Методическая разработка урока "Хабаровский край"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

В рамках регионального компонента проводится урок "Хабаровский край - Моя малая Родина", который имеет цель - расширить знания учащихся о родном крае, развитие навыков чтения и устного общения на английском языке. Прилагается презентация.


Предварительный просмотр:

КГБОУ СПО Министерства образования и науки Хабаровского края

 “Хабаровский торгово-экономический техникум”

                      Методическая разработка открытого урока

                    учебной дисциплины “Иностранный язык”

                       Тема “Хабаровский край - моя малая родина”.



Урок проводится как заключительный при прохождении темы «Хабаровский край – моя малая родина».

Цель данного урока: Обучение практическому применению иностранного языка на практике. Эта цель предполагает дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции в различных видах деятельности. Аудирование текста – восприятие иноязычной речи на слух.  Работа с текстом предполагает чтение и перевод текстов. Одной из задач является развитие у студентов навыков устной речи на конкретном лексическом и грамматическом материале. Это достигается путем обмена мнениями о прочитанном материале, ведения беседы в рамках изученной темы.

Данная методическая разработка урока может быть использована при прохождении темы «Хабаровский край» в группах  первого курса. Урок построен методически так, что сначала закрепляются слова, затем вводятся новые слова в предложения, затем  ведется беседа по теме, то есть соблюдается принцип от простого к более сложному. Соблюдены принципы преемственности и межпредметных связей. Материал урока связан с уроками истории и географии.

Представлена презентация.

Цели урока


     1. Совершенствование навыков чтения и перевода.

2.Совершенствование навыков понимания английской речи на слух.

      3.Развитие  умений  общаться  на английском языке.


       1.Научить использовать полученные знания  на практике, в различных  жизненных ситуациях.

       2.Использовать  полученную информацию  для дальнейшего  изучения иностранного языка  и на других уроках (история, география).


    1.Развитие личности студентов, повышение общей культуры.

    2. Воспитание чувства любви к своей малой родине, гордости за свой край.

Обеспечение урока:

1.Раздаточный материал (тексты, упражнения).

2.Карта Хабаровского края.


4.Мультимидийное сопровождение.

5.Англо-русские словари.

                                                ХОД  УРОКА

Этапы урока

Формы и методы обучения

  1. Организационный момент

Рапорт дежурного о готовности группы к уроку; Назвать дату и домашнее задание; Сообщение учителем темы и цели урока.

  1. Работа по теме «Хабаровский край – моя малая родина»

  1. Аудирование текста.

  1. Работа по закреплению слов.

1. Прослушивание текста с магнитофона и ответы на вопросы с целью проверки понимания услышанного.

1. Повторение уже изученных слов:

Ex. 1)Прослушивание слов с магнитофона, повторение за диктором(Приложение 1)

Ex. 2)Русский перевод слов

Ex. 3)Английский вариант слов

  1. Работа с текстом о Хабаровском крае.

1. Прослушивание текста с магнитофона.

2. Чтение текста вслух, перевод.

3. Выполнение упражнений к тексту:   Ex. 4) Найдите в тексте словосочетания слов.

Ex. 5)Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Ex. 6) Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Ex. 7) Ответе на вопросы по тексту.

Ex. 8) Вставьте вместо пропусков необходимые предлоги.

  1. Презентация по теме.

Просмотр слайдов и комментарии к ним учащихся: 1)Общая справка.

2) Амур и его значение для края.

3) Город Хабаровск – Столица.

4) Другие города и их вклад  в развитие Хабаровского края.

5) Ванино – Порт.

6) Дорога Ванино – Лидога и ее значение для Хабаровского края.

7) Хабаровский край – ворота к Тихому океану.

  1. Устное общение по теме.

1) Дружеская беседа в форме диалога(Группа иностранных студентов задает вопросы русским студентам о нашем крае).

2) Согласитесь или не согласитесь  с предложенной ситуацией.

  1. Домашнее задание.

Приготовить сообщение по одной из тем : 1) Географическое положение Хабаровского края.

2) Климат.

3) Природные ресурсы.

4) Население.

Small peoples of the Khabarovsk Territory.(текст для аудирования)

    More than 90 nations and nationalities live in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Among them Nanai,Ulchi,  Evenks, Orochi, Udege,Niykh. Nanai have ancient history and unique culture. Traditionally they are engaged in fishing, hunting and gathering. Rivers ,especially the Amur, and the surrounding taiga fed  and clothed     Nanai, provided the family with everything it needed.                                                  Ulchi live next door to the Nanai in the lower reaches of the Amur. Ulchi call themselves nani, which means “people of the earth”. Since ancient times  Ulchi engaged in hunting, fishing, dog breeding, clothing and footwear used in fish skin.

    Evenks inhabit the upper reaches of the river Amgun  and the valley of the rivers flowing into the Sea of  Okhotsk.

     Orochi live on the coast of the Tatar Strait near the city of Sovetskaya Gavan. Most  of them settled along the river Tumnin.

     Udege live on the slopes of the Sikhote-Alin mountain range. V. K. Arsenev – the famous traveler and explorer  of the Far East called Udege

“the forest people”

        Answer the questions.

  1. How many nations and nationalities live in our territory?
  2. What small peoples live in the Khabarovsk Territory?
  3. The Nanai have ancient history and unique culture ,haven’ they?
  4. How do Ulchi call themselves?
  5. Who called Udege  “the forest people”?

Exercise№.1. Repeat the words after the speaker.

1.Intersection                пересечение

2.to connect                        соединять

3. internal                        внутренний

4. district                        район

5. Pacific Rim Countries    Страны Тихоокеанского региона

6. unique                        уникальный, единственный

7. to expand                        расширять                        

8. to attract                        привлекать, притягивать

9. to stretch                        простираться

10. to border on                   граничить

11. to define                        определять

12. condition                  условие

23. stanniferous                оловянный

24. raw materials                сырьё

25. accessible                доступный

13. favorable                благоприятный

14. significant                важный. значительный

15. to depend on                 зависеть

16. numerous                 многочисленный

17. timber                        лесоматериал

18. precious                        драгоценный

19. species                        род, порода, вид

20. ferrous metals                чёрные металлы

21. coal                        уголь

Приложение I

Exercise № 2. Give the Russian translation of the words.

Internal, point, to expand, unit, area, to wash, to depend on, numerous, region

Exercise №3.Give English equivalents of the words.

Район, удобный, природные богатства, граничить, народы, национальности, страны Тихоокеанского региона, Дальний Восток, дальневосточный.

Exercise №4. Find in the text the following combinations of the words.

Дальневосточный экономический регион, внутренние районы, важные транспортные пути, благоприятная географическая позиция, уникальная природа, богатые природные ресурсы. Иностранные экономические связи, административно- территориальная единица, муссонный климат, климатические условия, сырьевые материалы.

Exercise №5. Translate sentences into Russian.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory plays an important role in the economy of the Russian Far East.
  2. The Territory stretches for 1800 kilometers from the North to the South.
  3. The Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest regions in the Russian Federation.
  4. The Territory is washed by the Okhotsk sea and the sea of Japan.
  5. It borders on the Primorsky Territory in the south.


Exercise №6.     Translate sentences into English.

  1. Наш край расположен в центре Российского Дальнего Востока.
  2. Его площадь -788,6 тысяч квадратных километров.
  3. Климат края муссонный, зима суровая, холодная, а лето  жаркое и влажное.
  4. В крае более 120 000 больших и малых рек.
  5. Около 1миллиона 600тысяч человек проживают в крае.
  6. Более 90 наций и национальностей живут в нашем крае

Приложение II

Exercise №7. Answer the questions to the text.

        1 Where  is the  Khabarovsk Territory situated?

         2.What is the capital of the Territory?

         What is the largest river?

         3. What are the largest towns?

         4. What country does it border on in the south?

         5. Haw many nations and nationalities live in our Territory?

         6. What is the number of our region?

         7. For how long  are you living here?

Exercise 8.Insert prepositions where necessary.

The Khabarovsk Territory is one ….the largest  administrative –territorial units …. the Russian  Federation.

It is separated….. Sakhalin…. the Tatar Strait and is separated ….. the Kamchatka Region ….. the sea …. Okhotsk.

The Territory borders ….. the Sakha Republic, the Jewish   Autonomous Area, the Primorski Territory, the Amur Region.

It is washed ….. the sea ….. Okhotsk and  the sea …. Japan.

The Territory is rich …..various natural resources.

Climate conditions vary greatly ….. the North …..the South.

The territory is inhabited …..more than 90 nations and nationalities.

Exercise 9.Act as an interpreter .Sum up  the dialogue.

1.We are from England.                                        1. Of course we shall do it with

 We  are in the Far East for the first time.                      great  pleasure. What are you

We like many places in you region but                    interested in?

we know little about your Territory

Can you help us  and tell more about it?

2. You Territory is very large, isn’t it?                2. Yes, it is very large.

                                                                It stretches for 1800 kms. From  

                                                                North to the South.

3.  What natural resources is your Territory          3.There are different natural

     rich in?                                                                   Resources: land, water, forest

and numerous mineral resources

4.  What is the population                                    4.  It’s a pity but the population        

of your region?                                             is only 1million 600 people.        

5.What are the largest cities?                                5.Khabarovsk is the capital,

                                                                Kom-Somolsk is the large

industrial center, Nikolaevsk is large seapor.  

6. Thank you for your information. I think                6.YOU ARE WELLCOME!

 That we’ll come here because we like it

  very much.                             


Exsersise10. Agree or disagree with the statements.

To agree                                Disagree

Oh! Exactly!                        I don’t agree.

I absolutely agree.                        I disagree with you.

That’s quite right.                        I don’t think that’s right.

The area of the Territory is not very large.

Khabarovsk is the capital of the Far East.

A lot of small peoples live in the Khabarovsk Territory.

Small peoples keep their traditions and culture.

                               The Khabarovsk Territory

 The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart of the Far East not by chance. Located in the centre of the Far-Eastern economic region, it is the point of intersection of the most important transport ways, connecting internal districts of Russia with the Pacific Rim Countries.

 It has favorable geographic position, unique nature, rich natural resources, industrial and scientific potential, developed transport network and experienced personal to expand its foreign economic ties, tourism and to attract foreign investors.

 The Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest administrative-territorial

units  in the Russian  Federation. Its area is 788.6 thousand sq. km. TheTerritory stretches for 1800kilometres from North to South. It borders on

Sakha Republic (Yakutiya), the Jewish Autonomous Territory, the Primorski Territory, the Amur Region and the Magadan  Region. The Khabarovsk Territory is washed by the sea of Okhotsk and the sea of Japan.   The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory can be defined as a monsoon climate. Winter is long and severe. Summer is warm and humid. Climate conditions vary significantly from North to South and depend on the relief and sea vicinity.The Khabarovsk Territory is rich in various natural resource: land, water, forest  and  other biological resources, numerous mineral resources. The Territory plays an important role in the economy of the Russian Far East due to such natural resources as timber, precious specious of fish and fur animals, ferrous metals, water resources etc.   It is also rich in such mineral resources as coal, ores and gold. The Khabarovsk Territory is one of the largest supplies of stanniferous raw material. There are more than 120.000 big and small rivers in the Khabarovsk Territory. One of the largest rivers accessible for sea- going ships is the Amur  river. Energy resources of the rivers are great but their usage is limited because of salmon spawning.The Khabarovsk Territory is also situated in the forest zone with highly diverse forests spread throughout the Territory, although coniferous species dominate.

The population of the Khabarovsk Territory numbers about 1million   600  people. The density of the population in the Territory is 2.1 per square kilometers.

The Territory is inhabited by more than 90 nations and nationalities such as: the Russians, the Ukrainians, Byelorussians, the Tatars and others.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

On October 20, 1938 The presidium of the supreme soviet of the USSR decreed the formation of the Khabarovsk territory, one of the largest region of the Russian Federation Area of the Khabarovsk territory: 788,600 Square kilometers; it stretches from north To south for nearly 1,800 kilometers and from west to east – for 750 kilometers

Слайд 2

The whole history of the Russian Far East has been inseparably connected with the Amur. The Amur Shipping Company is one of the oldest and largest in this region. Since the mid – 1960s the Company has been mastering international cargo shipping lines. Today, the company has over 500 vessels of various classes totaling over 400,00 tons of deadweight. The scope of operation of the Company includes the delivery of various cargoes to the remotest northern areas. The view of the Amur near Khabarovsk is inseverable from the railroad bridge spanning the river. In the jubilee year of Khabarovsk Territory was completed the first stage of its reconstruction. Since the beginning of the market reforms there has been no bigger construction site in the whole of Russia. The mighty Amur is an object of great pride of all Far – Easterners.

Слайд 3

Nearly 40 percent of the industrial facilities of the whole Khabarovsk Territory are situated in the city of Khabarovsk . In spite of the fact that in recent years the manufacturing sector of the city of Khabarovsk has had certain setbacks in production, it still retains its former great potential and is capable of cost – effective operation in the face of formidable competition exiting both in domestic and foreign markets. The Khabarovsk – based industrial first put out vessels, machine tools, engines, diesel generators, turbines, pumps, etc and have high – performance manufacturing facilities, great R & D sector, and highly - skilled personnel.

Слайд 4

The towns of Komsomolsk – on – Amur, Amursk, and Solnechny from the second largest industrial center in the Khabarovsk Territory being one of the leaders in The economy of the whole Russia . The three “whales” – aircraft construction, shipbuilding, and oil refining – from the backbone of the economy of Komsomolsk – on – Amur. The free-market reform underway in Russia is most successul in the three aforesaid industries. At the Yu. A. Gagarin Aircraft Works, besides fighters, have been manufactured civil aircraft a nd other mass-produced machinery, such as motor boats, yachts, snowmobiles, petrol pumps, etc. T he Amur shipbuilding Yard has proved to be capable of manufacturing not only nuclear submarines but river-marine vessels, packet-boats, and oil rigs as well.

Слайд 5

The Vanino Commercial Seaport is the Largest in the Khabarovsk Territory and the third largest in the whole Russian Far East. Annually, the Vanino port handles over 10 million tons of cargoes, services about 1,700 vessels and up to 80,000 freight cards.

Слайд 6

Operation of the Lidoga – Vanino Highway will boost the development of not only local industries but the whole economy of the Khabarovsk Territory as well.

Слайд 7

The Khabarovsk Territory is a Gateway to the Pacific. The city of Khabarovsk is one of the Largest railroad terminals; it is the seat of the Administration of the Russian Far Eastern Railroad. The Amur Shipping Company delivers various cargoes from the city of Khabarovsk to the northern territories and coastal inhabited localities of the Maritime Territory and Magadan Region. The Company has been actively mastering shipping lines leading to overseas markets. Through Khabarovsk pass numerous air routes connecting it to over 40 cities and towns of Russia, the CIS countries, and many a port in the Asia – Pacific Region.

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