День Святого Валентина
материал по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Заичко Анна Васильевна

сценарий внеклассного мероприятия для учащихся 10 класса


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Предварительный просмотр:

                            «День Святого Валентина»

                           Шоу программа для 10 класса


  1. Повышение эффективности учебно  - воспитателього процесса.
  2. Разнообразие и внедрение новых методов работы при обучении иностранному языку.
  3. Повышение межкультурной грамотности и образовательного уровня учащихся.
  4. Пополнение знаний по страноведению Англии. США, России и других стран.


  1. Ознакомление учащихся с историей Дня святого Валентина, с обычаями и символикой праздника.
  2. Формирование умения написать поздравительную открытку.
  3. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи учащихся.
  4. Ознакомление с методикой проведения конкурсов, игр и викторин на английском языке.


  1. Воспитание уважения к иноязычной культуре.
  2. Развитие эстетических особенностей.
  3. Воспитание умения коллективного творческого мышления.


  1. Привитие вкуса к чтению стихотворений на английском языке.
  2. Расширение кругозора учащихся.
  3. Активизация лексики по описанию внешности и характера человека.
  4. Развитие культуры публичности выступления.
  5. Совершенствование навыков сценического поведения и дикции учащихся.
  6. Развитие творческих способностей и интереса к предмету.

Teacher: dear friends, pupils and guests! As you know today is the holiday called ST Valentine’s Day.

St Valentine’s Day is one of the most popular holidays in Europe, America and now in Russia held on February 14th that brings happiness and good luck. On this day we prepared many interesting things for you: you will learn some facts about the history of the holiday will see a short performance and will have a chance to watch your friends compete. There are 10 players in each team. The fist team is called «Romantic Joke». Meet the teams. Let’s applaude them! Now let me introduce our jury.

(The teacher introduces the members of the jury)

Let’s applaud them! So, we start our programme.

1st Presenter: As you know, St Valentines Day is the day of sweethearts. On this day, people show their friends or loved ones that they care for them. You can send them candy, greeting cards or roses. By the way a red rose is the symbol of love.

2nd Presenter: Do you know the history of this holiday? There are many different stories about the origin of Saint Valentine’s. One of the earliest popular symbols of the day is Cupid, the Roman God of love, who is represented by the image of a young boy with a bow and an arrow. Once upon a time there lived a man and a woman. They loved each other very much and their names were Valentine’s Day.

1st Presenter: Another legend tells us that Valentine’s lived in Rome. He was a Christian priest. At that time Christianity was a new religion. Valentine was thrown in the prison for his teaching. He wrote notes from his jail cell to children and friends who missed him. They say that he was burnt at the stake.

2nd Presenter: According to one of the legends, the day when birds choose their mates and start building nests, so people also choose the ones they love on that day.

1st Presenter: There are many legends about how Valentine’s Day started, and no one knows for sure whether any of them is true. We would like to tell you our version. So, look and listen carefully!

2nd Presenter: Many years ago there lived a Roman emperor Claudius II. He was strong, brave and wise. He liked fine music and dancing.

                                Act 1

Roman soldier: My Emperor! We got into trouble!

                            (The Emperor stops the music.)

Claudius II (to dancers): Go away!

                                      (Girls  run away)

Claudius II: What’s the matter?

Roman solider: My Emperor! Two days ago our observers noticed a lot of enemies near the frontier. They tried to cross our boarder. Your brave legionnaires and soldiers fought to death but they had to retreat. We are afraid that the enemy will attack us again. Now there are not many soldiers in your army, because a lot of them are wounded.

Claudius II: Oh! My God! Call the military writer!

                      (The military writer comes.)

Military writer: My Emperor! Here I am!

Claudius II: Take a paper and writer down my older! I, Emperor Claudius II, order the Roman soldiers not to marry or get engaged. All soldiers must serve their country. If somebody tries to violate my law he will be put to death. This law is writer under my hand and seal. Ready?

 Military writer: Yes, my Emperor!

Claudius II: Give me the paper!

(Claudius II takes the paper with his law and puts his seal on it.)



                                 Act II

Young legionnaire: Good afternoon, my dear Patricia!

      Young lady: Good afternoon, my Gordias!

Young legionnaire: I have to tell you terrible news!

    Yong lady: What’s happened, my dear?

Young legionnaire: I love you and I wish to marry you but I must go to the war!

     Young lady: I also love you and wish to be your wife but the Emperor made a law against marrying! What shall we go?

Young legionnaire: Don’t be afraid, my dear! I know the bishop who can help us. His name is Valentine. Let’s go and see him, my dear!

      (They go behind the stage)


                             Act III

Young legionnaire: Good afternoon, Holy Father!

Valentine: Good afternoon!

Young legionnaire: for God’s sake, for Heaven’s sake…Please, help us!

Valentine: how can I help you?

Young legionnaire: we know that you are a very kind man. You have helped many lovers.

Valentine: What do you want?

Young lady: We love each other and want to get married.

Valentine: Do you really love each other?

Lade and legionnaire (together): yes, we do.

Valentine: All right, I agree. Come here, my children! What are your names?

Yong legionnaire: Gordias.

Young lady: Patricia.

Valentine: All right

           (Valentine says some Latin words and then he appeals to young couple.)

Valentine: Gordias! Do you agree to take Patricia to be your wife and to share joy and grief together?

Gordian: Yes, I do.

Valentine: Patricia! Do you agree to take Gordias to be your husband and share joy and grief together?

Patricia: Yes, I do.

Valentine: So, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I how pronounce you husband and wife! Please, exchange your rings.

     (Young people are exchange their rings. Suddenly two soldiers appear on the stage.)

1st Presenter: Priest! You have violated the Emperor’s law! You knew about the Emperor’s prohibition. But you have just married these people!

2nd Presenter: Because of your actions you will be put into prison and will burn at the stake! And you, young people will be punished too! Let’s go!

      (All actors go behind the stage)


Act IV

(The curtains open. There is the prison’s window in the picture. Valentine is sitting near the window)

1st Presenter: So, the priest Valentine was put into prison. Every day the jailer’s daughter came to him. She was a very kind girl but she was blind. There is a legend that says that while awaiting his execution, Valentine made friends with the girl.

2nd Presenter: According to the legend he worked a miracle – cured the jailer’s daughter of her blindness. Before Valentine’s execution she came to see him

(The girl appears on the stage.)

Valentine: My dear! Tomorrow I will die. I want to say thank you for your care and support. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I love you

Jailer’s daughter: Oh, Valentine! I love you too! And I’d love to come to burn at the stake with you… but it is impossible!

Valentine: Don’t worry about me! I wish you to be happy! I have a letter for you but promise me that you will read it only after my death.

(The girl starts crying.)

Valentine: Don’t cry, my dear! Don’t cry!

(The soldier comes in.)

Soldier: Your time is up! Valentine, come out!

(Valentine gives the girl the letter and leaves the stage. Sounds of the bell. Jailer’s daughter begins to read the message. )

“My dear! I wish you great happiness! I love you! Yours for ever and ever, Valentine.”

(The girl runs away crying.)

1st Presenter: So, the priest Valentine was burnt at the stake on February, 14.

2nd Presenter: Two hundred years later, the church made February 14 a special day to remember Saint Valentine, who became the patron saint of lovers. This is the end of our story.

( Solemn music. All actors appear on the stage. They bow.)

1st Presenter: Let’s applaud our actors! They were great! Thank you very much.
(All actors take their seats in the hall.)

2nd Presenter: Now, let’s start our competition!
(Both Presenters give teams the cards with questions.)

St Valentine’s quiz

1st Presenter: You have just got the cards. You are to answer the questions. If your answers are right you will get 10 points. While you are busy with the task we will invite our quests. So, meet a new group «Blow-Up»!
(Boys and girls dance on the stage).


  1. Where did Valentine live?
  1. in Greece
  2. in Rome
  3. in Great Britain

  1. What date is Valentine’s Day?
  1. 15th of February
  2. 14th of February
  3. 8th March

  1. What do you spell 14th?
  1. forteenth
  2. fourtienth
  3. fourteenth

  1. According to a popular belief, why was St Valentine burnt at the stake?
  1. because he secretly married young couples
  2. because he ran away with Emperor Claudius’s daughter
  3. because he was always in love with someone

  1. When St Valentine was in prison, who did he fall in love  with?
  1. jailer’s daughter
  2. jailer’s wife
  3. jailer’s sister

  1. The girl St Valentine fell in love with was…
  1. deaf
  2. blind
  3. blind and deaf

  1. What colour is associated with St Valentine’s Day?
  1. orange
  2. purple
  3. red

  1.  Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St Valentine’s Day?
  1. Eros
  2. Cupid
  3. Apollo

  1. What are the most common flowers given on St Valentine’s Day?
  1. roses
  2. sunflowers
  3. snowdrops

  1. What greeting is often said on this day?
  1. Happy love in life!
  2. Good luck!
  3. Happy Valentine’s Day!

 Key: 1b, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5a, 6b, 7c, 8b, 9a, 10c.

Reciting poems

2nd Presenter: Now we shall check how you prepared you homework. Each team was to learn a poem about love and find its translation. But now you have to recite them and show us your artistic skills.
(The pupils recite the poems.)

Note: Preparing for this competition the pupils can use the site http://www.poetryloverspage.com/

1st Presenter: Now, the jury, will you, please, inform us about the results of the two contests


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