Переводной экзамен по английскому языку в 8 классе общеобразовательной школы
тест (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме

Пузырева Маргарита Александровна

Данный материал поможет учителям английского языка провести переводной экзамен по предмету или итоговый тест за год.Можно использовать его в качестве входного теста в 9 классе. Тест содержит 3 раздела: аудирование, страноведение  и письмо (заполнение анкеты). Даны критерии оценки и ключи.


Предварительный просмотр:

Final Test

Listening Comprehension

Listen to the young people and write in the table the titles of their favourite books. Choose the correct titles from the box.

Listen to the young people again and fill in the table.

           Adventures           Arthur Hailey            detectives                 Homer

              Hotel             Jane Eyre         John Grisham                science fiction

      The Client          The Firm        The Iliad        The Odyssey      thrillers




their relatives

favourite book

books they are reading now, their authors

books they want to read

sorts of books they like

Cultural Awareness

     1. Imagine you are a host for an exchange pupil. Choose the best answer to complete each small talk. Write the appropriate letter next to the number. There is one extra answer which you do not need to use.

1.__ I’m having a birthday party

        tonight. Can you come?

2.__ It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?

3.__ You look wonderful!

4.__ Sorry, I’m so confused. I’m invited

        out for dinner tonight, aren’t I?

5.__ What a nice sweater, Pat!

6.__ Have a nice weekend!

A. Yes. It’s the family party.

B. Thank you. Do you really like it?

C. Thanks. You too.

D. You’re right. You have a good taste.

E. I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me.

F. Right. But it’s a little bit windy.

G. Oh, thank you. It’s my new sweater makes me look well.

     2. Match the celebrations and the activities. Write the appropriate letter next to the number. There is one extra answer which you do not need to use.

1.__ December 25

2.__ Halloween

3.__ Valentine’s Day

4.__ Guy Fawkes` Night

5.__ Thanksgiving

6.__ Easter

A. Americans celebrate their independence.

B. Children in Britain get chocolate eggs as presents.

C. People have Christmas trees and exchange presents.

D. Children wear crazy costumes and go “trick or treating”

E. People send cards, little presents or flowers to somebody they love.

F. Americans eat turkey and cranberry sauce.

G. People in Britain burn bonfires and fireworks all over the country.


Here is a postcard of the International Pen Friend Club. Fill in this postcard to receive your international pen pal’s name and address.

Send Greeting To The World

Take this opportunity to make a new international friend!

Pen Pal Preference

Country: _______________________

Age: ___ 9-13    ___14-17 ___18+

Language: ______________

My Personal Description

Age: ____

Language: _________________________________________________________

My Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City/ Country/ Post Code: ____________________________________________

My Hobbies and Sports I do (10-20 words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Some interesting facts about my home town (20-30 words): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Переводной экзамен по английскому языку в 8 классе

Цель: проверить минимальный базовый уровень владения английским языком за 8 класс, используя единые объективные формы и способы контроля успешности обучения; проконтролировать уровень овладения учащимися коммуникативными умениями в говорении, чтении, письме и аудировании за 8 класс.

Форма проведения: тестовые задания.

№1 Listening Comprehension

Listen to the young people and write in the table the titles of their favourite books. Choose the correct titles from the box.

Listen to the young people again and fill in the table.

           Adventures           Arthur Hailey            detectives                 Homer

              Hotel             Jane Eyre         John Grisham                science fiction

      The Client          The Firm        The Iliad        The Odyssey      thrillers            romances




their relatives

favourite book

books they are reading now, their authors

books they want to read

sorts of books they like

Цель: проверка умения извлекать конкретную информацию из услышанного текста.

Вид задания: установление соответствия (matching).

Перед прослушиванием учащиеся знакомятся с содержанием таблицы и словами в рамках. В ходе первого прослушивания учащиеся записывают названия любимых книг, в ходе второго прослушивания учащиеся заполняют таблицу полностью.

Тексты для аудирования:

     I am Jimmy. I like reading about ancient heroes, their actions are noble and brave. I am reading The Odyssey by Homer now. It`s great! This novel is about a hero from ancient Greece named Odysseus who fought in the Trojan War and was trying to return home. But a jealous goddess made him stay on her island… The book is full of adventures. It is thrilling! …read it! Today it is my favorite book. I know that Homer wrote one more epic poem. It`s The Iliad. I think I will read it.

     My name is Kelly. I read widely but there are books I like best and I can read them twice or more times. Hotel by Arthur Hailey is one of them. I like thrillers and it is the sort of the book I like. Hailey was a master of thrillers, I couldn`t put it down until I was finished. I was afraid that the main hero would have to lose his job. But he solved all the problems and became the manager of the hotel. My father likes reading detectives and he is reading The client now. He says there is a lot of action. I think I will read it either.

     I am Robert . My brother likes science fiction and my mother reads romances. I read nothing but detectives. Not long ago I read The Firm by John Grisham and liked it very much. I would recommend it to anyone. It is really thrilling. The story is full of mystery and secret crimes. And the main character is all alone against the crimes. It is not like Jane Eyre, many tears and few heroes.





their relatives

favourite book

The Odyssey



     Arthur Hailey

The Firm

John Grisham

books they are reading now, their authors

The Odyssey


The Client

books they want to read

The Iliad       


The Client

sorts of books they like




science fiction, romances

За каждый правильный ответ  учащиеся получают 1 балл.

Перевод набранных баллов в шкалу оценок производится по следующей схеме:





9 и менее






№2 Cultural Awareness

     1. Imagine you are a host for an exchange pupil. Choose the best answer to complete each small talk. Write the appropriate letter next to the number. There is one extra answer which you do not need to use.

1.__ I’m having a birthday party

        tonight. Can you come?

2.__ It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?

3.__ You look wonderful!

4.__ Sorry, I’m so confused. I’m invited

        out for dinner tonight, aren’t I?

5.__ What a nice sweater, Pat!

6.__ Have a nice weekend!

A. Yes. It’s the family party.

B. Thank you. Do you really like it?

C. Thanks. You too.

D. You’re right. You have a good taste.

E. I’d love to. Thanks for inviting me.

F. Right. But it’s a little bit windy.

G. Oh, thank you. It’s my new sweater makes me look well.

     2. Match the celebrations and the activities. Write the appropriate letter next to the number. There is one extra answer which you do not need to use.

1.__ December 25

2.__ Halloween

3.__ Valentine’s Day

4.__ Guy Fawkes` Night

5.__ Thanksgiving

6.__ Easter

A. Americans celebrate their independence.

B. Children in Britain get chocolate eggs as presents.

C. People have Christmas trees and exchange presents.

D. Children wear crazy costumes and go “trick or treating”

E. People send cards, little presents or flowers to somebody they love.

F. Americans eat turkey and cranberry sauce.

G. People in Britain burn bonfires and fireworks all over the country.

  1. Цель задания – проверка навыка распознавания и правильного использования лексических единиц для выражения различных речевых функций.

Вид задания – установление соответствия (matching).

Ключи: 1E;2F;3G;4A;5B;6C.

  1. Цель задания – проверить знания учащихся о праздниках в странах изучаемого языка, которые были предъявлены на страницах учебника и рабочей тетради.

Вид задания – установление соответствия (matching).

Ключи: 1C;2D;3E;4G;5F;6B.

За каждый правильный ответ заданий 1 и 2 учащиеся получают по 1 баллу. Баллы переводятся в шкалу школьных оценок по следующей схеме:





5 и менее






№3 Writing

Here is a postcard of the International Pen Friend Club. Fill in this postcard to receive your international pen pal’s name and address.

Send Greeting To The World

Take this opportunity to make a new international friend!

Pen Pal Preference

Country: _______________________

Age: ___ 9-13    ___14-17 ___18+

Language: ______________

My Personal Description

Age: ____

Language: _________________________________________________________

My Name: _________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________

City/ Country/ Post Code: ____________________________________________

My Hobbies and Sports I do (10-20 words): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Some interesting facts about my home town (20-30 words): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Цель – проверка умения учащихся заполнять анкету с развернутыми ответами на вопросы.

Вид задания – заполнение формуляра (filling in a form).

Оценивается умение правильно заполнить анкету, четко изложить содержание требуемой информации.


Критерии оценки


Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, применение лексики адекватно коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи.


Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических и \ или лексических ошибок.


Коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики.


Коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико-грамматических ошибок или недостаточного объема текста.

Итоговая отметка – среднее арифметическое за 3 задания.

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