Модульный урок по теме "The Future Perfect Tense",7 класс, учебник "Английский язык, Афанасьева О. В. (углубленное изучение английского языка)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Белимова Анна Геннадьевна

Урок составлен в форме в форме таблицы- "путеводителя" на английском языке, предназначен для индивидуальной работы учащихся, под контролем учителя.


Предварительный просмотр:

Route “_________________________________”            Date……………………

Name…………………………. 7 form  «….»                   Criterion d

№ step



S №0

Aim:  Answer the questions and try to formulate independently topic, aim of the lesson, using the illustration of the 1st slide, checklist and the video.
What can unite video and illustration of the first slide?.................................................................................
What can be a topic of the lesson:
Be able to: ............................................................................

Work in groups. Make a note of the topic and the aim of the lesson in the Route sheet

For records aims, use the numbering of positions of  the check-list.

S №1

Aim: to revise The Future Perfect Tense

Select the level of study:
level 1 - to formulate the meaning and the formula of

The Future Perfect Tense by your memory
level 2 - to formulate the meaning and the formula of the

 The Future Perfect Tense by pictures, sentences and memory

level 3- read and learn the definition of The Future Perfect Tense by the textbook (p.64)

(check your answers – look at the screen)

Max points
1st level - 5 points.
2nd level - 4 points
3rd level - 3 points

The necessary material you can take at the  teacher’s table

Your score.............

S №2

Aim: to check the level of knowledge of The Future Perfect Tense.

Put the verbs into Future Perfect Tense:

  1. By 5 p.m. they_______________________ (come) back home.
  2. ______you ______________________ (do) your homework by the evening?

Practical work. For checking use the keys. Each correct answer - 2 points. The maximum possible score is 4 points
Your score............

S №3

Aim: to use The Future Perfect Tense in writing.

Do № 20 P. 73 (Student’s book)

А: Monday:



B: make up 1 sentence about yourself:

-What will you have done by the end of the week?

P. T.:

- Do and say what you have done.

Check your answers. Each sentence is 2 points. The maximum possible score is 8 points

Your score…...

S №4

Aim: to use The Future Perfect Tense in writing, speaking:

ask the questions to your classmate using The Future Perfect Tense (you can use the verbs: play football, sing, watch TV). Write the questions and answers:

Check your answers. Each sentence  is 2 points. The maximum possible score is 6 points

Your score…...

S №5

Check yourself: Make up the true sentences (in The Future Perfect Tense)

  1. Mrs. Potter / buy/ vegetables/ 7 p.m.

  1. Grandfather / not read/ all the newspapers/ Tom comes back home.

  1. Fred/ wash/ his car/ 8 p.m.?

Chech yourself

Use the keys to check your answers. Each sentence in the test is 3 points. The maximum possible score is 9 points.

Your score......

S №6

Aim: to summarize the results of the lesson.
Try to assess your own knowledge and skills, selecting the right answer:
1. I understood everything, I can use grammar in writing, speaking.
2. I understood the material, I can use grammar in writing.

3. I understand the material, but I can’t use it in writing, speaking.
4. I understood nothing.

Individual work.

S №7

Aim: to choose the individual homework:

1.If you have 28-32 points - make up and write down a story using verbs in The Future Perfect Tense (7-8 SENTENCES)

2.If you have 23-27 points – ex. 22 p.73-74

3.If you have 18-22 points – to learn the table at p. 72, do ex. 19 p.72

Summarize the overall grade for the lesson and define your homework.

Your score


the lesson:………..


Criterion d:

28-32 points – “5”

23-27 points – “4”

18-22 points – “3”

Your mark:…………d


A. Сэм сделает свои уроки до 5 часов.

В. Кейт не посадит розы в саду до того как приедут гости.

С. Мы переведем текст до конца урока?


A. Сэм сделает свои уроки до 5 часов.

В. Кейт не посадит розы в саду до того как приедут гости.

С. Мы переведем текст до конца урока?


A. Сэм сделает свои уроки до 5 часов.

В. Кейт не посадит розы в саду до того как приедут гости.

С. Мы переведем текст до конца урока?


A. Сэм сделает свои уроки до 5 часов.

В. Кейт не посадит розы в саду до того как приедут гости.

С. Мы переведем текст до конца урока?


A. Сэм сделает свои уроки до 5 часов.

В. Кейт не посадит розы в саду до того как приедут гости.

С. Мы переведем текст до конца урока?

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