контрольно-измерительный материал
тест по английскому языку по теме

Виноходова Ольга Николаевна

Тест для 9 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

9 class   Test 3. Is it easy to live apart from the family?

Variant 1

A1 .Match the words on the left and the endings on the right.

1) class                                   a. –ing

2) understand                         b.-mate

3) impress                               c.-ion

4) relation                                d.-ship

A2. Choose the appropriate word.

 Susan decided to become a……..

1.novel         2.novella     3.novelist            4.novelette

A3. Choose the correct words to make the tag question.

He wore his suit yesterday,……?

 1) doesn’t he          2) hadn’t he          3) didn’t he               4) isn’t he

A4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

 Sam……to talk to anyone and went straight to his room

  1. Wanted                            3) doesn’t want
  2. hadn’t wants                    4) didn’t want

B1. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary

1) to calm _____2) to fell______3) to get ____ 4) to stick______

C1. Imagine that you are a host of a TV programme. Ask your guest about his job, family and hobby. Write three questions to the guest.


Test 3. Is it easy to live apart from the family?

Variant 2

A1 .Match the words on the left and on the right.

1) to give                          a) quarrels

2) to feel                           b) advice

3) to look                          c) upset

4) to avoid                        d) smart

A2. Choose the appropriate word.

There was a…. park close to their house.

1) wonder     2) wonderland           3) wonderment        4) wonderful

A3. Choose the correct words to make the tag question.

His elder sister has been living in Spain since childhood, ….?

1) Hasn’t she     2) isn’t she         3) didn’t she          4) hadn’t she

A4. Choose the correct form of the verb.

The problem was that the day before yesterday Stacy had got a poor mark at school. She … get ready for her Chemistry test.

1) wouldn’t be able       2) can’t        3) couldn’t              4)won’t be able

B1. Put in the appropriate prepositions if it is necessary

1) to quarrel______2) interested_____3) ashamed___4) to share____

C1. Imagine that you are a first-year student at University. Ask your teacher about the subject, laboratory work and test. Write three questions to the teacher.


Предварительный просмотр:

Входной тест для 3 класса.

I. A)Read and match. Прочитай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его

1- Who’s this?

2- Do you like cats?

3- Can you swim?

4- Where is the teddy bear?

5- What’s this?

6- Have you got any pets at home? a) Yes. I can swim well.

b) It’s on the bed.

c) It’s my father.

d) It’s my toy.

e) Yes. I have got a hamster

f) No, I don’t.

B) Odd one out. Прочитай и выпиши ненужное слово.

1- three, six, nine, puppy

2- a pen, a book, a rubber, a cat, a pencil

3- pink, a parrot, red, green

4- a hamster, a dog, a rabbit, a pencil case

5- a dad, a mum, a lollipop, an uncle

6- a sandwich, meat, a cake, a cow

II. Read and match. Прочитай и выбери правильный вариант ответа.

Jack and John are brothers. They are twins but they have different tastes. They have got pets – Jack has got a big brown hamster and a puppy. Hamster’s name is Spot. John has got a little green lizard. Its name is Berta. Jack likes flying a kite, John likes bouncing a ball. Jack can swim but John can’t. Jack likes meat and cheese but John likes apples and bananas. They both dream of new bikes.

*different tastes – разные вкусы

*both – оба

1. Their names are

a. Jack and John

b. Bob and Ben

c. Steve and Stan

2. the hamster’s a. green

b. black

c. brown

3. John’s got a. a kitten

b. a lizard

c. a parrot

4. Jack likes a. riding a bike

b. playing with dolls

c. flying a kite

5. John likes a. soup

b. a pizza

c. apples and bananas

III. Listening. Послушай, выбери правильный вариант и запиши его.

1. Where is Jimmy from?

А) Moscow B) New York C) London

2. How old is he?

А) Nine B) Ten C) Eleven

3. How many best friends does he have?

А) two B) three C) one

4. Who are American?

А) Jane and Maria B) Billy and Maria C) Jane and Billy

5. What class are they in?

А) 5C B) 5A C) 5B

6. Who likes New York very much?

А) Jane B) Jimmy C) Billy


I.A) 1-c, 2-f,3-a,4-b,5-d, 6-e


1. puppy

2. a cat

3. a parrot

4. a pencil case

5. a lollipop

6. a cow








1. b

2. b

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. b

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