Инсценировка сказки "Снежная королева".
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Кочкалова Ольга Евгеньевна

Материал предназначен для творческих детей 5,6,7-х классов, которые занимаются постановкой для детей начальной школы. Именно поэтому язык в сказке простой, понятный малышам, которые только начали изучать английский язык. Основная цель постановки - развитие мотивационной сферы учащихся.


Предварительный просмотр:

Инсценировка сказки «снежная королева»

Учитель : Кочкалова Ольга Евгеньевна

Цели и задачи:

  1. Развивать мотивационную сферу к изучению английского языка учащихся разного уровня.
  2. Совершенствовать навыки говорения.
  3. Развивать творчество и артистизм школьников.
  4. Активизировать речемыслительную деятельность.
  5. Воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и привязанности к семье.



1. Story-teller                                                    

2. Gerda                                      

3. Kay

4. Granny

5. Man

6. Snow Queen

7. The first Robber

8. The second Robber

9. Old woman Robber

10. Little girl Robber

11. Reindeer


A bush of roses

A window

A carriage

A knife

Pieces of ice

Other decors

  Music for every scene:

 special music for beginning the play,

calm music,

 music for Snow Queen,

 intense music, music for ending the scene,

 loud energetic music


Special music for beginning the play

Story-teller      If it were not for me, a story-teller, you would never learn what happened to a small boy called Kay. But silence. Let’s begin.

Calm music

(A small poor room, a window, two armchairs and a rose bush. The children are sitting on the carpet, looking at pictures in a book. The sound of creaking stairs)

Gerda   What is it?

Kay   The stairs are creaking. Here is our granny.

(A knock at the door)

Gerda   No it’s not our granny. Keep quiet!

(Children hide behind the armchairs. The door opens and a tall man comes in)

Man   Hello, children! Why are you hiding?

(The door opens and an old woman comes in)

Kay   Granny!

Gerda   Our granny!

Granny   My dear children!

Man   Good evening, ma’am.

Granny    Good evening, sir. What can I do for you? And who are you?

Man   I am the King’s Counsellor. I’ve heard about your roses and I want to buy them.

Granny   But I am not going to sell the roses. I love them so much.

Gerda   Yes we enjoy them.

Man   Twenty pounds.

Granny   No.

Man   Thirty, fifty… one hundred.

Granny   No, sorry.

Man   You don’t understand who I am! I am very rich! I sell ice! I know the Snow Queen herself!   How much are these roses?

Granny   These roses are not for sale.

Man   You are a crazy old woman!

Kay   Don’t shout at our granny and go away!

Man   OK. I’ll tell the Snow Queen!

(Goes out of the room)

Gerda   Granny, who is the Snow Queen?

Granny   The Snow Queen lives in the North. She is beautiful but very cruel.

Kay   Have you ever seen her?

Granny   No, I haven’t but…

Music for Snow Queen

(Suddenly a beautiful woman appears in the room)

Kay   Who are you?

Snow Queen   I am the Snow Queen.

Granny   Good evening, You Majesty. Sit down, please.

Snow Queen   No, thank you. You are a very poor woman and you have two children. It’s difficult. I am alone and very rich. I will take this boy from you.

Kay   What?

Snow Queen   You will be a son to me.

Kay   But I don’t want.

Gerda   Granny, don’t give Kay, please.

Granny   Don’t worry, children. I would never let him go.

Kay   Go away! Did you hear my Granny?

Snow Queen   You must think, Kay. You will live in the palace with me, and you will have everything.

Kay   No, I don’t want to leave Gerda and my Granny.

Snow Queen   All right.

Music for Snow Queen

(Comes up to Kay and touches his chest)

                           Good bye! See you soon, Kay!

Music for Snow Queen


Intense music

Kay   Ha-ha-ha! Oh, Granny, how funny and fat you are! And you, Gerda, you are so ugly!

Gerda   What’s the matter with him!

Granny   Kay! What happened?

Kay   I am sick and tired of you. I hate everything here. I am leaving. Good bye!

Gerda   Kay! Kay!

Music for ending the scene

(Embraces her Granny and  weeps).


Music for beginning the scene

Story-teller   Now Gerda is looking for Kay. She is going in the carriage. A Prince and a Princess gave it to her as a present.  The poor boy will be saved. But.. (A piercing whistle is heard)

 What’s there? Robbers! Oh! Poor Gerda! Who will help her?

Loud energetic music

(A camp of robbers)

1st Robber   Look what we’ve got!

2nd Robber   Wow! Here is a gold carriage!

1st Robber   And a little girl.

Old Woman Robber   I think she will be very tasty!

(takes out a knife)

Gerda   Don’t kill me, please. Let me go!

1st Robber   What a silly girl!

2nd  Robber   We will kill you!

Gerda   Listen to me, please, dear robbers. Let me go. I must help Kay. He will die without me and he is a very good boy. Please, let me go! I bag you.

Old Woman Robber   I am going to eat you up!

(she raises a knife. A black-haired girl rushes in)

Little Girl Robber   Don’t touch her! Oh, what a nice girl! She will play with me. You will be my friend. What’s your name?

Gerda   Gerda.

Little Girl Robber   A nice muff and a coat and a hat.

Gerda   You can take it, but please, let me go. I am going to the Snow Queen’s Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber    No, you won’t go there. You will stay here. Look what I’ve got.

(Little Girl Robber whistles)

Come here quickly!

(The reindeer appears)

Look how funny he is!

Gerda    May I ask him a question?

Little Girl Robber   Yes, you may.

Calm music

Gerda   Tell me, Reindeer, did you live in the North?

Reindeer   Yes, I did.

Gerda   Have you ever seen the Snow Queen?

Reindeer   Yes, I have.  Ones she passed me. She had a little boy. He was white with cold.

Gerda   Kay! It was Kay! He is my brother! Oh, dear girl, let me go, please. I must save my brother. He can die.

Little Girl Robber   No! Are you crazy?

Reindeer   Please, do let her go. I’ll show Gerda the Snow Queen’s Kingdom.

Little Girl Robber   What?  You? No!!!

Gerda   and Reindeer    Please!

Little Girl Robber   All right! There is nothing to be done. Take your coat and your hat and your muff… no, not muff – I like it myself.

Gerda   Thank you, girl!

Reindeer   Thank you! You are very kind!

Little Girl Robber   Good luck, Gerda!

Gerda   Good bye!

Music for ending the scene


Music for beginning the scene

Story-teller   Oh, poor Gerda! There is nothing but ice all around! She is riding on the Reindeer. Shi is very cold. Oh, poor Gerda! Run quickly Reindeer! Help Gerda to save Kay!

Gerda   Look!  Is this the Kingdom of the Snow Queen?

Reindeer   Yes, it is. But I can’t go farther. Are you afraid to go there?

Gerda   No, I am not. I must help my brother

Reindeer   Snow Queen is very cruel!

Gerda   Nevertheless I will go!

Reindeer   Hurry up! And good luck!

Gerda   Thank you, Reindeer! Good bye!

(The hall in the Snow Queen’s palace .Kay is sitting on the floor and playing with icicles)

Calm music

Gerda   Kay! Kay! Are you frozen? Answer me, please.

Kay    Hush, Gerda! You bother me.

Gerda   Kay, dear Kay, it’s me.

Kay   I see

Gerda   Have you forgotten me?

Kay   No.

Gerda   Are you really my brother Kay?

Kay   Yes, I am. But I am very busy now. I must make the word “eternity” out of the icicles.

Gerda   What for?

Kay   The Queen will give me the whole world as a present and skates.

Gerda   Kay, let’s go home. I don’t like it here. It’s spring now. The sky is blue. He sun is shining. The birds are singing.

Kay   Leave me alone.

Gerda   Our Granny is waiting for us. She does not sleep, does not eat but only cries.

(Weeps and embraces Kay)

Intense music

Kay   Our Granny! I remember. Oh, I am cold. Gerda? Is it you?  Why are you crying? How did you get there? Come home!

Music for Snow Queen

(Snow Queen appears)

Snow Queen   You, little girl! Don’t take him away! I will turn you into ice!

Gerda   Nobody is afraid you here. You can’t turn people with warm hearts into ice!

Snow Queen   Kay! You must stay with me.

Kay   We go home, you won’t stop us. We are not afraid of you!

Snow Queen   Oh, we’ll see!

Music for Snow Queen

(Raises her hands, the howling of the wind is heard)

Gerda   You can wave your arms, your legs  or tail but I won’t give you Kay!

(Snow Queen disappears) 

Music for Snow Queen

(The scene changes)

Calm music

(A poor room, Granny is standing by the window, crying)

Gerda and Kay   Granny! Granny! We are at home!

Granny   Oh, my dear children! Garda, you’ve saved Kay! Oh! I am so happy!

Kay   Nobody can turn our family into ice because family is the most important thing in your life! Remember it, children!!!

Music for ending the scene

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