Final Test for the 7th form
тест (английский язык, 7 класс) по теме

Итоговый тест по программе Английский язык Афанасьева, Михеева для углубленного изучения


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Предварительный просмотр:


  1. Sorry, I…… him, he …. So fast.
  1. don’t understand/ is talking      b)am not understanding/ is talking                   c) didn’t understand
  1. We occasionally ….. to the seaside in summer.

a)are going                                    b)go                                         c) have gone

  1. Thank you very much. I ….. your kindness.
  1. don’ forget                              b) ‘m not forgetting                          c) won’t forget
  1. Tom was only 20 when the Second World War….. . He …. with his mother at that time.

a)begins/ lives                              b)began/ lived                               c) began / was living

  1. He … always …. money!

a)is borrowing                                b) borrows                                   c) borrowed

  1. Мы слышали, как Иван говорил по-английски с американцами. (перевести, используя Complex Object)
  2. My granny expects us …. early.
  1. arrive                                       b) to arrive                                  c) arriving

8.I can hear Sue … the piano next door.

a)to play                                          b) playing                                         c) play

9. studio, hero, volcano, photo, ox, swine, deer – make plural

10. I knew he was … foreigner  because he spoke with … strange accent.

a)-/-                                      b)the/a                                                          c) a/a

11.It’s ….. film Mary advised me.

a) -                                           b) the                                                        c) a

12. Anna …. a lot. She … to many countries. Last year she … Greece.

a) travelled, was visited           b)has travelled, has been, visited                c) travels, is, visits

13.I’m sure pupils …. «War and peace» by the end of the year.

a)won’t have read                                 b)won’t read                                     c) will be reading

14…. sun is shining so brightly  and there are … clouds in …  sky ( put articles where necessary)

15.Tourists often come to look at ( the/a/-) church.

16.This new gadget is ….. than the old one.

a) useful                                       b) more useful                                      c) the most useful

17. hot, clever, wealthy/,tender, modern, terrible (make the adjectives comparative and superlative)

18. Mother looks tired. She …. all morning.

a) had been cooking                 b) has cooked                                        c) has been cooking

19. What … you … since last Friday?

a) have done                           b) have been doing                                           c) did

20. It …. for several days before the wind changed.

a) had rained                        b) had been raining                                  c) rained

21. We met on … wonderful spring morning.

a) -                                                b)  a                               c) the

22. Nick lives in ….. city centre.

a)--                                                 b) a                                       c) the

23. The Thompsons … a party tomorrow. They have sent all the invitations.

a) are having                             b) will have                                         c) will be having

24. Look at the sportsman. He … a race.

a) is winning                            b) is going to win                                           c) will win

25. The police …. arrived. The police …. looking for the robber.

a) have/are                                  b) has/is                                                     c)have/ is

26. The average Russian family … 3-4 members.

a) have                                       b) has                                                            c) is

27.Our team …. going  to lose the game.

a) is                                           b) are                                                              c) will

28. COLA is  (a/the/-) lemonade.

29.I need more … for the pie

a) apple                                  b) apples                                                            c) an apple

30.My grandpa reads … paper every morning.

a) a                                       b) the                                                                    c)-

31. After … lunch he usually has a rest.

a) a                                         b) the                                                                 c) –

32.I always have …hot dinner at 6 o’clock.

a)a                                          b) the                                                                   c) –

33.We are not sure if he …. on time.

a) arrive                                b) will arrive                                                       c) is arriving

34. Call me when you … .

a) arrive                                 b) will arrive                                                             c) are arriving

35. By 7 o’clock John … on the computer for 5 hours.

a) will have played                              b) will have been playing                              c) will play

36. English and French …in Canada.

a) speak                            b) are spoken                                         c) are speaking

37. People have to transport these heavy boxes. ( make the sentence passive)

38. They didn’t find the origin of this word. (make the sentence passive).

39. At the moment a new road …. round the city.

a) is built                           b) is being built                                              c) is building.

40.Such books … so easily.

a) are not translating            b) are not being translated                     c) are not translated

41. Everyone was very busy. Rooms …for the guests.

a) were prepared                        b) were being prepared                           c) are prepared

42. Мне предложили принять участие в соревновании. ( Translate the sentence)

43.She is spending … summer in Europe.

a) the                                           b) a                                                                   c) –

44. It was …broad day.

a) –                                              b) the                                                              c) a

45.You can call me in …. daytime.

a) a                                             b) the                                                                 c) –

46. You … in unless you ..a ticket.

a) can’t come/ don’t buy                             b) can’t come/ buy                           c) can come/ buy

47. If he … at home now!

a) was                                                      b) were                                                  c) is

48. If I …, I …. to find your relatives.

a) was/would try                                    b) were/ would try                               c) am,/will try

49. He arrived at home at … dawn.

a)  -                                                      b) the                                                         c)  a

50. Meat is eaten.. a fork and knife.

a)  by                                                 b) with                                                      c)  on


1. Do you prefer fresh or tinned fruit/fruits?

2. This drink is made from four tropical fruit /fruits?

3. The old lady got .. the car with difficulty.

a) on                         b)  off                     c)  out of                        d) down

4. Я надеюсь, они смогут преодолеть все трудности.( Translate the sentence)

5. Clothes of 20 years ago look very … today.

a) up-to-date                     b)  average                         c) old-fashioned

6. Everyone who learns a foreign language must try to enlarge his …

a) vocabulary                                    b) dictionary

7. A(n) … helped me understand the speech of the president.

a) interpreter                                                    b) translator

8. He had to … playing the piano for hours before the concert.

a) drill                                              b) practice                                c) practice

9.  Mandy was turning … the pages of the book without reading.

a) inside out                                     b) over                                               c) out

10. Оказалось, что Том был весьма умным мальчиком. ( Translate the sentence)

11. In the middle of the night somebody ….on the door of my house.

a) bounced                                            b) knocked                                                c) pushed

12.It’s time to go (house/home). It’s too late.

13.I’m very …..about what happened.

a) firm                                                        b)bouncy                                              c) regretful

14.Mike ( went to sleep/fell asleep) but couldn’t (go to sleep/fall asleep) for a long time.

15.I’ve just read the ….page of the book.

a)late                                                              b) last                                              c) latest

16.Have you heard the …

a) last   b) latter  c) latest

17.Do you think my house is further/farther than yours?

18.John’s older/elder sister lives in New York.

19.They will have to walk to the (nearest/next) stop.

20.A….of birds was flying to the south.

a)pack                                                                     b)flock                                            c)swarm

21.Don’t rush ….,I have something to discuss.

a)to                                                                             b)off                                              c)into

22. I saw a …of dolphins in the distance.

a)herd                                           b)school                                                                c)bundle

23. There is no need to run ….my plans and ideas.

a)into                                              b)down                                               c)out

24. This book ….a lot of information that you need.

a)impresses                                  b)introduces                                        c)contains

25. What is your first …..of Australia?

a)impressive                                b)impress                                            c)impression

26.My words didn’t impress Mary.( express the same using make an impression on smb)

27. I can’t do this job as I don’t know how to set …it.

a)out                                                b)to                                                     c)about

28…….he could cope with this difficult task.

a)Unfortunate                              b)Fortunately                                            c)Fortune

29.Can you (make/do)me a favour ?

30. How much money do you (make/do) a month?

Reading Task

Make questions

  1. ___________________        . It was a sign of manhood.
  2.  __________________          .No, there isn’t general rule about beards.
  3.  __________________        . Because they were considered unfashionable.
  4.   __________________        .It was Henry VIII.
  5.    _________________       . They felt it was the most insulting thing.


Write a letter to a friend. 80-100 words

…..Hi, there! Glad to see you again. How are the things? I’ve started learning English. I’ve already attended five lessons. I think I’m good at it. Do you think it is important to learn and know English? What languages can you speak?.....

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