Контрольные работы для 5-6 классов
методическая разработка по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Закирова Лилия Ибрагимовна

Контрольные работы для 5-6 классов по I, II  четвертям по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой


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Предварительный просмотр:

VI класс (I четверть)

I variant.

  1. a/an/no article

… manager, … active part,  … answer,  … islands,  … independent scientist,  … friendly,  … know,                        … interesting,  … famous park,  … museum,  … palace.

  1. a/an, the, no article

What is … cleverest animal?

Elephants live in … hot countries.

I can sing well. I like … English and Russian songs.

We have got … new teacher.  … teacher’s name is … Barbara Grey.

I am … Betty. I am … 12. I am in … sixth form.

… London is … capital of … United Kingdom.

… south of … Moscow

… Red square

… Sun

... Petrovs

  1. Образовать новые слова с суффиксами (-ist, -ian, -ect, -man, -er):

Science,  music,  sport,  to swim,  to write,  art,  to manage,  ballet,  architecture,  politics.

  1. Перевод предложений:

London is rich in parks & gardens.

Hyde Park is famous for its entertainments.

 Parks are free in London.

 When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.

Everyone believed the adventures of Robinson Crusoe.

  1. Ответить на вопросы:

Have you ever been to London?

Is it worth visiting?

What places of interest would you like to visit in London?

What Londoners are proud of?

What Daniel Defo is famous for?

VI класс (I четверть)

II variant.

  1. a/an/no article

… interesting,  … answer,  … islands,  … independent scientist,   … know,  … famous park,                   … museum,  … palace,  … manager, … friendly, … active part.

  1. a/an, the, no article

This is … funniest animal in … Zoo.

Mrs  Hill has got … son. He is … economist.

… Moscow is … capital of Russia.

Hyde park is one of … biggest parks in … London.

We have got … new teacher.  … teacher’s name is … Barbara Grey.

Have you got … pet?

… south of … London.

…Tower of …London.

… Belovs

… seventeenth century

  1. Образовать новые слова с суффиксами (-ist, -ian, -ect, -man, -er):

Science, music,  sport,  to swim, to write,  art,  to manage,  ballet,  architecture,  politics.

  1. Перевод предложений:

London parks are full of trees and flowers.

Regent’s Park is famous for its open-air theatre.

You can meet great characters of history and art in Madam Tussaud’s museum.

Lollipop Ladies help children cross the streets.

Joseph Turner liked to draw landscapes and sea pictures.

  1. Ответить на вопросы:

Have you ever been to London?

Is it worth visiting?

What places of interest would you like to visit in London?

What Londoners are proud of?

What Daniel Defo is famous for?

VI класс (II четверть)

  1. Выбери вставь глагол в нужной форме
  1. He has already … his puppy for a walk.

took       taken       will take

  1. The scientist has never … the little rhino.

watched      watching         watch

  1. Have you ever … to Washington?

were        be        been

  1. The old man has already … with his cat.

play         played           playing

  1. My brother has just … his friend at the zoo.

meet        met           will met

  1. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу:
  1. Will you … our society?

        enjoy              join           go

  1. What … of people are they?

       lot                 character       kind

  1. Are this beautiful flowers … ?

      domestic           enjoyable       natural

  1. Have you ever heard of the London Zoological …?

     society              house          insect

  1. Написать 3 формы неправильных глаголов:

Читать, забыть, слышать, видеть.

  1. Перевести предложения:
  1. Welcome to the wild animal park. Your visit will be very enjoyable.
  2. You will learn and understand more about animals and how to save endangered animals.
  3. The Zoological Society of London is fighting to help save endangered animals all over the world.
  4. They have four hundred kinds of insects.
  5. Come to the Zoo at the feeding time and watch the sharks diving  for their daily catch.

V класс (I четверть)

Раскрыть скобки, поставить глаголы в настоящее простое время (Present Simple):

  1. At school pupils (to study) two foreign languages.
  2. British students (to wear) a uniform.
  3. She (to learn) poems by heart every week.
  4. He (to go) abroad every summer.
  5. We always (to miss) a good film.

Ответить на вопросы:

  1. How many foreign languages do you study?
  2. Do you wear a uniform?
  3. Do you have new subjects this year?
  4. What is your favourite  subject?
  5. What do you do at the English lessons?

Вставить подходящие по смыслу модальные глаголы (can, could,may):

  1. … you read English texts?
  2. His sister  …  cook very well.  I … sing, but I … (not)  dance.
  3. … you help me to translate this text?
  4. … I speak to Mary, please?
  5. …  you close the door?
  6. You … go for a walk, when you have finished your homework
  7. The doctor says that I … swim
  8. … you give me some salad, please?
  9. Kate, you … go out.
  10. …  I come in?

Перевести словосочетания:

  1. давать прозвища,
  2. провести каникулы,
  3. получать хорошие отметки,
  4. тратить деньги,
  5. задавать глупые вопросы

V класс (II четверть)

  1. Составить разделительные вопросы. ( Tag-Questions)
  1. You study Math, … ?
  2. They are going to visit London in May, …?
  3. The Head Teacher invited a group of students to visit his school, …?
  4. Alice speaks English very well, …?
  5. You can’t write a test today, …?

  1. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу
  1. Let’s … a picnic at the weekend.  
  1. make         b)arrange   c) play       d)stay  

  1. The students will … with British families.

a) propose          b) go out       c) miss        d) stay

3.  I’d like to invite a … of students to visit us.

a) invitation       b) programme         c) form        d) group

4. My sister … for the educational and social programme.

a) started          b) went out          c) is  responsible       d) arranged

5. Our … football  team went abroad last week.

a) local            b) foreign               c) responsible           d) social

  1. Составить предложения с оборотом собираться что-либо делать:
  1. Barbara Grey/ speak to Mr. Wooding about the educational programmes/ Monday.
  2. Linda/ invite/her friend/stay with her family/next weekend.
  3. The Russian students/stay in a hotel.

IV          Составьте вопросительные предложения, расставив слова в правильном порядке:

  1. Sunday/ on/ you/ What/ going/ to/ are/do?
  2. the/ stay/ students/ will/ Where?
  3. invite/ how many people / he/ does?

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