Конструкция "to be going to"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Юркова Ирина Николаевна

Тренировочные упражнения на отработку конструкции "to be going to"


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Предварительный просмотр:

The 5th form. To be going to .

I Variante

Write positive sentences in to be going to .

 (She / call / her boyfriend)– She is going to call her boyfriend.

  1. (They / play / squash)
  2.  (She / visit / her grandma)
  3.  (We / walk / in the mountains)
  4. (We / wash / the car)

Write negative sentences in to be going to .

  1. We (not / help)you.
  2. Jack (not / walk) home.
  3. Sue (not/ share) her biscuits.
  4. I (not / spend) my holiday abroad this year.
  5. I  (not /sell) my car.

Write question sentences in to be going to 

  1. (he / cook dinner / tonight)?
  2. (you / run / in the race)?
  3. (they / climb / that mountain)?
  4. (we / eat / fish / tonight)?
  5. (he / play football / tomorrow)?

The 5th form. To be going to .

II Variante

Write positive sentences in to be going to .

  1. (I / brush / my teeth)
  2. (He / repair / the car)
  3. (We / learn / Greek)
  4. (I / write / some postcards)

Write negative sentences in to be going to .

  1. He (not / help)  us.
  2. We (not/cook ) dinner tonight.
  3. I  (not/celebrate) my birthday this year.
  4. She (not/ stay)  with Amy.
  5. We (not/ get up early) next Sunday.

Write question sentences in to be going to 

  1. (Lucy / call / a taxi)?
  2. (you / sing / a song / for us) ?
  3. (you / cook /dinner)?
  4. (she / take part / in the concert)?
  5. (they/leave the house)?

1. Choose the correct form of the verb to be.


  1. She….going to have a birthday party.   
  2. Tom … going to pass his exams.
  3. I …. going to make sausages for lunch.   
  4. They … going to go to England.
  5. My sister ….going to do her English Homework.
  6. It …. going to fall down.


2. Look at these verbs and complete the sentences using Going to Future.


Emma …her English exam next week. 

It is very hot today. I ….. in the lake.

We …..our grandparents this weekend. We haven't seen them for a long time.

John and his brother….their bikes.

I …..the table. It's time for lunch. 

David …. his homework after school.

It's Paul's birthday next week. We ….him a present.

His sister ….. the violin at the concert.


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