Материал для среза знаний в 7 классе.
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Ведерникова Ляйсэн Фаильевна

В данном упражнении учащиеся должны найти ошибку, используя знания грамматического материала.


Файл material_dlya_sreza_znaniy_uchashchihsya_7_klassa.docx14.55 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Найди ошибку.

  1. I doesn’t likes this film.
  2. When the lesson begins?
  3. I didn’t knew the answer.
  4. Harry maked a lot of noise.
  5. What you were doing when I phoned you?
  6. When have you arrived here?
  7. While we doing a maths test, the head teacher came into the room.
  8. Can you play guitar?
  9. Some people think that moon is made of cheese.
  10. There aren’t some good cafes in this town.
  11. Could you give me any information, please.
  12. How many money have you got?
  13. Have you got much friends in this town?
  14. Thank you for the informations.
  15. The bridge is built in 1996.
  16. America visited by the Vikings.
  17. More interesting facts are discovering every year.
  18. The next meeting will hold on 14 December.
  19. This is the better restaurant in the town.
  20. Georg is happiest than he was.
  21. We not go to the cinema tomorrow.
  22. She is busy. She does her homework.
  23. We watch TV at 7 o’clock tomorrow.
  24. Have you see this film?
  25. I never read this story.
  26. She has going out with him for two month.
  27. How long you been study English?
  28. He likes use the Internet.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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