Викторина на тему "Политическая система США"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Данный материал может быть применен в качестве дополнительного при изучении темы- Политическая система США по учебнику Кузовлева- 10 кл.


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                                                                                                     Уровень: 10 класс.

                                                                                                     Подготовила- учитель МБОУ СОШ № 4

                        Фурса М.Н.

                              г. Кропоткин


1. Which institutions represent the legislative branch of power?

2. Which officials in the USA are elected?

3. Who is the head of state?

4. Which institution represents the judicial branch of government?

5. Who approve the Administration?

6. Who can declare presidential acts unconstitutional?

7. Who are elected by the people?

8. Which institutions represent the executive branch of power?

9. Who is the head of the executive branch?

10. Who appoints the Secretaries in the Administration?

11. Who must approve the President`s judicial appointments?

12. How does the President deal with Congress?

13. Who appoints federal judges?

14. What Houses is Congress made up off?

15. Who are appointed by the President?


1. Congress

2. The President and Congress

3. The President

4. The Supreme Court

5. Congress

6. The Court

7. The President

8. The Administration

9. The President

10. The President

11. The Senate

12. The President can veto laws passed by Congress

13. The President

14. The House of Representatives and the Senate

15. Secretaries


                      «Political System In The USA»


1. Which institutions represent the legislative branch of power?

2. Which officials in the USA are elected?

3. Who is the head of state?

4. Which institution represents the judicial branch of government?

5. Who approve the Administration?

6. Who can declare presidential acts unconstitutional?

7. Who are elected by the people?

8. Which institutions represent the executive branch of power?

9. Who is the head of the executive branch?

10. Who appoints the Secretaries in the Administration?

11. Who must approve the President`s judicial appointments?

12. How does the President deal with Congress?

13. Who appoints federal judges?

14. What Houses is Congress made up off?

15. Who are appointed by the President?



                      «Political System In The USA»


1. Which institutions represent the legislative branch of power?

2. Which officials in the USA are elected?

3. Who is the head of state?

4. Which institution represents the judicial branch of government?

5. Who approve the Administration?

6. Who can declare presidential acts unconstitutional?

7. Who are elected by the people?

8. Which institutions represent the executive branch of power?

9. Who is the head of the executive branch?

10. Who appoints the Secretaries in the Administration?

11. Who must approve the President`s judicial appointments?

12. How does the President deal with Congress?

13. Who appoints federal judges?

14. What Houses is Congress made up off?

15. Who are appointed by the President?

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