Материал для интерактивной доски к учебнику английского языка Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В. 7 класс
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Иванова Анна Вячеславовна

Данный материал состоит из слайдов  для интерактивной доски по лексике и грамматике к учебнику  английского языка Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В.  7 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

get along with someone - to be on good terms with someone . Does Mary get along with her roommate? быть в хороших отношениях с, ладить , уживаться с кем-то get away with something - to escape punishment for wrongdoing . The police didn't find the thief. He got away with his crime. He got away with it. избежать / уйти от наказания ( оставшись непойманным ) get down to (work, business) - to concentrate on (work, business) Let's get down to business. заняться делом get out (of something) - to get outside She broke the window and got out. Get out of the house! выйти , выбраться наружу ( из чего-то )

Слайд 2

get off the bus, train, plane - to leave the bus, train, plane He got off the train at the River Station. сойти с автобуса , поезда , самолета get on the bus, train, plane - to take a bus, train, plane He got on the bus on Maple Avenue . сесть на автобус , поезд , самолет get up - to rise He gets up at eight o'clock. вставать , подниматься get over something - to recover from an illness or bad experience You'll get over it soon. I'm glad you got over your illness so quickly. преодолеть, оправиться после болезни или неприятност и

Слайд 3

Fill in the prepositions Jim and Liz don't get _____ with each other. They got ______ with the stolen diamonds. It's already ten o'clock. Let's get _____ to work. He'll get _______ these difficulties soon. He got ____ of the car and walked to the bank. He got _____ the bus on Maple Avenue . He got ____ the train at the River Station. She gets ____ at eight o'clock.

Слайд 4

Learn the words foundations an idiom isolation to memorize an intonation afterwards helpful mother tongue a drill an interpreter to interpret to practise practice related up-to-date old-fashioned average rude to realize to disappoint disappointed almost

Слайд 5

Correct the mistakes foundatons an id е om isalation to memorise an intonashion afterwords helpfull mother tangue a dril an interprete to interprit to practice practise rilated up- tu -date old- fashiond avirage roode to realise to disapoint disapointed almoust

Слайд 6

Find the mistakes Radioes , comedys , days, thifs , tomatos , keys, tooths , deers , oxen, zoos, mouses , heros .

Слайд 7

Keys Radios, comedies, thieves, tomatoes, teeth, deer, mice, heroes.

Слайд 8

Yesterday – the day before , the previous day Today – that day, the same day Tomorrow – the day after, the following / next day Last week – the week before, the previous week Now – then Next week – the week after, the following week Ago – before This – that These – those Here- there

Слайд 12

turn around - to go around - обернуться, развернуться; turn out - to appear to be - оказаться (кем-то, каким-то) turn over - to move from one side to another - перевернуть( ся ); turn up - to appear - возникнуть, появиться turn into someone / something - to change into someone / something - превратить кого-то / что-то в кого-то / что-то turn inside out – вывернуть наизнанку

Слайд 13

7. turn upside down – перевернуть вверх тормашками 8 . turn up – сделать громче turn down – сделать тише turn on - включить turn off - выключить

Слайд 14

1) He turned _______ and faced the man who was running after him. 2) He turned _____ to be a friendly young man. 3) He turned _____ to be a good actor. 4) Don't worry, some opportunity will turn _____ sooner or later. 5) She is turning _____ a good doctor. 6) He washed his face and turned ____ the water. 7) He turned _____ the water and washed his face. 8) The nurse turned the patient _____. 9) He was turned _______ a mouse in that fairy tale. 10) The wind was so strong that it turned our umbrellas ____ . 11) He turned his flat ____ ____ looking for his bag.

Слайд 15

sleepily tablecloth plateful serial a candle candlestick light/to light (lit, lit) cheerful/cheerfully to pull to push to struggle/ a struggle to wind (wound, wound) winding to share to regret/regretted regretful regretfully to bounce bouncy to knock a bowl close t o repair firm

Слайд 16

Size, Feel, Weight, Shape, Temperature tiny bulky broad narrow smooth rough sharp blunt pointed fluffy heavy light straight regular in shape irregular in shape shaped like a ball (star, heart, …) cool stone-cold ice-cold pleasantly warm piping hot

Слайд 17

Decide whether you have to use farther or further : How much _______ do you plan to drive tonight? I just can’t go any _______. Do you have any _______ plans for adding on to the building? That’s a lot _______ than I want to carry this heavy suitcase! The _______ that I travel down this road, the _______ behind schedule I get. How much _______ do you intend to take this legal matter? It’s not that much _______ to the gas station. How much _______ do I have to run, coach?

Слайд 18

How much farther do you plan to drive tonight? I just can’t go any further . Do you have any further plans for adding on to the building? That’s a lot farther than I want to carry this heavy suitcase! The farther that I travel down this road, the further behind schedule I get. How much further do you intend to take this legal matter? It’s not that much farther to the gas station. How much farther do I have to run, coach?

Слайд 19

Translate дальнейшее образование самый дальний магазин дальнейшие детали старший брат старше меня последние новости последняя страница в прошлом году последний из двух упомянутых следующая станция

Слайд 20

a few a little a lot a great deal of a great number of in a hurry in a whisper in a loud/low voice for a while to be at a loss to tell a lie to go for a walk to have a good time To have a swim To have a smoke To have a talk To have a look

Слайд 21

В английском языке есть целый ряд слов, которые обозначают уникальные, то есть единичные, понятия. Как правило, эти существительные пишутся с определенным артиклем: the north , the south , the east , the west , the earth , the sun , the equator , the horizon , the sky , the Milky Way ... The sun rises in the east and sets in the west . Многие из этих слов мы просто привыкли употреблять с определенным артиклем: I would love to travel around the world one day . Однако в некоторых случаях можно встретить эти существительные либо с неопределенным артиклем, или вообще без него: East or West home is best . Если перед уникальным существительным стоит описательное определение, то с ним возможно употребление неопределенного артикля:

Слайд 22

Со словом home, как правило, не употребляется предлог TO и артикли: go home/ come home/get home. Это объясняется тем, что home - это не конкретное место, и не постройка ( house), а скорее атмосфера, в которой человеку хорошо и комфортно. We came home late at night. It is always nice to be back home again. I like to stay at home in the evening . Разумеется, эти существительные могут обозначать и конкретные места, и, соответственно, употребляться с артиклями. After the war the hospital was in rather poor condition. It was a very old church. In the prison he met his old friends.

Слайд 23

Ряд существительных, обозначающие места социальной деятельности человека, употребляются без артикля, так как они выражают не столько место, сколько действие, связанное с этим местом. Эти существительные обычно употребляются в стандартных фразах: To go to __ school - значит не ходить в конкретное здание, а учиться ( to study ) To go to __ church - верить в Бога, быть постоянным прихожанином ( to believe in God ) To go to __ bed - идти спать, а не идти к конкретной кровати To go to work - идти работать / To be at work - быть занятым работой To be in __ prison - отбывать наказание за преступление To be in __ hospital - проходить лечение в больнице http://www.study.ru/lessons/intermediate6-1-ex.html

Слайд 24

1 . to rush at – наброситься, накинуться to rush at conclusions – торопиться с выводами 2. to rush in/into – торопливо войти, ворваться 3. to rush out/off – торопливо выйти 4. to rush to – броситься, спешно отправиться

Слайд 25

stripy condensed gloomy particular kindly anxious fussy to promise a promise solemn solemnly tremendous to wave to seem to murmur to mumble to bend/bent/bent a paw weight to weigh

Слайд 26

Основные способы выражения будущего времени.

Слайд 28

Translate the sentences into English 1. Я собираюсь купить новый словарь для уроков английского языка. 2. Он надеется получить хорошую работу. 3. Берегись! Ты сейчас упадешь с лестницы. 4. Завтра в полдень Анна будет сажать розы у себя в саду.

Слайд 29


Слайд 31

English collective nouns colony of ants. flock of birds, sheep herd of cattle, sheep kindle of kittens litter of cubs, kittens mob of kangaroos, emus pack of dogs, etc. pod of whales or dolphins. pride of lions. school of fish. shoal of fish. swarm of bees, flies

Слайд 32


Слайд 33

http:// www.englishexercises.org/makeagame/viewgame.asp?id=6276

Слайд 34


Слайд 35

С существительными supper , dinner , breakfast , lunch , brunch , tea артиклей, как правило, не употребляется, когда эти слова обозначают традиционное время принятия пищи. What do you usually have for dinner? Breakfast is served, madam. Если перед этими существительными стоит описательное определение, то здесь употребляется неопределенный артикль. We had a delicious dinner yesterday. I am hungry, because I've had an early breakfast today. С этими словами может употребляться определенный артикль, если имеется контекст, или другое лимитирующее условие. The dinner was fantastic! Thank you, Jane! Ужин (тот самый, который только что был\ блюда, которые были приготовлены) был фантастическим. Did you like the lunch at the hotel? Тебе понравился ланч в отеле ( ланч в конкретном отеле)?

Слайд 36

Дополнительные придаточные предложения ( object clauses ) употребляются в функции дополнения к глаголу или прилагательному в главном предложении. Они присоединяются к главному предложения союзами that , if , whether союзными местоимениями и наречиями who , whose , what , which , where , when , how , why , а также без союзов. Примеры: I knew that you would understand me . ( Wilde ) Я знал, что вы поймете меня. I asked if she saw the lock . ( Heym ) Я спросил, видит ли она замок. We did not know what had happened . Мы не знали, что случилось. I know where I left it . Я знаю, где я оставил его. Союз that в дополнительных придаточных предложениях часто опускается (в особенности в разговорной речи).

Слайд 37


Слайд 38

run away (from someone, with someone) - убежать, сбежать (из дома, от кого-то, с кем-то) run down – остановиться; критиковать run in - забежать run out - выбежать; кончаться run over – переехать; перелиться через край run into / across – случайно встретиться

Слайд 39

out, away, over, into, down, off We've run ________of milk. ( = We have no more milk) . Peter ran ________ the door. He ran ________ without paying the bill. ( = escaped, fled) . We ran ________ ( = met, saw) your brother at the mall last night. We haven’t got many eggs left; we are running ____ The boy was run __________ by a speeding truck. The robbers had run _______ before the police arrived.

Слайд 40


Слайд 41


Слайд 42

Complete ______ of ants. ______ of birds ______ of cattle ______ of flowers ______ of cubs, kittens _____ of kangaroos, emus _____ of dogs, etc. _______ of lions. ______ of fish. _______ of fish. ________ of bees, flies ______ of keys

Слайд 43

Learn the words household telly storyteller watchful to transport librarian speech to pop pop-eyed to spoil to manage cosy a cosy to devour a search to search to pick fascination fascinating an adventure an addition to contain a container a chatterbox tiny a spell contents to impress an impression impressive to introduce

Слайд 44

Answer the questions What’s the title of the book? Who is the author of the book? What do you think of the book? (It’s realistic. The language is good. The plot is interesting. There are many funny scenes in the book. The author knows the subject well…) Who are the main characters of the book? What is the book about? (The book is about… The book describes the life of… ) When was the book published?

Слайд 45

Thrillers Thrillers are now and then known as spy thrillers and may have themes where spies are involved in probing various events, habitually on an international scale. A thriller is typified by the sudden rush of emotions, sense of suspense, apprehension, the excitement, and excitement that force the story, on occasion delicately with lulls and peaks, sometimes at a stable, swift pace. Horror Horror might bring in elements such as apocalyptic, supernatural events or in certain cases extremely graphic cases of mutilation or murder caused by human beings or other sources. This type is meant to, or has the ability to scare its readers, inducing a mind-set of terror and horror. Horror can be either supernatural or non-supernatural. Historical fiction Historical fiction conceives deeds or characters for a particular age and might tell the story of that time period in a non-fictional or fictional way; but, the characters are usually fictionalized. A deviation of this is the period novel, either written during or following a particular time period and mainly highlighting what it was like to live in that age, with fictional characters as models. Fantasy Fantasy might cover various "unreal" or supernatural things , or stuffs not probable in the actual world, and might have alternate planets and/or mythological and fabricated people or creatures.

Слайд 46

Romances Probably the most popular among different types of books, romances tend to be stories that mainly focus on love and relationships , and might take as a subject a single romantic relationship, or a person looking for love. Western Westerns can be a subdivision of historical fiction although it might more loosely revolve around life in the wild American west , as it was established. Mysteries Mysteries repeatedly have characters that inspect crimes or different puzzles . The prime purpose is to unravel the puzzle by finding out the truth using a mixture of logic, deduction, observation, and inference. Habitually there is a frequent character; however, it isn't an indispensable stipulation of this subgenre. The other type that falls into this class are locked room mysteries. Although the focus here is on how the offense was carried out instead of who committed it. Science fiction Science fiction tends to make use of some technical data as foundation for stories, and may put the focus on stuffs such as future worlds , apocalypse scenarios, space travel, etc. The science fiction types of books overlap a lot with all other genres. Consequently, it is very complicated to define the genre with one straightforward, simple definition that elucidates its relation to other types of books. Above all, there is great debate about the differences and overlap between fantasy and science fiction. Science fiction aficionados, even those most ingrained in the genre, frequently have very strong and very deviating views on what constitutes a science fiction work.

Слайд 47

Art Literature Dancing Music Painting and Drawing Sculpture Architecture Theatre Cinema

Слайд 48

Learn the words balcony gallery box theatre hall curtain aisle seat dress circle stalls stage orchestra pit

Слайд 49

Future Simple Passive Passive with Modals will must ought to should can have to be V3

Слайд 50

ART is creative human skill. ART is communication about the self and the world using sight - the Visual Arts sound - Music, words - the Literary Arts, and/or actions (Dance and Drama). ART can be a combination of all of these. ART explores media, which is the materials, images, words and actions used. ART explores messages, subjects and objects, themes and issues.

Слайд 51

http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-27721.php http://www.tolearnenglish.com/exercises/exercise-english-2/exercise-english-56945.php

Слайд 52

Translate Руки надо мыть перед едой. Комнаты нужно регулярно проветривать. Кошку надо кормить рыбой. Собаку можно кормить мясом и овощами. Ребенку надо давать фрукты. Книги надо положить в шкаф. Эту картину можно повесить над камином. http://njnj.ru/answers/golitsinsky_answers(250-300).shtml#a288

Слайд 53

Образование и употребление страдательного залога с модальными глаголами http://www.study.ru/lessons/preintermediate8-3-ex.html

Слайд 54

Двойные пассивные конструкции

Слайд 55

Действительный и страдательный залог . Двойные пассивные конструкции http://www.study.ru/lessons/preintermediate8-4-ex.html

Слайд 58

Употребление артикля с существительными обозначающими части суток и времена года Если существительные ( night, evening, day, summer, spring) употребляются в самом общем смысле, то артикль с ними не ставится. Winter in Russia usually brings a lot of snow and cold. Night fell and we renewed our journey. При наличие описательного определения перед существительным, может употребляется неопределенный артикль. It was a cloudless night. C существительными обозначающими части суток и времена года неопределенный артикль обычно не употребляется с прилагательными: early, late, high, broad , real It was late autumn. It was broad day. E сли имеется контекст, или другое лимитирующее условие, то может употребляться определенный артикль. It was the winter that we shall never forget. Это была (конкретная) зима, которую мы никогда не забудем.

Слайд 59

Употребление артикля с существительными обозначающими части суток и времена года Неопределенный артикль употребляется в подобных фразах: in the evening/morning, early in the morning, all through the night, during the summer, in the late autumn... He got up early in the morning. They stayed awake all through the night. Со многими выражениями с предлогами перед существительными артикль не употребляется: at night/at midnight/at noon/at dawn/at dusk/after midnight/past noon/by midday... . We reached the hotel by noon. The ghost appeared at midnight. Артикль также не употребляется в следующих устойчивых выражениях: all day(night) long, all day(night) through, day after day, from morning till night, day and night.

Слайд 60

Употребление артикля с существительными, обозначающими суточные приемы пищи и части суток и времена года http://www.study.ru/lessons/intermediate6-2-ex.html

Слайд 61

1. Set about - start doing something Example: We SET ABOUT the cleaning and got it done before lunchtime . 2. Set smb to smth – to make smb do smth Example: Mother SET him TO work. 3. Set out – 1) Display, show Example: The figures are SET OUT in the council's annual report. 4. Set out/off Start a journey Example: The explorers SET OUT for the South Pole yesterday morning. We SET OFF for work at seven-thirty.

Слайд 62

FILM a film/a movie/a motion picture the movies a short film a silent film a black-and-white film a feature/full-length film a film library a trailer the title subtitles TYPES OF FILMS an adventure film a historical film a documentary a cartoon an epic a comedy a thriller a horror film a science fiction movie a western

Слайд 63

ABOUT THE PEOPLE a film maker actor/actress the producer to direct a film the cast the leading role the supporting role a minor role (to have a minor role) OTHER VOCABULARY the screen to screen to shoot shooting to dub dubbed : The film is dubbed The movie is subtitled special effects film music film poster a hit or a blockbuster a flop a review of film

Слайд 64

Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. Sheila is drinking a cup of tea. - My father is washing the car. - Farmer Joe is milking the cows. - She is taking a picture of him. - I am writing a poem. - We are not playing football. - He is not wearing a tie. - Is she preparing the party? - Are they talking about the meeting? - Is she watering the flowers? -

Слайд 65

We were talking about Francis. - Francis was being talked about by us. He was playing the guitar. - The guitar was being played by him. She was watching a film. - A film was being watched by her. I was repairing their bikes. - Their bikes were being repaired by me. They were not eating dinner. - Dinner was not being eaten by them. We were not painting the gate. - The gate was not being painted by us. You were not driving him home. - He was not being driven home by you. He was not feeding the dogs. - The dogs were not being fed by him.

Слайд 66

Art is long, life is short. (a real work of art, to create a masterpiece, to admire, for centuries, to awaken feelings, to give the sense of the beauty and the past, to remember);

Слайд 67

1) Give words or word combinations for the definitions: the part of the theatre where the audience sits – stalls 2. a raised platform in a theatre where the actors appear – stage 3. a place where hats and coats may be left – a cloak room 4. a set of actors in a play – cast 5. the main role – a leading part

Слайд 68

6.a person who leads a group of music players or singers – a conductor 7. a person who examines our tickets at the entrance of the theatre – an usher 8. the sides of the stage which the audience cannot see the place where the play is happening – wings 9. what does the sign “House Full” at the entrance of the theatre mean? – all tickets are sold out

Слайд 69

Match different kinds of TV programmes with their descriptions. documentary the news chat show soap opera nature programme weather forecast commercial a) actual film about animals and plants b)informal talk, usually with famous people c) the latest events in the world and in your country d)non-fiction film based on real events e)drama, usually about family life; often weekly f)advertisement g) information about temperature, wind, rain, sun and so on

Слайд 70

a neighbourhood pocket money handy inhabitant to greet laughter a fair fortune fortunate unfortunate fortunately to mend a bargain noble sour to set (set, set) thread a sight a tune to tune to spread (spread, spread) to drop

Слайд 71

Если речь идет об исправлении поломок, повреждений, то используется слово repairs , to repair — чинить electrical appliances should be repaired by an electrician the truck was beyond repair the abandoned house they bought needs repairs У нас тут, к слову, как раз сломалась машина, и мы вынуждены были отвезти ее в repair shop . « Ремонт можно только приостановить», поэтому если в текущий момент в вашей квартире ремонт — you have current/running repairs. Еще один глагол «чинить» — to mend . Этим глаголом «чинят» туфли, сумки и прочие малогабаритные предметы: workmen were mending cabling

Слайд 72

gold — золотой, сделанный из золота My granny has got a gold watch . У моей бабушки есть золотые часы. a gold-fish — золотая рыбка golden — золотой (цвета золота), золотистый. golden field - золотое поле golden hair — золотистые волосы golden age — золотой век golden hours — золотая пора golden wedding - золотая свадьба В некоторых случаях golden также может иметь значение золотой, сделанный из золота. Ср.: a golden crown , однако, подобное употребление менее частотно и встречается в основном в текстах принадлежащих книжному стилю, тем не менее это употребление вполне нормативно.

Слайд 73

Give it a name the streets and land around it lucky to set a musical instrument to welcome with words or actions people who live in a place good at doing things with your hands with a taste like a lemon 8. thing piece of cotton, wool or silk 9. a market held at a regular period 10. great, good and fine 11. the act of seeing smth 12. to cover a large area 13. To deliberately let smth fall

Слайд 74

Translate чинить туфли удачная сделка сметана книжная ярмарка накрывать на стол карманные деньги веселая мелодия уронить ложку при виде золотая нить

Слайд 75

When we were at the theatre last we had seats …(in the stalls, in the boxes, in the dress-circle, …) We bought the tickets … (five days in advance, right before the performance, at the box office, at the theatre agency …) It was ..(an evening performance, …) The house was … (full, nearly empty..) The play we saw …(is based on a novel…, is written by…) The play is…(amusing, dull, funny, sad, entertaining, worth seeing, no good , stupid…)

Слайд 76

касса зрительный зал за кулисами крылья гардероб гримерные дирижер костюмеры билетер режиссер оформители ставить пьесы репетировать роль второго плана главная роль аплодировать свет гаснет выходить на бис настраиваться за кулисами гримерные дирижер

Слайд 77

How about going to the museum? ... . Shall I call you? … . Will it be all right if I come at 12? … . Settled. See you tomorrow then.

Слайд 78

- Do you go in for sport? - What sport do you go in for? - What is your favourite sport? Why? - What are your favourite sportsmen or women?

Слайд 79

1. When did the Olympic Games begin? a) 553 B.C. b) 776 B.C. c) 676 A.D. d) 393 A.D. 2. Who banned the Games? a) Peter I b) Catherine I c) Theodosius I d) Pavel 3. How many events were there in the very earliest Olympiad? a) Only 3 b) Only 1 c) Only 4 d) Only 5 4. Who wrote a letter to every country describing the educational value of sport? a) Baron Pierre de Coubertin b) Theodosius I c) The Romans d) The Greeks 5. When did the first modern Olympic Games take place? a) In 1894 b) In 1875 c) In 1896 d) In 1808

Слайд 80

6. In what city were the first modern Olympic Games held? a) In Athens b) In Barselona c) In Paris d) In London 7. How many times were the Olympic Games interrupted? a) 1 b) 4 c) 2 d) 3 8. When did Russia join the Olympic Games? a) In 1898 b) In 1948 c) In 1952 d) In 1931 9. What country hosted the twenty-second modern Olympiad? a) France b) Russia c) Greece d) Italy 10. What are the Paralimpics Games? a) Games for disabled athletes b) Games for women c) Games for children

Слайд 81

Badminton Chess Athletics Sky-diving Baseball Water polo Basketball Canoeing Boxing Sailing Cycling Equestrian Football Bobsledding Wrestling Weightlifting Gymnastics Handball Ice hockey Cricket Judo Golf Shooting Skiing Swimming Slalom Tennis Figure skating Curling Archery Table tennis Taekwondo Volleyball

Слайд 82

to play sports to be interested in to win (won, won) to lose (lost, lost) to keep fit to be in good health to relax after a hard day at school to develop body and mind to overcome difficulties to require to make a person more organized and disciplined strong will power quick reaction courage great physical strength concentration patience enthusiasm mobility

Слайд 83

Finish the proverbs 1. Health is ... (better than wealth) 2. A sound mind ... (in a sound body). 3. Early to bed ... (early to rise, makes one man healthy wealthy and wise) 4. An apple a day ... (keeps the doctors away). 5. Good health is … (better than wealth). 6. Eat with pleasure, … (drink with measure).

Слайд 84

Аудирование рассказа-загадки учителя Listen to my short story and tell me what kind of sport it is. a) It is one of the most popular kinds of sport. Both boys and girls, men and women go in for this sport. It is very beautiful. You can hear wonderful music and watch skating and dancing sportsmen. What sport is it? (Figure skating).

Слайд 85

This is a ball game. It is played outdoors by teams of 15 players. They use an oval ball which is carried by a player. The players of the other team try to stop the man and take the ball from him. This game is usually played by men only (rugby). P2: This ball game is very popular both in Great Britain and in Russia. It is usually played by two players, sometimes four at a table. They hit a small ball with a racket over a net. This game is played in nearly all schools. It is played by both boys and girls. The game can be played outdoors and indoors too (table-tennis). P3: This is a ball game too. It is usually played by two or four players. They hit a ball with a racket across a net. The game is very popular with boys and girls, men and women in Great Britain. It is played in our country too and is well known all over the world. This is an outdoor game (tennis). P4: This ball game is very popular not only in Great Britain, but all over the world. It is usually played by boys and men. Each team has 11 players: backs, halfbacks, outside, inside, centre forwards and one goalkeeper. In Great Britain every town has a professional team. In the U.K. there are both professional and amateur teams (football).

Слайд 87

Условные предложения 1-го типа. Помимо if , употребляются такие слова и фразы, как: when , as soon as (как только), before , until . When she reads the letter , she will become nervous . As soon as you are ready , I'll drive you home . Также в условных предложениях используется союз unless (если только не/ разве только не), который можно заменить на if + not (отрицание). После союза unless г лагол-сказуемое ставится в утвердительной форме, поскольку союз unless уже заключает в себе отрицание. She will forget about it unless we remind her . Она забудет про это, если только мы ей не напомним. She will forget about it if we don't remind her . Придаточное предложение, которое обычно начинается со слова if , может стоять как в начале условного предложения (перед главным предложением), так и в конце. Если оно стоит в начале, то после него ставится запятая. Если же оно стоит в конце, то перед ним запятая не ставится. If you leave now , you'll catch the train . You'll catch the train if you leave now .

Слайд 88

to do business with smb to do the dishes – мыть посуду to do a favor – оказывать услугу to do good (at maths ) – успевать (по математике) to do harm – навредить to do time – отбывать срок в тюрьме to do one’s best – прилагать усилие/делать все возможное to do one’s hair/nails – делать прическу/маникюр to do the ironing– гладить (действие) to do the laundry – стирать (действие) to do the washing – мыть посуду (действие) to do homework to do housework to do one’s job

Слайд 89

Глагол Do используется, когда кто-либо совершает действие, занимается какой-либо деятельностью или выполняет какую-либо работу: do a crossword – разгадывать кроссворд do the ironing – утюжить что-либо do the laundry – заниматься стиркой Do часто используется, когда речь идет о работе любого плана: do your work – делать работу do home work – делать домашнюю работу (домашние задания) do house work – делать работу по дому do your job – делать свою работу (свои обязанности)

Слайд 90

Глагол Make используется, когда что-либо создается, сооружается, строится, и т.п.: make a dress – сделать (сшить) платье make food – приготовить еду make a cup of tea / coffee – сделать (приготовить) чашку чая / кофе Make часто используется, когда речь идет о приготовлении еды. make a meal (breakfast / lunch / dinner) – приготовить еду (завтрак / обед / ужин)

Слайд 91

make arrangements – договориться, устроить что-либо make believe (to pretend) – притворяться, делать вид make a choice – сделать выбор make a comment – сделать замечание, комментарий make a decision – принять решение make a difference – иметь разницу (например: It makes no difference. – Это не имеет никакой разницы). make an effort – приложить усилие make an enquiry – сделать запрос, наводить справки make an excuse - извиниться make a fool of yourself – выставить себя дураком make a fortune – сделать состояние make friends - подружиться make a fuss – поднимать шум make a journey – совершить путешествие make a mess – устроить беспорядок make a mistake – сделать ошибку make money – зарабатывать деньги make a move – сделать ход make a noise - шуметь make a phone call – совершить телефонный звонок make a plan – составить план make a point – выразить точку зрения make a profit – получать прибыль make a promise – сделать обещание make a remark – сделать замечание make a sound – издать звук make a speech – прочитать речь make a suggestion – сделать предложение

Слайд 92

make a choice make a comment make a decision make a difference make an effort make an enquiry make an excuse make a fortune make friends make a fuss make a journey make a mess make a mistake make money make a noise make a call make a plan make a point make a profit make a promise make a remark make a sound make a speech make a suggestion make one’s bed – в значении „ убрать постель ”

Слайд 93

Do or make I have to ___ a telephone call. She didn't ___ her best so she felt sad. It was the first time she didn't ___ the beds. She was late so she didn't ___ breakfast for them. Can you ___ me a favour and lend me some money? He has to ___ the housework before he can go. There are so many decisions to ___. I usually _____ the cleaning on Saturday Morning. Can you tell me how much money he ___? He was busy ___ the food shopping. Can you tell me how much money he ___? He was busy ___ the shopping. The children are ___ too much noise. Let's go out tonight and _____ the town! I must ___ my homework before I go to bed. Excuse me, could you _____ me a favor and watch my bags for a moment? She spends too much time ___ her hair and nails. I will ___ the dinner dishes. You can ___ the dinner. 10. He really doesn't want to _____ that decision.

Слайд 94

Learn the words folk fill up piggy secretly triumph victory beyond either property a patch ground desperate/desperately enormous to bark/to bark up the wrong tree filthy to point to beat to threaten to stare to despise dust dusty amazing willing

Слайд 95

T: Different people prefer different sports. We say “sport” when we mean physical activity generally and when we mean a particular kind of sport. Can you guess what sports and games are described here? (“English VII” O.V. Afanasyeva , I.V. Miheeva ) the sport of fighting with fists; the sport of riding in a small boat with sails; the sport of one who swims; the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball; a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net; the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails; the sport of going on horseback; a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field. Keys : boxing; sailing; swimming; rugby; tennis; rowing; horseracing; 8. icy hokey

Слайд 96

T: Thousands of people devote their leisure time playing different games and doing sports. What do you call a person who: plays golf – (golfer) rides a bicycle – (a cyclist) plays tennis – (a tennis player) rides horses in races – (a jockey) drives cars in races – (a driver) does the high jump – (a high-jumper) runs fast over short distances – (a sprinter) does gymnastics – (a gymnast) throws a discus – (discus thrower) does windsurfing – (windsurfer)

Слайд 97

T: Both referee and umpire are judges. What games and competition do they judge? Referee is used in connection with basketball, boxing, football, hockey, rugby and wrestling. Umpire is used in connection with badminton, baseball, cricket, swimming, tennis and volleyball.

Слайд 98

T: As you know sports are practised indoors and outdoors. There are some names of special places for practicing sport and playing games. Match the sport with the location. rink , pool , stadium , field , court , ring , course Golf is played on a course. Boxing is done on a ring. Tennis is played on a court. Swimming is done in a pool. Football is played in a field. Athletics is done at the stadium. Ice-skating is done on a rink.

Слайд 99

1. Find the best answer The story is about: a. some famous people b. a boy and his father c. a very famous event 2. Say who a. owned all the land around the filling station b. told Victor Hazell to stop threatening the boy c. came to Mr. Hazell's shooting parties d. wanted to teach Victor Hazell a lesson e. owned the filling station f. gave shooting parties g. was rude to the boy once h. spent a fortune on pheasants

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Мастер-класс "Использование интерактивной доски на уроках английского языка"

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