Фразовые глаголы (to hand, to break, to come). Дополнительные задания к учебнику Английский язык, VIII класс (авторы О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева).
материал по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Фразовые глаголы очень распространены в английском языке, особенно в разговорной речи. Однако их изучение представляет большие трудности. Значение одних глаголов является идиоматическим,  и  их необходимо заучивать. Другие же глаголы могут иметь несколько абсолютно разных значений.

Данный материал направлен на совершенствование навыков употребления фразовых глаголов to hand, to break and to come.  


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Предварительный просмотр:


I. to hand

1. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings.


to hand down


to give a piece of work to sb in authority


to hand in


to give power or responsibility to sb else


to hand out


to give or leave sth to a younger person


to hand over


to give sb / sth to someone else to take care of or control


to give sth to each person in a group

2. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition.

  1. We should hand the concert fliers _______ at school.
  2. When my clothes got too small for me as a child, I handed them ______ to my sister.
  3. Hand your car keys _______. You're too drunk to drive.
  4. I have to hand _______ an offer by March 12.

II. to break

1. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings.


to break away


to enter a building, open a car, etc. illegally and by force


to break down


to escape suddenly from sb who is holding you


to break into


(of sth unpleasant) to start suddenly


to break out


stop working because of a fault


to reject a tradition and do sth new and different


to suddenly begin to do sth, such as cry, laugh, etc.


to lose control of your feelings and start crying

2. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition.

  1. A fire broke _______ on a ferry yesterday.
  2. The company is trying to break ______ from its traditional image.
  3. He broke _______ a run when he saw the police.
  4. Three houses in our street have been broken ______ this week.
  5. The washing machine has broken ______ again.

III. to come

1. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings.


to come across


to get an illness


to come down with


(of a feeling, a mood) to affect sb


to come off


to meet or find sb / sth by chance


to come over


to come to sb’s home to see them for a short time


to come round


to become detached or separated from sth

2. Fill in the gaps with a suitable preposition.

  1. I’m sorry – I don’t know what came ______ me.
  2. She came ______ a pile of old photographs while she was clearing the attic.
  3. The handle came ______ in my hand.
  4. Come ______ and see us sometime.
  5. I came ______ a bad cold.

IV. Mixed phrasal verbs

1. Use one of the verbs from the table in the correct form.

hand                    break                        come

  1. They caught him, but he managed to ______ away.
  2. He is the most unpleasant man I’ve ever ______ across.
  3. The old house was _______ down to him by his eccentric aunt.
  4. The handle _______ off the suitcase when I picked it up.
  5. Twice a week she helps to _______ out blankets and clothes to homeless people.
  6. The burglar _______ into the house between midnight and 3 a.m.
  7. I can't come to your party. I'm _______ down with a cold.
  8. The robbers told the clerk to _______ over all the money.
  9. Violent protests _______ out in response to the military coup.
  10. Can you _______ round for dinner on Friday?
  11. Her face _______ into a huge smile.
  12. The students _______ in their papers and left the room.

2. Use one of the verbs from the first table and one of the prepositions from the second one to form a meaningful sentence. You may need to change the form of the verb.

hand               break                come

across       away        down        down with        in        into       out       off       over      round

  1. I ________ ________ with the flu twice last winter.
  2. My car _______ ________ and I had to walk ten miles to the nearest phone box.
  3. Two buttons ________ _______ my coat in a crowded subway car.
  4. The teacher ________ _________ the exams while the students waited nervously.
  5. These skills have been ________ ________ from generation to generation.
  6. I’m sorry I was so rude – I don’t know what _________ _______me!
  7. It’s time to _________ ________ from your old habits.
  8. I _________ _________ our old typewriter when I was up in the attic today.
  9. I _________ _________ the gun to the policeman.
  10. He was so happy that he _________ _______ song.
  11. Your time is up. _________ _______ your papers, please.
  12. War _________ ________ after the president was assassinated.
  13. Thieves _________ ________ the bank by digging a tunnel.

3. Use the appropriate phrasal verb instead of the part of the sentence in brackets.

  1. I think I’m (falling ill) with something.
  2. Our car (stopped working) twice on the way home.
  3. Make sure you (give the teacher) your homework on time.
  4. When I was reading the paper, I (found) this article.
  5. The prisoner (escaped) from the guards.
  6. A thief can (open) a car in under ten seconds.
  7. Do you want to (visit us) for lunch?
  8. My father has (given responsibility for) the business to me.
  9. She (gave) textbooks (to each of) the new students.
  10. All my clothes were (given) to me by my brother.
  11. They would have got married in 1939 if war had not (started suddenly).
  12. When she drove away, I just (lost control of my feelings) and wept.
  13. When I tried to open the door, the door handle (became detached) and I was stuck in the room for more than two hours.
  14. The audience (suddenly began to) applause.
  15. I don’t know what (affected) me.

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