“Family Values and Problems”
методическая разработка (английский язык, 8 класс) по теме

разработка урока по теме"Семья: проблемы и ценности" 8 кл. У МК Богородицкая, Хрусталева


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Предварительный просмотр:

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1
с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»

Конспект открытого урока
по теме:

“Family: Values and Problems”
(Семья: ценности и проблемы.)
(с элементами дискуссий и проектной деятельности)
8 класс

Учитель: Кабанова Е.К.

2012-2013 год


Цель урока – воспитывать у учащихся уважение к семье и родителям, критически относиться к негативным моментам и искать способы их преодоления.


Учебный аспект: повторение и закрепление активной лексики по теме «Семья»; развитие навыков неподготовленной речи, формирование коммуникативной культуры школьников; развитие культуры устных выступлений при презентации проектных работ.

Развивающий аспект: развитие коммуникабельности, самостоятельности, умения сотрудничать, развитие способностей к логическому изложению, к формулированию выводов.

Воспитательный аспект: учить критически относиться к своему поведению,  критически думать о своих семейных отношениях; уважительно относиться к родителям; уметь находить пути разрешения конфликтов.

Форма урока: дискуссия.

Оборудование:  магнитофон, аудиокассета, раздаточный материал(таблицы с пословицами, диаграммы, проекты учащихся, компьютер).

1.Greeting (вступление)

Dear students! Today we are doing to discuss some family issues concerning teenagers and their parents, adults. I believe all of you are deeply interested in today’s discussion because in some years you’ll have your own families.

2. Warning up(языковая разминка):

На доске: The Union


parents                    Children

T. What does the family mean for you?
How does each of them participate in the union?

Let’s start our lesson with the warm up. It’s the revision of some proverbs, which you can see on the blackboard.

  1. What’s their meaning? How do you understand it?
  2. Choose the proper meaning for the proverbs above.
  3. Have we got the similar Russian proverbs?

As the baker –  so the buns,
as the father - so the son.

As the tree – so the fruit.
Like farther, like son.

Many a good father hath
but a bad son.

There is a black sheep in every flock.

Many sons take after their
fathers, not only in looks

But also in character.

Children are often like their

Parents, both in character

And in behavior.

There is a bad man in every

Family – a ne’er-do-well

Who is a cause of shame to

His parents and relatives.

3. Чтение стихотворения “The Restless boy” и 2 варианта художественного перевода.

4.Discussion (обсуждение)
   Раздаточный материал – текст “ Belonging to a Family”

  1. Why do people need a family?
  2. It is lovely to have a family round you. Do you agree?
  3. Well, let’s speak about the things, which are important in family relationships.
  4. Make a list of 5 things that should and shouldn’t exist in family relationships. Mske use of following words and phrases:

Consideratoin for others













Students express their points of view. As a result one of them fills in a table on the sheet of paper.

ФИ уч-ся


Consideration for offers






  1. In pairs pupils discuss their families’ values (Обсуждение в парах «Моральные ценности моей семьи»)

Раздаточный материал “ A Happy Family”

  1. What kind of family would you like to live in? Why?
  2. What family values are present in a happy family? What is an ideal family as you see it?
  3. What can unite the members of a family?

(Создание и оформление мини-проекта по результатам работы в парах)

  1. Presentation of Project Work “ What is my family for me” (презентация подготовленных долгосрочных проектов).

The themes of the projects:

“My family tree”,

“My family traditions”,

“A person I’d like to be alike”

  1. Role-play the situation on the theme “Family Problems”.

Develop the following ideas. In pairs role-play the situation.

       Your friend tells you about some family problems. You agree with the main points of it. Exchange your opinions about what you appreciate in family relationships.

  1. Sharing Ideas (обмен мнениями)

You are surrounded not only with the relatives. Who else influences your lifestyle? You should make a list of all the groups of people that influence your life (Проекты “My Lifestyle”).

              How to Bridge the “Generation Gap”?

              There are different opinions on how children should be treated.

What’s your point of view?

               (Working in groups give advice about what should be permitted and forbidden. Students give their arguments for or against.)

  1. Listening Comprehension (Аудирование со зрительной опорой).

“New Streetwise. Intermediate. Student’s Book.”  (Rob Nolasco, Oxford university press)

Text “Advice Special”, page 46.

         Almost all families – happy and unhappy – have the same problems. It has been known since Turgenev’s time. In his novel “Fathers and Sons” he came to the conclusion that the problem really exists. What do we call this problem? (Generation gap) – на мониторе компьютера слайд “Generation Gap + ассоциограмма”

Let's listen to the text and answer the questions below:

  1. At what age did Jane start to have problem?        
  2. What was the reason she dyed her hair blonde?
  3. What did Jane's parents want to know before she went out?
  4. What was Jane worried about during the party?
  5. What did she do when she decided to break all her parents' rules?
  6. What was the reason she took a taxi to her sister's house?
  7. What could you advise Jane?

Students exchange their ideas on the problem.

10.Sharing Ideas (обсуждение).

  1. How can you explain the term "generation gap"?
  2. What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and teenagers?
  3. What problems do teenagers face today? How do you feel about teen problems?
  4. Which of the problems do you find serious?
  5. Are you on friendly terms with your parents?
  6. Today we've spoken a lot about relationships between teenagers and their parents. But how do you think teenagers can cope with their problems?
  7. How do you solve your problems?

11. Drawing conclusion (подведение итогов).

If we compare teenagers of the past and teenagers today, we will find that they face almost the same problems and still they are different in many ways. The similarity lies in the psychology of human beings, the differences of the economical and political situations bring new problems. And now I'm sure you have become highly qualified specialists in the sphere of family relationships. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

The song "Father and Son", "New Streetwise. Intermediate. Student's Book", page 50.

12.  Пожелания родителям “I wish My parents”

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