переводной экзамен по английскому языку 8 класс
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Материал содержит задания в форме ГИА, а также тестовую часть по грамматике и лексике.


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А, B, C, D. Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое место действия из списка 1–5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия.

1.         On board a plane

2.         At home

3.         In the theatre

4.         At a railway station

5.         In a restaurant

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.


2. Вы два раза услышите пять высказываний, обозначенных буквами А, В, С, D, Е. Установите соответствие между высказываниями и утверждениями из следующего списка: к каждому высказыванию подберите соответствующее утверждение, обозначенное цифрами. Используйте каждое утверждение из списка 1–6 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее утверждение.          

1.         The speaker talks about his/her recent trip.

2.         The speaker describes the hotel room.

3.         The speaker talks about his/her travelling plans.

4.         The speaker explains why he/she likes travelling.

5.         The speaker talks about his/her favourite transport.

6.         The speaker talks about his/her job responsibilities.

Запишите в таблицу выбранные цифры под соответствующими буквами.



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами АE и заголовками 16. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.



Where to find traditional British food


Why fast food appeared


Modern British food



Traditional British drink


What they used to eat


What kind of tea they prefer


If you go back to the time of Queen Elizabeth (1558–1603), people really knew how to eat and Chefs used to travel round Europe to get new ideas and ingredients. It was also the time when British explorers sailed all over the world. They brought home all sorts of exotic food: rice and tea from China, spices from India, coffee from Arabia. In the Americas they found tomatoes, potatoes, peanuts, pineapples, sugar and vanilla.


In the past, without cookbooks and TV programmes, women learnt from their mothers and spend hours every day in the kitchen. But then, around the end of the 18th century, life in Britain changed dramatically. The industrial revolution took families from farms in the country to the crowded cities. Men and women worked long hours in the factories. So they had no longer time or energy to cook properly at home. There was already an interest in fast food.



Every country seems to have a national cuisine and to be proud of it. So what is Britain famous for? The sad truth is that most of the British gave up cooking a long time ago and started buying ready-made meals from the shops. They love tins, tubes, packets and frozen food of all kinds. Of course, convenience food is an international phenomenon, but it started earlier and has gone further in Britain than in most countries.


It’s more than just a tradition – it is a way of life. Many people have tea first with breakfast, then at mid-morning, with lunch, at tea-time (around 5 o’clock), with dinner, and finally just before bed. As a nation, they get through 185 million cups per day! Most British use tea bags these days, but serious tea lovers still go through an almost Japanese-style ceremony. The selection of tea is very personal.


The country has some excellent food: lamb from Wales, shellfish and salmon from Northern Ireland, fresh fish from Scotland, cheeses from England and Wales. Unfortunately, good British food is difficult to find. Only 2% of restaurants in London serve British food. There are many more Italian, Chinese and Indian restaurants. You can have a good “British” meal without spending a lot of money by going to a pub (or public houses) that you can see everywhere in Britain.



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами АE и заголовками 16. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.





Famous people











The United States is the second largest country in North America after Canada. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west and by the Gulf of Mexico in the south. The country is so big that there are four standard time zones. It also possesses many islands in the Pacific Ocean and Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in the Atlantic. The USA has the third largest population in the world (after China and India).



The American Dream, the hope for a better life in a new country, has attracted people from all over the world. Most of them leave their homeland because they are poor and have few opportunities. Some are forced to leave because of famines and civil war; others come for religious freedom. There are nearly 250 million people living in the USA. 10% are Spanish-speaking people than people of Asian and Pacific Island origin.


Each September, more than fifty million students between the ages of five and seventeen start the new school year. Students attend classes for an average of five hours a day, five days a week, and they have homework assignments to complete after school and on weekend. Many students sign up for after-school programs at their school or nearby. Sports are very popular. There are children’s baseball, soccer, football, and basketball teams in almost every school. 41% of high school graduates go to college.


This day celebrates Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the Americas in 1492. As Columbus was Italian, working for Spain, Columbus Day is especially important for many Italian-Americans and Hispanic-Americans. Since 1971, the holiday has been commemorated in the U.S. on the second Monday in October. Officially, the people of the USA are invited to celebrate the anniversary of the discovery of their country with church services and other activities. In some towns and cities, special church services, parades and large events are held.


Most Americans enjoy sports – both playing sports themselves and watching their favourite teams and competitions. Children are encouraged to participate in sports at an early age. The rivalry between high schools and colleges in sporting events goes right through the school year from football in September to track and field in June. Sports are important in college. Students who show talent in a sport like tennis, track and field, swimming, football, or basketball can apply for sports scholarships.



You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your Englishspeaking pen friend, Ben.

…We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here too….

…What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do you usually do with your school friends in your free time? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.




You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your Englishspeaking pen friend, Ben.

… I can’t imagine my life without my computer and the Internet! Now I can write all my stories and immediately send them to my friends to read...

…What do you use your computer for? How much time do you spend working on your computer? What else do you do in your free time? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing



1 Stop ....... time playing computer games and do your homework!

A losing B missing C wasting

2 Jenny isn’t here, she ....... at her friend’s house tonight.

A stays B is staying C will stay

3 When we were in Rome, we went on a guided....... of the city.

A tour B excursion C expedition

4 Since Brian has always been interested in the  stars and planets, it’s no wonder he chose to study ....... .

A Astronomy B Engineering CChemistry

5 Be careful! You ....... into that car!

A will crash B are crashing C are going to crash

6 Can you please get ready? There’s ....... time before our guests arrive.

A a lot of B very little C few

7 Little David has ....... much taller since the last time I saw him.

A developed B increased C grown

8 This school ....... in the 1960s.

A was built B built C had built

9 ....... I use your phone, please?

A Should B Must C May

10 When we don't water flowers they ....... .

A will die B die C are dying

11 Paul ....... going to bed late, so he always feels sleepy at around 11:00 pm.

A didn’t use to B isn’t used to

C doesn’t get used to

12 John usually has ....... eggs and some orange juice for breakfast.

A scrambled B roast C grilled

13 Susan’s father works as an air traffic ....... at the airport.

A programmer B wardenC controller

14 Mark really needs to speak to you. He .......you every five minutes for the last two hours!

A ’s been calling B ’s calling C was calling

15 If you buy more than three books at this shop, they ....... you a better price.

A are giving B would give C will give



1 Maths ....... my favourite subject when I was

at school.

A has been B were C was

2 Can you repeat what you said ......., please?

A clearer B most clearly C more clearly

3 Kenneth ....... his hometown since he came to

live in the city.

A hasn’t visitedB hasn’t been visiting

C wasn’t visiting

4 Are you sure this is ....... leather? It doesn’t

look like it.

A original B genuine C realistic

5 I usually like eating out, but tonight I’d like

....... at home.

A eating B I eat C to eat

6 Frank ....... for six hours without a break, so

he decided to stop somewhere to rest.

A had been driving B drove C was driving

7 Stephen is very ....... because he does

weightlifting five times a week.

A plump B overweight C muscular

8 You ....... get a taxi to the airport. I’ll give

you a lift, if you want.

A mustn’t B don’t have to C can’t

9 Paul wanted to buy that DVD player, so he

asked the salesman how much ....... .

A did it cost B it cost C it costs

10 What would you do if you ....... someone


A had met B met C would meet

11 James spends a lot of time on his computer

....... with his online friends.

A chatting B telling C texting

12 Why go shopping in the city centre when I can

find everything I need at my ....... market?

A native B foreign C local

13 The famous tennis player has announced that

he will not be taking part in any more ....... .

A half-times B championships C tournaments

14 Cynthia pays 30 euros ....... hour for guitar


A a B an C the

15 ....... Ted? Let me introduce you to him.

A Have you met  B Have you been meeting

C Do you meet



1 Lisa asked her brother ....... her computer

without asking her first.

A don't use B not to use C to not use

2  Are you sure you feel ....... to come on the

picnic with us?

A enough well B too well C well enough

3  I think your ....... shirt will go perfectly with

your new jeans.

A striped, cotton, blue B cotton, blue, striped

C blue, striped, cotton

4  It’s not worth ....... so much money on a pair

of shoes that you’ll only wear once or twice.

A spending B you spend C spend

5  The show ....... at 8:00, so we have plenty of

time to get to the theatre.

A has started B is starting C starts

6 Lilly ....... have taken up squash; she hates

indoor sports.

A mustn’t B can’t C shouldn’t

7  Did Chris himself tell you that he got a pay

rise, or did you hear it on the .......?

A media B grapevine C headlines

8 Can you please stop playing that terrible song

over and over again? It’s ....... me crazy!

A taking B flying C driving

9 ....... you hurry up and get ready, we’ll be

really late.

A If B When C Unless

10Badminton is a fun sport, and you don't really

need any ....... equipment for it.

A technical B opposing C physical

11 Marshall ....... be less selfish and start caring

about other people besides himself.

A should B needs C ought

12 The ....... has decided to make some last minute changes to tomorrow’s front page.

A producer B editor C director

13 Please hurry sir, all the other passengers have

already ....... the plane.

A caught B boarded C taken

14  Robin ....... Karen that she couldn’t go to her

birthday party.

A told to B said C told

15 Are you sure I still have your book? I remember

....... it to you two weeks ago.

A returning B to return C return



You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

…Yesterday I did a test to see which job is the most appropriate for me. According to the results I should become a doctor. But it would be absolutely impossible because I am afraid of blood…

…What future career would you like to have, why? Do your parents agree with your choice? In what way will English be useful for your career? …

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.



Прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами А–E и заголовками 1–6. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.


1.         Why did people start the postal service?

2.         What is snail mail?

3.         Where did the first delivery system appear?

4.        What are the advantages of e-mail?

5.         What was the first stamp like?

6.         How were the letters paid for?


For as long as humans have existed there has been a need to keep in touch and to transfer important information between people in different places. Before the invention of writing, oral messages were carried from one person to another between towns. Writing made it much easier to send longer messages; however, it was still difficult to make sure that your message got to the right place.


It was used by the Roman officials to transfer information throughout the Empire. Staging posts and a system with horses and carriages meant that messages could move quickly, by using many riders instead of one. It was very important for business and military reasons that good communication system existed. However, the Romans were not the first to realize this. The Chinese and Persian empires used systems of horses and riders more than 500 years before the Romans.


Before the invention of the postage stamps, letters were “franked”. It was marked on the letter that delivery had been paid for. This could have been either written or stamped. A post-mark was also stamped on the letter. Invented in 1660 in England, this was a mark that showed where and when the letter had been posted. It was used to see how long it took to deliver the letter – to make sure the service was reliable.



It is the humorous term used by e-mail users for the old-fashioned letters-in-envelopes postal system. It means that such letters travel very slowly, which actually is rather unfair. In Britain you can send letters first or second class; the first class ones normally get to their destination, anywhere in the country, the next morning. The postal service is called the Royal mail, and all the British stamps have the head of the Queen.



They were invented in Great Britain. It was a British man called Rowland Hill who proposed a stamp to be stuck on the letter to identify that postage had been paid. The first stamp was issued in 1840. It was called the Penny Black and the profile of Queen Victoria’s head was depicted there. The stamp cost 1 pence and was darkly coloured. About 65 million Penny Blacks were issued, and nowadays it is not a very rare stamp.


1 C

2 B

3 A

4 A

5 C

6 B

7 C

8 A

9 C

10 B

11 B

12 A

13 C

14 A

15 C

2 вариант

22 C

23 C

24 A

25 B

26 C

27 A

28 C

29 B

30 B

31 B

32 A

33 C

34 C

35 B

36 A

3 вариант

44 B

45 C

46 C

47 A

48 C

49 B

50 B

51 C

52 C

53 A

54 A

55 B

56 B

57 C

58 A

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