Упражнения на развитие грамматических умений. (Косвенная речь. 5 класс школ с углубленным изучением английского языка)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Негру Анна Дмитриевна

Материал содержит упражнения на все типы косвенной речи с использованием лексики учебника. Упражнения с литерой "а" - упражнения на утверждения в косвенной речи,с литерой "b"- просьба и приказ, с литерой "с" - специальные вопросы, слитерой "d" - общие вопросы. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

 Утвердительные предложения в косвенной речи                   Просьба и приказ в косвенной речи                                                                                                                          


  1.    Bob:  ”My Mother used to travel much.”

  2.    Ben:  “The snow is six meters deep.”

  3.   Nelly: “My Mother often buys fresh vegetables”

4.   Teacher: “The explorers went deep into the jungle”.


  1. Teacher: “Tell me a few words about the climate of Australia”.
  2. Mother: “Don’t be so curious, Ben”.
  3. Mr Green: “Continue your English study, Ann”
  4. Tom: “Look at the curtain! It is raising, Nick”


  1. Teacher: “People have hunted and killed many tigers In India.”
  2. Teacher: “Many animals and birds are in danger”
  3. Teacher: “Some people have hunted tigers for fun”.
  4. Teacher: “People have lived on our planet for

many years”.


  1. Mr Green: “Don’t continue the work, Sam?”
  2. Sam: “Show  me  the photo of this explorer, Kate?”
  3. Ben: “Don’t rise from your seat, Ann?”
  4. Teacher: “Learn the national anthem by heart, children”


  1. Mr Porter : “The power of church is great in this country”.
  2. John: “The train was delayed two hours”.
  3. Stranger: “I don’t belong here”.
  4. Mother: “This is not the way to do it, Ann”.


  1. Sally: “Don’t delay your journey, Pam”.
  2. Tim: “Don’t show off, Kitty”.
  3. Mother: “Don’t offend you friends, John”.
  4. Mother: “Bring knives, forks and spoons, dear”.


  1. Nick:  “This book is very dull”.
  2. Mr Porter: “Mr Smith was a respectable lawer”.
  3. Mr White: “My knowledge of Russian history Is very poor”.
  4. Weatherman: “A dark cloud is a sign of rain”.


  1. Stranger: “Show me the way to the theatre, please.”
  2. Mr Black: “Don’t sign these documents, Mr Reed.”
  3. Tim: “Don’t lose a sense of humour.”
  4. Ted: “Try to respect your boss, Sara.”


  1. Bob: “The doctor listened to my heart and lungs”.
  2. Jack: “Liz is coughing”.
  3. Ted: “My Granny’s blood pressure is very high”.
  4. Mother: “The doctor will take your temperature, Liz”.



  1. Bill: “Don’t be silly, Ann.”
  2. Doctor: “Take your blood pressure two times a day”.
  3. Mother: “Don’t touch it”.
  4. Teacher: “Do morning exercises regularly”.


  1. Mrs Smith: “My daughter is recovering very quickly”.
  2. Ben: “It is difficult for me to swallow, doctor”.
  3. Ted: “Mike is seriously ill”.
  4. Mother: “The doctor will examine you, dear”.


  1. Doctor: “Take this medicine immediately”.
  2. Nora: “Take care of your health, Ann”.
  3. Doctor: “Keep to the diet”.
  4. Jane: “Eat more vegetables and fruit, Liz”.

Предварительный просмотр:

Специальные вопросы в косвенной речи                           Общие вопросы в косвенной речи


  1. Mr Grey: “What foreign languages does the man speak, Paul?”
  2. Fireman: “Who has saved the child?”
  3. Teacher: “How high is this hill?”
  4. Teacher: “Why are some animals in danger?”


  1. Pete: “Have you ever been to London, Kate?”
  2. Nick: “Are you using this dictionary now, Pam?”
  3. Val: “Did you continue your work, Jane?”
  4. Teacher: “Do these mountains separate these two countries?”


  1. Teacher: “What does the life on the earth depend on?”
  2. Olga: “What is the national emblem of Wales, Dad?”
  3. Mary: “What colour can primroses be?”
  4. Ann: “How does the hawthorn grow?”


  1. Pam: “Do you know the national emblem of Scotland, Dick?”
  2. Max: “Is hop a climbing plant, Granny?”
  3. Dan: “Do animals depend on people?”
  4. Pete: “Has this tree ever been in blossom?”


  1. Mother: “Whom does this thing belong to?”
  2. Tom: “Why was the start of the game delayed, Pete?”
  3. Teacher: “What do you know about the Royal family, Jim?”
  4. Kitty: “When did you see this dull film, John?”


  1. Alice: “Are you surprised, Lena?”
  2. Olga: “Do you know any saints of the Russian Church, Bill?”
  3. Mr Smith: “Is the government of this country democratic?”
  4. Mr Black: “Does he belong to the Royal Society?”



  1. Teacher: “What are the main industries in this country?”
  2. Liz: “What parts does this country consist of?”
  3. Billy: “When did you sign these papers, Jack?”
  4. Polly: “Why are you surprised to see me, Pam?”


  1. Teacher: “Does the Queen have real power in the UK?”
  2. Bob: “Do you have a permanent job here, Nick?”
  3. Mr White: “Do you know the former President of the state, Billy?”
  4. Sally: “Was Nelly offended by your words, Tom?”


  1. Ted: “What medicine did the doctor for the pain in your stomach, John?”
  2. Mother: “What is worrying you?”
  3. Doctor: “When did you fall ill?”
  4. Father: “Why don’t you follow doctor’s advice?”


  1. Doctor: “Do you take your blood pressure every day?”
  2. Doctor: “Have you taken your temperature?”
  3. Doctor: “Did it hurt you to swallow yesterday?”
  4. Doctor: “Are you coughing?”


  1. Paul: “When did you break your leg, Tim?”
  2. Mother: “Who has hurt you, Polly?”
  3. Kate: “Why are you sneezing, Dick?”
  4. Patient: “What can I do to be healthy, doctor?”


  1. Bob: “Is this medicine bitter, Mom?”
  2. Pam: “Do you keep to a healthy diet, Jill?”
  3. Jack: “Did you ride a bicycle in summer, Kate?”
  4. Nick: “Have you ever suffered from pain, Bill?”

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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