Тест, класс 5
тест (английский язык, 5 класс) по теме

Грамматика, Present Simple, Present Continuous


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST 5 form (Unit 3)

1 Form sentence in the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.

1) John (to play) football at the moment.

 2) We often (to write) tests at our school.

3) I (to talk) to my teacher now.

4) Look! Mandy and Susan (to watch) a film on TV.

5) Olivia (to visit) her uncle every weekend.

 6) Now the sun (to shine) .

7) They sometimes (to read) poems in the lessons.

8) Listen! The band (to test) the new guitar.

9) First I (to wash) , then I dress.

10) Every morning my mother  (to get) up at 6 o'clock.

2 Put in the verbs in the Present Progressive into the gaps.

Example: ___ he ______ the newspaper? (to read)

 Is he reading the newspaper?

  1. …Richard…in the garden? (to work)
  1. …she…a cup of tea? (to have)
  1. …the children …their homework? (to do)
  1. …you…the kitchen, Tom? (to clean)
  1. … the cat…in the basket? (to sleep)
  1. … Cliff and Oliver…friends? (to meet)
  1. … your mother…sandwiches? (to make)
  1. … the birds…water? (to drink)
  1. … Carmen…a pullover? (to wear)
  1. … they…a pizza? (to eat)

TEST 5 form (Unit 3)

1 Form sentence in the Simple Present or the Present Progressive.

1) John (to play) football at the moment.

 2) We often (to write) tests at our school.

3) I (to talk) to my teacher now.

4) Look! Mandy and Susan (to watch) a film on TV.

5) Olivia (to visit) her uncle every weekend.

 6) Now the sun (to shine) .

7) They sometimes (to read) poems in the lessons.

8) Listen! The band (to test) the new guitar.

9) First I (to wash) , then I dress.

10) Every morning my mother  (to get) up at 6 o'clock.

2 Put in the verbs in the Present Progressive into the gaps.

Example: ___ he ______ the newspaper? (to read)

 Is he reading the newspaper?

  1. …Richard…in the garden? (to work)
  1. …she…a cup of tea? (to have)
  1. …the children …their homework? (to do)
  1. …you…the kitchen, Tom? (to clean)
  1. … the cat…in the basket? (to sleep)
  1. … Cliff and Oliver…friends? (to meet)
  1. … your mother…sandwiches? (to make)
  1. … the birds…water? (to drink)
  1. … Carmen…a pullover? (to wear)
  1. … they…a pizza? (to eat)

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Present Simple and Present Continuous