7 Wonders of Russia
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Киселёва Нина Николаевна


Данная презентация предлагает 7 слайдов, которые рассказывают о самых удивительных достопримечательностях России. Оформление слайдов способствует наиболее  полному  восприятию информации. Иллюстрации занимают большую часть экрана, доступны для просмотра все детали. Изображения сопровождают краткие описания на английском языке. Данный материал способствует воспитанию чувства гордости за свою Родину.


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Слайд 1

7 Wonders of Russia Teacher of English : N.Kiselyova School1 Donetsk Rostov Region

Слайд 2

Baikal St. Basil's Cathedral The valley of Geysers Elbrus The Columns of Weathering Peterhof 7 Wonders of Russia

Слайд 3

St. Basil's Cathedral is the main temple of the Red S quare in Moscow. It was built in the middle of the XVI century by the decree of Ivan the Terrible. St. Basil's Cathedral

Слайд 4

They are in Komi. Patches on the mountain Manpupuner is a geological monument. They are 7, their height is from 30 to 42 meters. They are associated with many legends, at first the "Columns of Weathering" were the objects of cult of the people of the Mansy . The Columns of Weathering

Слайд 5

The memorial of great size was built in the late 50-ies. It is in honor of the people who died during the Second World War. The monument is in the Guinness Book of Records as the highest monument .The woman symbolizes Russia and is higher than the Statue of Liberty in the USA. The monument to Motherland

Слайд 6

T he Palace was built by the order of Peter the First, at the beginning of the 17-th century and is situated not far from St. Petersburg. Peterhof is considered the best attraction in Russia. Peterhof

Слайд 7

2. The Valley is situated in Kamchatka and consists of hundreds of survivors geysers. It is in the list of UNESCO cultural heritage of the world. The valley of Geysers

Слайд 8

Baikal is about 25-30 million years. It is the deepest lake in the world Baikal

Слайд 9

Elbrus (5642 m) - the highest peak of Russia and Europe. Elbrus

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