many children don't learn to read until they are five or six years old.

3. In most countries, you are only allowed to drive a car on a public road if you have a driving license. You usually have to pass a driving test in order to get the license. In European countries, this test is in two parts. The first part is a 'theory1 test. You have to answer questions about road safety. The second part is a 'practical* test. You are in a car with an examiner, who tells you where to drive and asks you to do various things, such as parking or reversing around a corner.

4. When was Mozart born? What's the capital of Nigeria? Before the Internet, if we wanted to find out the answers to these questions, we'd have to look them up in reference books, such as encyclopedias. If we couldn't find the information in books at home, we'd have to go to a public library. This kind of research would often take a very long time. Now, however, as long as you have a computer connected to the Internet, you can find the answers to questions like these in seconds.

5 .Although people sometimes confuse astronomy and astrology, they are completely different. Astronomy is the scientific study of the universe. Astronomers study stars, planets and other things in space, such as comets, and record their findings scientifically. Astrology, which is based on the belief that the position of the planets affects human behavior, is not a science. It is astrologers who write horoscopes in magazines, telling us what they think is going to happen to us in the future.

6. A guide book can be extremely helpful when you're visiting a place for the first time. Guide books provide loads of practical information, such as the opening times and entrance fees of the main attractions, and often recommend sights to visit and places to stay. They can also provide interesting information about the history of the place and famous people who lived there.


Прочитай текст. Преобразуй слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста.


Many trees that once dominated in the forest of North America are now __________.



In the past squirrels could travel from the Northeast to the Mississippi without _______ to touch the ground. There are several reasons for this situation. Native Americans cleared forests for farming. Pines were used for shipbuilding.



Many trees were burned by early ______ to use ashes as fertilizer.



Old trees were _______ by young ones.



The new trees are much smaller and there are fewer of them. Other types of trees were also introduced by colonists. Forests are also affected by global _____. This is a problem that needs careful consideration now.


Transform into indirect speech:

6) My aunt : “We have moved into our new flat.”

My aunt said that ____________________their new flat.

7) She said, “I will come tomorrow.”

She said that ____________________.

8) He told: “Jack will be back in a few minutes.”

He told me Jack _____________ back in a few minutes.

9) Mr. Brown said, “I have had seven visitors.”

Mr. Brown said that he ____________ seven visitors.

10) The teacher said, “I’m going to ask you some questions.”

The teacher said that _____________________ some questions.”

11) Mandy: “Come to my party!”

Mandy asked me ______________ her party.

12) The student asked, “Have you ever read this book?”

The student asked ____________________________ that book.

13) My teacher; “Are you ready to write a dictation?”

My teacher asked _________________ a dictation.

14) Ted: “Switch on the lights, please.”

Ted asked ___________________ the lights.

15) Uncle: “How many books did you read last year?”

Uncle asked me __________________.

Answers variant4

Part IV. Writing

This is part of a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend.

… So you see that I enjoy watching TV, especially films based on true historic facts whereas most of my friends are fond of soap operas. What about you? Do you like watching TV? What do you like watching? Oh, and tell me something about the other members of your family. What do they prefer watching?

As for my family news, my brother won a championship last week…

Write back to Tom.

In your letter

answer the questions

ask 3 questions about his brother

Write 80 - 100 words

Remember the rules of writing letter


Interviewer: We spoke to some girls to find out their opinions about sport.

Speaker : I play tennis quite often, and it's a great form of exercise, it keeps me healthy. It’s important to stay in shape and a good game of tennis really makes your body work. Everyone needs to find a way to get some exercise and for me, it's tennis.

Speaker 2: I am not really very interested in most sport, but there is one I like - motor racing. Some people think it's boring to just watch cars going round and round, but 1 love it. It's really exciting, and it takes a lot of skill I’d like to try it, but I think I’d be a bit frightened because they go very fast.

Speaker 3: We’ve tried a few different sports at school, and 1 really like playing volleyball It's a great feeling when you know you've played better than the other team. You have to be quite fit to do it well. I’d like to play again, but none of my friends are interested. I think I need to find a team in my local area.

Speaker 4:I love going to football and basketball matches. I try to go every weekend, with my friends. What I like about those sports is that the players have to work together to be successful. You can be a fantastic player, but without the others, you're nothing.

Speaker 5: I like sport, but I don't really take it seriously. Winning and losing aren't very important to me, but spending time with my friends is. We get together every Saturday and play a different sport - football or baseball, usually. It's a lot of fun.

Tourist:   Excuse me. I wonder if you could help me.

Guide:     Of course. What would you like to know?

Tourist:    Well, it’s my first visit to the area and I was wondering what the main attractions are. I’m leaving for the airport at lunchtime tomorrow, so what would you recommend 1 see in the time I've got?

Guide:     Well, one of the most popular attractions is Montford Hall, a large old house about 10 miles outside town. It’s a kind of museum and they've tried to show what life was really like three hundred years ago.

Tourist:    Well, that sounds interesting. How long would it take?

Guide:     It would probably lake you about half an hour to get there by bus, maybe (twenty minutes by taxi) and than a tour of the house would take about two or three hours.

Tourist:    Hmm. I’m meeting a friend for dinner at a restaurant round the corner so I was hoping to do something closer w hen. Is there anything to do within walking distance?

Guide: Why not try the art gallery? They have a very good collection of modern art.

Tourist: It’s such a beautiful day I think I'd prefer to do something in the open air. Do you have any other suggestions?

Guide: Umm ... let me see ... you might like the Rose Gardens

Tourist:  Ah, yes. I like gardening, so I’m sure I'd enjoy that. Where are the Rose Gardens?

Guide: There's a large park about three minutes walk away called King's Park. The Rose Gardens are in the park. Here's a map.

Tourist:   Thank you. Yes, it’s quite near, isn't it? How much does it cost to get into the Gardens?

 Oh, it’s free to get in, but a guided tour costs three pounds. They also have a shop, where you can buy flowers just like the ones you see in the Garden.

Tourist:   Great. I'm sure the flowers are wonderful, but 1 don’t think I want to buy anything –it’ll be a problem on the plane tomorrow. A visit to the Rose Gardens sounds like a perfect way to spend a couple of hours, though. Thanks a lot for your help.

Guide: You're welcome. I hope you enjoy it.

Вариант 1

Part 1 Listening

Part 2 Reading



































Part III Use of English




had been ill




to clean




to write




to help




if I wanted


read a book


when I had come


was watching TV


if John had arrived


where Maria parked he

Вариант 2

Part 1 Listening

Part 2 Reading



































Part III Use of English




had cleaned




to wash




to open




 to come




 if I had watched


had helped


 how much pocket money Lisa got


 was going to ride


if she had to do


 if she could help me

Вариант 3

Part 1 Listening

Part 2 Reading



































Part III Use of English




to do my homework




to dance




to meet




to check




me if Mandy would have lunch with Sue


hadn't had


what I was doing


had to


when I had visited my Granny


if I had watched

Вариант 4

Part 1 Listening

Part 2 Reading



































Part III Use of English




would be




had had




she was going to ask me




to come to




if I had ever read


they had moved into


if we were ready to write


she would come the next day


to switch on


how many books I had read

Предварительный просмотр:

Test I

1. Read the text:

The Tower of London is a very old building in London. It is nine hundred years old. The Tower of London stands on the Thames.

         In the early days of the history of England the English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died, black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those years. The black ravens live in the gardens of the Tower now. The English people like them very much. A man looks after the ravens and gives them meat in the morning and in the evening.

Now the Tower of London is the museum and many people from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. The walls of the Tower are five meters thick. In the museum they can see many old guns (оружие). At ten o’clock every morning the guards (стража) lock (закрывать на замок) the big doors of the Tower for the night.

A. What title suits the text best?

1. The Tower of London                                3. The Thames

2. The black ravens                                4. The history of England

B. True or False?

1. The Tower of London is a new building.

2. Nowadays English queen lives in the Tower.

3. It was a prison and many people died there.

4. English people like black ravens very much.

5. Now the Tower of London is the prison.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. Excuse me, _______ you speak English?

a. does         b. are                c. do

2. Excuse me ______you _______ English?

a. are, speaking                b. do, speak                c. does, speak

3. How often ____ you _____ a newspaper?

a. does, read                b. are , reading                c. do, read

4. What time _____your father _____ work in the evenings?

a. do, finish        b. does finish        c. is finishing

5. Tomorrow we _________ two lessons of I.T.

a. will have                b. had                        c. have

6. Mother ________ the plants every day.

a. waters         b. watered                 c. will water

7. My little sister ______ to be a lawyer.

a. wants                b. is wanting                c. want

8. I often ________ jeans.

a. wears                b. wear                c. is wearing

9. Peter ________ birds now.

a. watch                b. watches                c. is watching

10. She _______ this film tomorrow.

a. watch                b. watched                c. will watch

3. Fill in the right article:

1. ____London is ______ capital of _____ UK.

2. _____ art gallery is _____ place that shows _____ paintings.

3. Can we visit ______ Buckingham Palace?

4. ______ British Museum is one of _____ best museums in _____ world, isn't it?

5. Do you speak _____ French? – Yes, I do. _____ French language is difficult.

4. Make tag questions.

1. Tom isn't late, _______?

2. Your sister hasn't got a dog, ___________?

3. You don't wash your cat, __________?

4. You wash your dog, ______________?

5. You study Math, ______________?

6. Mr Black's dog doesn't eat fish, ________?

7. She speaks Russian, ________________?

8. Mike isn't at the circus, ____________?

9. She doesn't like coffee, ___________ ?

10. She speaks Russian, _________________?

Test II

1. Read the text:

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. London began on the Thames.

The Thames is not a long river. It is three hundred and thirty kilometers long and it runs into the sea. The English people call it “the Father of London”. When we go in a ship up the Thames we pass under London Bridge, the tower Bridge and others. There is a museum of old ships on the Thames. These ships are from the history of Great Britain. One of these ships, the “Discovery”, went to the South Pole in 1901-1904.

If we go down the Thames we pass the port of London and get to Greenwich – a very old town. We can see the place where the Greenwich Meridian passes.

A. What title suits the text best?

1. The South Pole                                3. Greenwich

2. The Thames                                4. London

B. True or False?

1. London is two thousand years old.

2. The English people call London Bridge “the Father of London”.

3. London began on the Thames.

4. Greenwich isn’t a very old town.

5. In Greenwich we can see the museum of old ships.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. Where's Ann? I ______ know.

a. don’t         b. am not         c. doesn’t

2. I ________ television very often.

a. am not watching                b. do not watch                c. not watch

3. Excuse me but you _______ in my place. Oh, I'm sorry.

a. are sitting                b. sit                c. sits

4. You can turn off the radio I ______ to it.

a. do not listen        b. doesn’t listen                c. am not listening

5. Last June I ___________ abroad.

a. will go                 b. went                        c. go

6. We usually ___________ home at two o’clock.

a. will come                b. came                        c. come

7. She usually ______ TV in the evening.

a. watch                b. watches                c. is watching

8. The girls _______ at the elephant now.

a. look                b. looks                c. are looking

9. Linda always _______ football.

a. play        b. plays                c. is playing

10. I ______ this exercise yesterday.

a. write                b. wrote                c. will write

3. Fill in the right article:

1. ____ Moscow is _____ capital of ______ Russia.

2. ____ desk is _____ special table _____ people use for writing or reading.

3. I think we shall visit _____ Tretyakov Gallery tomorrow.

4. Is ______ river Thames in _____ centre of _____ London?

5. Is _____ German ____ most difficult language?

4. Make tag questions:

1. Kate's cake is tastier than Ann's cake, ____________?

2. The policemen are responsible for everything, ___________?

3. You don't wear jeans, ___________?

4. You wear a school uniform, _______________?

5. We pay for the course, _________________?

6. Tigers are cleverer than cats, ________________?

7. It likes bananas, ____________________?

8. Mike wasn't at the circus, _____________?

9. He doesn't wear hats, _________ ?

10. It likes bananas, ___________?

Test III

1. Read the text:

The Houses of Parliament is a very large building which stands near the Thames. There are two tall towers at the corners of the building and one of them in the clock Tower.

The English people built the Tower and the clock in 1858. The clock has four faces and a very big loud bell. The bell weighs 13 tones. The man in charge of the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall, and the workers and his friends called him Big Ben too. Sometimes people call the clock and the Clock Tower Big Ben.

The people of London who live near the Houses of Parliament can hear the sound of the bell every hour. Other people hear it on the radio. On New Year’s night people come to the Clock Tower to see the New Year in.

A. What title suits the text best?

1. Sir Benjamin Hall                        3. Big Ben

2. The New Year                                4. The Houses of Parliament

B. True or False?

1. The Houses of Parliament stands near the Thames.

2. The French people built the Tower and the clock in 1812

3. The people of London can hear the sound of the bell every hour only near the Houses of Parliament.

4. Big Ben is a nickname of Sir Benjamin Hall.

5. On New Year’s night people seldom come to the Clock Tower.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. What's funny? Why _____ you laughing?

a. do                 b. are                  c. does

2. Listen! Somebody ___________ .

a. sing        b. is singing                c. sings

3. I'm sorry, I ______. Can you speak more slowly?

a. am not understanding        b. do not understand        c. does not understand

4. Where's Paul?    In the kitchen. He ________ something.

a. cooks        b. is cooking                c. cook

5. She often _____ her Mum about the house.

a. will help                b. helped                c. helps

6. When _____ you usually go to bed?

a. will do                b. did                                c. do

7. Ann ______ a white dress today.

a. wear                b. wears                c. is wearing

8. Little Tom usually ______ a lot.

a. cry                b. cries                c. is crying

9.The children often ______ in the park.

a. play                b. plays                c. are playing

10. The children _______ in the park yesterday.

a. play                b. played                c. will play

3. Fill in the right article:

1. ____ Paris is ______ capital of _______ France.

2. ______ cow is _____ large farm animal that gives ______ milk.

3. Let's visit ______ Pushkin Museum.

4. How many bridges are there over ______ Thames?

5. Do they study ____ English or _____ Spanish?

4. Make tag questions.

1. Your grandparents can't come on Saturday,______?

2. The sportsman can speak German, ______________?

3. They don't have parties, ________________?

4. They often write dictations, __________?

5. They work in the garden, ______________?

6. The monkey is funnier than the parrot, ________?

7. He enjoys reading, _____________?

8. Mike can go to the circus, ______________?

9. She doesn't invite her friends, ______________ ?

10. He enjoys reading, ______________?

Test IV

1. Read the text:

London Bridge is two thousand years old. The first bridge was of wood. The people built Bridge of stone and called it London Bridge. There were houses and shops on it and people paid money when they crossed the bridge. In 1831 a new bridge rose on the place of the first bridge. But the people of London grew very quickly and in 1960 the people of London wanted to build a large new bridge at that place. A very rich American bought the old London Bridge. The people of London liked their old London Bridge, but the city needed money for the new bridge.

The American brought the parts of the bridge on a ship to Arizona in the USA. Workers built the old bridge but there was no river under it now, only a street. People walk along the street and look at the old bridge. In 1973 the new London Bridge was opened on the place of the old bridge over the Thames.

А.What title suits the text best?

1. Arizona                                                                3. A very rich American

2. The Thames                                                        4. London Bridge

В. True or False?

1. The first bridge was of stone.

2. People paid money when they crossed the bridge.

3. A very rich American built the new London Bridge in 1960.

4. Now the old bridge is in Arizona but there is no river under it.

5.The new London Bridge was not built on the place of the old bridge over the Thames.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. It ____ raining. I _____ want to go out in the rain.

a. is, don’t        b. is, am not                c. doesn’t, am

2. Sandra is tired. She __________ to go home now.

a. wants        b. is wanting                c. want

3. It's late. I _______ home now.

a. go                 b. goes        c. am going

4. Martin usually ____________ to work.

a. is driving                b. drive        c. drives

5. How long _____ your party last?

a. will do                b. did                c.

6. When _____ you usually go to bed?

a. will do                b. did                                c. d

7. He _______ a new magazine now.

a. reads                b. read                c. is reading

8. Kate _______ this book last month.

a. reads                b. read                c. will read

9. I ______ the piano now.

a. play                b. plays                c. am playing

10. I ______ porridge for breakfast yesterday.

a. eat                b. ate                c. will eat

3. Fill in the right article:

1. Are you _______ businessman?

2. _____ street is _____ road in ____ town.

3. Who visited ______ History Museum?

4. Who built ______ first stone bridge over _____ Moskva River?

5. We have ____ Russian on _____ Wednesday.

4. Make tag questions.

1. Her parents have got a beautiful house, ________?

2. The sportsmen can tell us everything, _____?

3. They don't go to school, ____________?

4. They sometimes go to the park ___________?

5. You walk to school, _________________?

6. There is a monkey in the cage, ________?

7. It plays with its toys, ______________?

8. Mike can't go there, ______________?

9. It doesn't sleep under the bed, _____________?

10.It plays with its toys, ________________?

Предварительный просмотр:

Test I

1. Read the text:

The Tower of London is a very old building in London. It is nine hundred years old. The Tower of London stands on the Thames.

         In the early days of the history of England the English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died, black ravens had much food near the walls of the Tower in those years. The black ravens live in the gardens of the Tower now. The English people like them very much. A man looks after the ravens and gives them meat in the morning and in the evening.

Now the Tower of London is the museum and many people from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. The walls of the Tower are five meters thick. In the museum they can see many old guns (оружие). At ten o’clock every morning the guards (стража) lock (закрывать на замок) the big doors of the Tower for the night.

A. What title suits the text best?

1. The Tower of London                                3. The Thames

2. The black ravens                                4. The history of England

B. True or False?

1. The Tower of London is a new building.

2. Nowadays English queen lives in the Tower.

3. It was a prison and many people died there.

4. English people like black ravens very much.

5. Now the Tower of London is the prison.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. Excuse me, _______ you speak English?

a. does         b. are                c. do

2. Excuse me ______you _______ English?

a. are, speaking                b. do, speak                c. does, speak

3. How often ____ you _____ a newspaper?

a. does, read                b. are , reading                c. do, read

4. What time _____your father _____ work in the evenings?

a. do, finish        b. does finish        c. is finishing

5. Tomorrow we _________ two lessons of I.T.

a. will have                b. had                        c. have

6. Mother ________ the plants every day.

a. waters         b. watered                 c. will water

7. My little sister ______ to be a lawyer.

a. wants                b. is wanting                c. want

8. I often ________ jeans.

a. wears                b. wear                c. is wearing

9. Peter ________ birds now.

a. watch                b. watches                c. is watching

10. She _______ this film tomorrow.

a. watch                b. watched                c. will watch

3. Fill in the right article:

1. ____London is ______ capital of _____ UK.

2. _____ art gallery is _____ place that shows _____ paintings.

3. Can we visit ______ Buckingham Palace?

4. ______ British Museum is one of _____ best museums in _____ world, isn't it?

5. Do you speak _____ French? – Yes, I do. _____ French language is difficult.

4. Make tag questions.

1. Tom isn't late, _______?

2. Your sister hasn't got a dog, ___________?

3. You don't wash your cat, __________?

4. You wash your dog, ______________?

5. You study Math, ______________?

6. Mr Black's dog doesn't eat fish, ________?

7. She speaks Russian, ________________?

8. Mike isn't at the circus, ____________?

9. She doesn't like coffee, ___________ ?

10. She speaks Russian, _________________?

Test II

1. Read the text:

London is the capital of Great Britain. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. London began on the Thames.

The Thames is not a long river. It is three hundred and thirty kilometers long and it runs into the sea. The English people call it “the Father of London”. When we go in a ship up the Thames we pass under London Bridge, the tower Bridge and others. There is a museum of old ships on the Thames. These ships are from the history of Great Britain. One of these ships, the “Discovery”, went to the South Pole in 1901-1904.

If we go down the Thames we pass the port of London and get to Greenwich – a very old town. We can see the place where the Greenwich Meridian passes.

A. What title suits the text best?

1. The South Pole                                3. Greenwich

2. The Thames                                4. London

B. True or False?

1. London is two thousand years old.

2. The English people call London Bridge “the Father of London”.

3. London began on the Thames.

4. Greenwich isn’t a very old town.

5. In Greenwich we can see the museum of old ships.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. Where's Ann? I ______ know.

a. don’t         b. am not         c. doesn’t

2. I ________ television very often.

a. am not watching                b. do not watch                c. not watch

3. Excuse me but you _______ in my place. Oh, I'm sorry.

a. are sitting                b. sit                c. sits

4. You can turn off the radio I ______ to it.

a. do not listen        b. doesn’t listen                c. am not listening

5. Last June I ___________ abroad.

a. will go                 b. went                        c. go

6. We usually ___________ home at two o’clock.

a. will come                b. came                        c. come

7. She usually ______ TV in the evening.

a. watch                b. watches                c. is watching

8. The girls _______ at the elephant now.

a. look                b. looks                c. are looking

9. Linda always _______ football.

a. play        b. plays                c. is playing

10. I ______ this exercise yesterday.

a. write                b. wrote                c. will write

3. Fill in the right article:

1. ____ Moscow is _____ capital of ______ Russia.

2. ____ desk is _____ special table _____ people use for writing or reading.

3. I think we shall visit _____ Tretyakov Gallery tomorrow.

4. Is ______ river Thames in _____ centre of _____ London?

5. Is _____ German ____ most difficult language?

4. Make tag questions:

1. Kate's cake is tastier than Ann's cake, ____________?

2. The policemen are responsible for everything, ___________?

3. You don't wear jeans, ___________?

4. You wear a school uniform, _______________?

5. We pay for the course, _________________?

6. Tigers are cleverer than cats, ________________?

7. It likes bananas, ____________________?

8. Mike wasn't at the circus, _____________?

9. He doesn't wear hats, _________ ?

10. It likes bananas, ___________?

Test III

1. Read the text:

The Houses of Parliament is a very large building which stands near the Thames. There are two tall towers at the corners of the building and one of them in the clock Tower.

The English people built the Tower and the clock in 1858. The clock has four faces and a very big loud bell. The bell weighs 13 tones. The man in charge of the building was Sir Benjamin Hall. This man was very tall, and the workers and his friends called him Big Ben too. Sometimes people call the clock and the Clock Tower Big Ben.

The people of London who live near the Houses of Parliament can hear the sound of the bell every hour. Other people hear it on the radio. On New Year’s night people come to the Clock Tower to see the New Year in.

A. What title suits the text best?

1. Sir Benjamin Hall                        3. Big Ben

2. The New Year                                4. The Houses of Parliament

B. True or False?

1. The Houses of Parliament stands near the Thames.

2. The French people built the Tower and the clock in 1812

3. The people of London can hear the sound of the bell every hour only near the Houses of Parliament.

4. Big Ben is a nickname of Sir Benjamin Hall.

5. On New Year’s night people seldom come to the Clock Tower.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. What's funny? Why _____ you laughing?

a. do                 b. are                  c. does

2. Listen! Somebody ___________ .

a. sing        b. is singing                c. sings

3. I'm sorry, I ______. Can you speak more slowly?

a. am not understanding        b. do not understand        c. does not understand

4. Where's Paul?    In the kitchen. He ________ something.

a. cooks        b. is cooking                c. cook

5. She often _____ her Mum about the house.

a. will help                b. helped                c. helps

6. When _____ you usually go to bed?

a. will do                b. did                                c. do

7. Ann ______ a white dress today.

a. wear                b. wears                c. is wearing

8. Little Tom usually ______ a lot.

a. cry                b. cries                c. is crying

9.The children often ______ in the park.

a. play                b. plays                c. are playing

10. The children _______ in the park yesterday.

a. play                b. played                c. will play

3. Fill in the right article:

1. ____ Paris is ______ capital of _______ France.

2. ______ cow is _____ large farm animal that gives ______ milk.

3. Let's visit ______ Pushkin Museum.

4. How many bridges are there over ______ Thames?

5. Do they study ____ English or _____ Spanish?

4. Make tag questions.

1. Your grandparents can't come on Saturday,______?

2. The sportsman can speak German, ______________?

3. They don't have parties, ________________?

4. They often write dictations, __________?

5. They work in the garden, ______________?

6. The monkey is funnier than the parrot, ________?

7. He enjoys reading, _____________?

8. Mike can go to the circus, ______________?

9. She doesn't invite her friends, ______________ ?

10. He enjoys reading, ______________?

Test IV

1. Read the text:

London Bridge is two thousand years old. The first bridge was of wood. The people built Bridge of stone and called it London Bridge. There were houses and shops on it and people paid money when they crossed the bridge. In 1831 a new bridge rose on the place of the first bridge. But the people of London grew very quickly and in 1960 the people of London wanted to build a large new bridge at that place. A very rich American bought the old London Bridge. The people of London liked their old London Bridge, but the city needed money for the new bridge.

The American brought the parts of the bridge on a ship to Arizona in the USA. Workers built the old bridge but there was no river under it now, only a street. People walk along the street and look at the old bridge. In 1973 the new London Bridge was opened on the place of the old bridge over the Thames.

А.What title suits the text best?

1. Arizona                                                                3. A very rich American

2. The Thames                                                        4. London Bridge

В. True or False?

1. The first bridge was of stone.

2. People paid money when they crossed the bridge.

3. A very rich American built the new London Bridge in 1960.

4. Now the old bridge is in Arizona but there is no river under it.

5.The new London Bridge was not built on the place of the old bridge over the Thames.

2. Choose the right answer:

1. It ____ raining. I _____ want to go out in the rain.

a. is, don’t        b. is, am not                c. doesn’t, am

2. Sandra is tired. She __________ to go home now.

a. wants        b. is wanting                c. want

3. It's late. I _______ home now.

a. go                 b. goes        c. am going

4. Martin usually ____________ to work.

a. is driving                b. drive        c. drives

5. How long _____ your party last?

a. will do                b. did                c.

6. When _____ you usually go to bed?

a. will do                b. did                                c. d

7. He _______ a new magazine now.

a. reads                b. read                c. is reading

8. Kate _______ this book last month.

a. reads                b. read                c. will read

9. I ______ the piano now.

a. play                b. plays                c. am playing

10. I ______ porridge for breakfast yesterday.

a. eat                b. ate                c. will eat

3. Fill in the right article:

1. Are you _______ businessman?

2. _____ street is _____ road in ____ town.

3. Who visited ______ History Museum?

4. Who built ______ first stone bridge over _____ Moskva River?

5. We have ____ Russian on _____ Wednesday.

4. Make tag questions.

1. Her parents have got a beautiful house, ________?

2. The sportsmen can tell us everything, _____?

3. They don't go to school, ____________?

4. They sometimes go to the park ___________?

5. You walk to school, _________________?

6. There is a monkey in the cage, ________?

7. It plays with its toys, ______________?

8. Mike can't go there, ______________?

9. It doesn't sleep under the bed, _____________?

10.It plays with its toys, ________________?

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