Литературно-музыкальная композиция "Рождественская сказка"
методическая разработка по английскому языку по теме

Купенко Светлана Геннадьевна

данный материал представляет собой композицию, сочетающую в себе песни и стихотворения, посвящённые празднованию Рождества. Все они объединены единой сюжетной линией. При подготовке рекомендую использовать различные возрастные группы. Надеюсь, данный материал будет представлять интерес для тех, кто увлечён внеклассной деятельностью по предмету.


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Литературно-музыкальная композиция «Рождественская сказка».

Ход мероприятия

Музыкальное сопровождение

Вступительное слово, представление гостей,

(на сцене полукругом стоят ребята, перед ними – девочка)

Стихотворение «Picture books in winter» by R.Stevenson.

Summer fading,winter comes-

Frosty mornings, tingling thumbs,

Window robins, winter rooks,

And the picture story-books.

Water now is turned to stone

Nurse and I can walk upon;

Still we find the flowing brooks

In the picture story-books.

All the pretty things put by

Wait upon the children’s eye,

Sheep and shepherds, trees and crooks,

In the picture story-books.

We may see hoe all things are,

Seas and cities, near and far,

And the flying fairies’ looks,

In the picture story-books.

Дети исполняют песню «We wish you a merry Christmas”.

(уходят.На сцену поднимается девочка и начинает петь песню «I believe in angels”(ABBA)

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with averything.

If you see the wonder of a fairy tale,

You cen take the future

Even if you fail.

I believe in angels,

Something good in everything I see,

I believe in angels,

When I know the time is right for me,

I cross the stream,

I have a dream.

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me through reality.

And my destination makes it worth a while

Pushing through a darkness

Still another mile.

I believe in angels...)

(девочка засыпает.Всё на мнгновение погружается в полумрак.звучит марш гномов Эдварда Грига.Из темноты появляются гномы.

Гномы читают стихотворение:

It’s coming, boys,

It’s almost here,

It’s coming, girls,

The Grand New Year!

A Year to be glad in,

Not to be sad in;

A yeat to live in,

To gain, to give in.

A year for trying,

And not for sighing,

A year for striving,

For heartly thriving.

(гномы поют песню” Snowflakes”

(появляется волшебница.)

1.Hello! It’s so nice of you to come!

2.Everything will be fine now, right?

Волшебница:Not quite and not yet! I'm a fairy, but it's not in my power to change the past and the present.

3.But it’s Christmas night!

Волшебница:I need a person whose heart is full of love and sympathy to people.

4.Oh, there is such a person! Look! Do you see that girl? She is kind!

5.Oh, she is very sweet!

6.Yes, she will help us , I’m sure.

Волшебница: OK, then let's wake her up! And you, do you want to help me?

(гномы уходят, на сцене появляются учащиеся 6 А класса и поют песню “Let it snow”

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,

But the fire is so delightful.

And since we’ve no place to go,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

It doesn’t show signs of stopping,

And I brought some corn for popping.

The lights are turned way down low,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

When we finally kiss good-night,

How I’ll hate going out in the storm!

But if you really hold me tight,

All the way home I’ll be warm.

Oh, the weather outside is frightful

But the fire is so delightful.

And since we’ve no place to go,

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Девочка: Who are you? Where are you from?

Волшебница:I'm a fairy of love amd romance. Long time ago there was a land, we used to call it a Magic Land. Merry and friendly people lived there. They liked to joke and make fun. They were characters of romantic and jolly songs.

Девочка: why were they from songs, not from fairy tales?

Волшебница: everybody knows that people sing when they are happy.

Девочка: right you are! It was a wonderful land! If I could only have a look at it! Such a pity, it's impossible!

Волшебница: During the Christmas night there is nothing impossible! I'm a fairy, remember? I have a magic Christmas clock.Look! We have 5 minutes to travel to the past! You'll see everything with your own eyes! Hurry up!

(на сцене появляются дети.(7 В и 7 А)

Стихотворение “Fur tree song”

Little fir-trees upon the hill,

Sleeping in the moonlight still,

Are you dreaming now of me

Who bloomed into a New Year tree?

Baby moons of gold and red

Cuddle close beside my head;

In my tangled leaves a string

Of fairy stars are glimmering;

While my arms, for girls and boys,

Blossom with a hundred toys.

Далее дети поют песню “Oh, Christmas Tree” 

Oh, Christmas Tree, oh, Christmas Tree,

How evergreen your branches!

In summer’s heat and winter’s chill.

Your leaves are green and growing still.

Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Cristmas tree, how evergreen your branches!

Oh, Christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,

With much delight I see you,

When winter’s days are dark and drear,

You bring us hope throughout the year.

Oh, christmas tree, oh, Christmas tree,

With much delight I see you!

(дети уходят)

Девочка:What a beautiful country it was! What happened with it and with its people?

Волшебница:There appeared a strange and terrible disease. It was the disease of indifference and anger, and all the people became unkind and careless about the feelings of others. The illness cought people one by one unless the whole country was silent and passive. Even birds stopped singing. Now you can’t hear the music and laughter anywhere.

Девочка:No, it can't be so! I don't believe it!

Волшебница: Have a look then...

(под музыку MUSE “Super Massive Black Hole” появляются ученики 5 а класса.

Стихотворение « Rain and wind”by Katherine Mansfield.

Rain and wind ,and wind and rain,

Will the summer come again?

Rain on houses, on the streets,

Wetting all the people’s feet,

Though they run with might and main,

Rain and wind, and wind and rain.

Snow and sleet, and sleet and snow,

Will the winter never go?

What do beggar children do

With no fire to cuddle to?

Prays with nowwhere warm to go,

Snow and sleet, and sleet and snow.

Hail and ice, and ice and hail,

Water frozen in the pail.

See the robins, brown and red,

They are waiting to be fed.

Poor dears, battling in the gail!

Hail and ice and ice and hail!

Волшебница: Go away!

(ребята исчезают)

Девочка: It's awful!

Волшебница:Oh, it is. And it can be even worse!

Девочка: I wish I could do something to save the people and to bring music back! But, I'm afraid it's impossible!

Волшебница: Everything is possible for a willing heart! Don't forget, it's a Christmas night! Call your friends, ask them to help you, go to the country and wake up all the people there.

Девочка: who can help me? Let me think. Who is the main person of Christmas night? Santa Claus, of course! Letls call him!

Волшебница: Where is Santa?

(Сцена пуста.сумерки.мелодия Kenny G «Silent night”

Появляется девочка и под мелодию читает стихотворение

See the pretty snowflakes,

Falling from the sky;

On the walls and house-tops

Soft and thich they lie;

On the window-ledges,

On the branches bare,

See how fast they gather,

Filling all the air.

Look into the garden,

Where the grass was green.

Covered by the snowflakes,

Not a blade is seen,

Noe the bare black bushes,

All look soft and white,

Everything is laden.

What a pretty sight!

(уходит. Из-за кулис появляется под продолжающуюся мелодию Санта. Садится в кресло, засыпает. На сцене появляются гномики.)

1.Do you know, what date is it today?

2.Yes, it’s 24th of December.what’s the matter?

3.Don’t you know that Christmas Eve is coming in five hours? Everything is shining and sparkling!

4. oh, really? It’s morvellous!

5.but where is Santa?

6. I know that Santa is at home now. Here are the Cristmas letters  asking for presents.

7.hurry up! We need to give then to him!

8.Listen! Someone is snoring inside.

9.It’s Santa! Unbelievable!

Волшебница спешит на помощь гномам: Santa! Shame on you! He's been working all day and so tired! My dear friends, letls help him to put presents into his bag!

(под мелодию “Jing-a-Ling” снеговички и снежинки выносят подарки и складывают в мешок.

Волшебница :Santa, Santa, wake up! Let’s call Christmas angels! Angels, angels, where are you!

(отправляет детей искать ангелов.)Look, they are in Paris now! What a beautiful sight!

(на сцену выходят танцоры и под мелодию «Под небом Парижа» танцуют вальс)

(на сцене появляются два ангелаб подходят к Санте)

Santa: Hm, what's the date? What's the time, my little friends?

1.It’s Christmas Eve!

Santa: Oh, my bag! My presents! I’m late!

1.Everything is ready!

2.we found your bag and put Christmas presents into it!

Santa: I’m very grateful to you for your help.

1.Santa, do you remember how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in different languages?

2. children from different countries are waiting for you!

Santa: Oops, will you help me?


(ангелы читают презентацию на разных языках мира)

Появляется волшебница :Let's say farewell to Santa and wish him a good luck!

(ученики 5 Г, 2 А поют песню «Santa, Santa, high in the sky”. Санта прощается, уходит, ребята машут ему вслед руками.После этого сцена пустеет.

Волшебница:Christmas night is almost over, but it doesn't mean that magic and miracle is over. It will last forever if you have love and compassion in your heart and if you are ready to help other people when they are in trouble.

Listen! Do you hear the bells? Christmas is in the air!

(звенят колокольчики в руках у учеников 6 А класса. Они выходят на сцену. Девочка читает стихотворение Э.А.По

 Далее следует песня Jingle Bells”

1.Dashing through the snow,

In a one-horse open slegh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells! Jingle bells!

Jingle all the way!

Oh, what fun it is to ride in  a one-horsr open slegh!

2.A day or two ago,

I thought I’d take a ride,

And soon Miss Fsnny Bright

Was seating by my side.

The horse was lean and lank,

Misfortune was his lot;

We got into a snowdrift bank,

And we- we got upsot.

3.So, now the moon is bright!

Enjoy it while we’re young,

Invite your friends tonight

To sing thos sleghing song,

So, get a bobtail nag,

And give him exta feed,

Then hitch him to an open slegh

And crack- we’ll take the lead!

(заключительное слово)

Кадр  1 презентации

Кадр 2 презентации

(готовим песню «We wish you a Merry Christmas”

Песня «We wish you a Merry Christmas”

(cлегка приглушить свет)

Готовим песню «I believe in angels” ABBA

Готовим марш гномов Э. Грига

На несколько мнгновеник – темнота. Звучит марш гномов.Постепенно дать свет.

Готовим песню «Snowflakes”


Звучит песня Snowflakes”(вывести на экран)

(после песни вывести опять рождественскую презентацию)

Песня «Let it snow” c Верой Васильевной

Кадр презентации с елью

Готовим Oh, Christmas Tree

Oh, Cristmas Tree

Готовим Muse “Supermassive Black Hole”

(свет приглушить.Блики)

Muse “Supermassive Black Hole”

Свет. Готовим Kenny G “Silent Night”

( Kenny G “Silent Night”)

готовим “Jing-a-Ling”


(пока звучит мелодия, готовим вальс «Под небом Парижа» для вальса)


Готовим презентацию на разных языках.


Презентация на разных языках.

Пока идёт презентация, набираем


включаем песню можно без изображения, оставив рождественскую презентацию.

Песня “Jingle Bells”

(пока звучит песня, можно выводить кадры рождественской презентации и готовить на финал любую песню)

(включаем праздничную песню на выход зрителей).

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