Final Test (7 form) О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева
тест (7 класс) по теме

В конце каждого учебного года во всех школах проводятся годовые лексико-грамматические тесты. Предлагаю учителям итоговый тест для учащихся 7 классов школ с углублённым изучением иностранных языков к учебнику О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой.


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FINAL TEST (form 7)

Name………………………………………..           Date……………………………….

Form………………………………………..            Mark………………………………

  1. Fill in ONE word only:

  1. Russia is …………………………….. on two continents. They are Europe and Asia.
  2. She knows well and often works as an …………………………………. for tourist groups.
  3. Do you have your own room or do you …………………………. it with your sister?
  4. I hope the little girl is not so fussy …………………….. her food.
  5. They introduced themselves and Mr Tompson began his speech, which made a great ………………………………….. on us.
  6. We were ……………………………………. to hear that our friends were not coming.
  7. You should have more grammar ……………………………. then you’ll improve your English.
  8. How much do you …………………………….? – About 60 kilos.
  9. They’ve got a ………………………………….. house. There are about 12 rooms in it.
  10. For breakfast I usually have a …………………………. of cornflakes and a cup of juice.
  11. This book ……………………………. all the information you need.
  12. I always eat borscht with a …………………………. cream.
  13. She came up to the house, …………………………… at the door, but nobody answered.
  14. He lives in complete …………………………….. in the countryside. He doesn’t have any friends.
  15. How much …………………………….. money do you parents give you every day?

                                                                             15 p.

  1. Match the words to their definitions:
  1. A stick of wax that gives                    A) a chatterbox

light when it burns

  1. A person who works in the                B) a candle


  1. An act of speaking                             C) a fortune
  2. Someone who talks a lot                    D) a librarian
  3. A person who is good with                 E)  an artist

the hands

  1. Magic words                                      F) a herd
  2. A person who is honest,                     G) handy

brave and unselfish

  1. A number of cows or bulls is              H) speech
  2. A large sum of money                         I) a spell
  3. Someone who paints                      J) a noble man


1 …………     2 ………….      3 …………    4 ………….    5 ……………

6 …………     7 ………….      8 …………    9 …………     10 ………….

                                                                     10 p.

  1. Complete the sentences (phrasal verbs):

  1. I can’t make ………………… what he is saying.
  2. Never give ……………….. hope, and never say “never”.
  3. I would like you to take the books …………… to the library.
  4. Who is going to look ………………… your cat when you are away?
  5. Charles turned ……………….. to be a very good friend.
  6. The young man was so hungry that he rushed ………………. the food that was given to him.
  7. I think it’s time to get down …………….. business.
  8. Please turn the TV …………….., I’m trying to sleep.
  9. I’m sure you will get ………………. all the problems.
  10. Mother asks me to go shopping as we have run ………………. of bread.

                                                                             10 p. 


  1.    Match the idioms with their Russian equivalents:

  1. Every day has its day………                A) разболтать секрет
  2.  To let the cat out of                           B) искушать судьбу

the bag……….  

  1. To pull oneself together………             C) будет и Вашей улице


  1. Once in a blue moon………                 D) взять себя в руки
  2. To push one’s luck……….                   E) очень редко
  1. p.

        5. Circle the correct item:       

1. There were a lot of (fruit \ fruits) on the plate: apples, grapes and oranges.

2. There is a (vocabulary \ dictionary) at the end of our textbook.

3. Can I have some (paper \ papers) to write on?

4. What time do you leave the (house \ home) in the morning?

5. He spoke very little French so I talked to him through (a translator \ an interpreter).

6. How much sugar do you want? – Two (platefuls \ spoonfuls), please.

7. I said to myself, “(Go to sleep \ Fall asleep!) But I couldn’t.

8. The orange tastes (bitter \ bitterly).

9. My father’s brother is my (cousin \ uncle).

10. What time does the (last \ latest) bus leave?

11. Mary’s (older \ elder) sister has been staying in the USA for seven years now.

12. What do you think of your (farther \ further) education?

13. Excuse me, where is the (nearest \ next) telephone box?

14. It’s difficult to understand people when they (murmur \ mumble).

15.We stopped on the path and admired the (flock \ pack) of birds flying together to the south.

16. (On \ At) a dark night I watched a moving light in the sky.

17. Betsy (dropped \ threw) the vase and it broke.

18. They are celebrating their (gold \ golden) wedding in July.

19.Can you (mend \ repair) my old watch?

20. – Had a good holiday? – Yes. Look at these (photos \ photoes)!

                                                                        20 p.

  1. Put in the article where necessary:

  1. ………… hotel is ………….. place where ……….. people can get …………. rooms and ………….. meals.
  2. Who’s …………. boy standing by …………. piano?
  3. …………. Browns have got ………….. boy and …………. girl.   ………….. girl is 3 years older than …………… boy.
  4. What is …………. difference between ………… opera and ………… operetta?
  5. ………….. sun is shining so brightly but there are …………. clouds in …………. sky.
  6. Yesterday my mother went to …………. school to talk to ………….. my teacher.
  7. My father started learning …………… English language when he went to ……………… school.
  8. What time do you usually have ………… breakfast?
  9. It was ………….. late autumn when one afternoon I saw …………. Tom.
  10. What ………… huge dinner!

                                                                                  25 p.

  1. Choose the right item:

  1. On the 12 June the Russian people celebrate
  1. Easter      b) Russia Day           c) Constitution Day
  1. The official name of our homeland is
  1. Russia        b) the Russian Federation        c) the Republic

                                                                   of the Russian


  1. “Break a leg” means
  1. Thank you               b) Excuse me         c) Good luck

  1. In autumn the British have the following traditions and festivals:
  1. – the State Opening     b) – The trooping of the     c) – St David’s

  of Parliament                   Colours                            Day

  1. Guy Fawkes Day        - Swan Upping                  - May Day

  1. During the State Opening of Parliament the Queen sits on the throne in
  1. the House of Commons   b) the House of Lords   c) Buckingham Palace

  1. A.A.Milne wa a British writer. He wrote
  1. Harry Potter      b) Robinson Crusoe     c) Winnis-the-Pooh

  1. The earliest books were written on
  1. tablets of wood or    b) on pieces of cloth              c) on pieces of paper

pieces of bark

  1. Theatre was born in
  1. China                b) Britain                  c) Greece

  1. What is Leonardo da Vinci best known for?
  1. sculpture       b) painting                 c) designing

  1. Who wrote the line “Happy families are all alike, every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way”?
  1. Tolstoy               b) Dickens               c) Shakespeare

                                                                                10 p.

8. The Active and Passive Voice:


Last year my friends and I ... to take part in a TV programme.



were invited

are invited


Some new metro stations ... in Moscow now.

will be built

are building

are being built

are built


I think the article ... tomorrow in the evening.

will be translated

will be translating

have been translated

will translate


How many cars ... in the accidents on this road so far?

have damaged

had been damaged

had damaged

have been damaged


John ... his ankle while he was playing football.

has sprained


has been sprained

was sprained


1,000 children ... every year in this city.

are born

will be born

were born



This recipe ... for several centuries.

was known

has been known

had been known

is known


This man ... five people before the building exploded.


has saved

had been saved

had saved


This phenomenon ... for five years and now they publish their book.

has been studied

has been studying

was being studied

was studied


When we entered the wall ... bright yellow.

was painted

was been painted

was painting

was being painted

                                                                     10 p.

9. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form:

A friend in Need …

Julia stood in the front hall of her house. She ……………………….. (look) out the window hoping to see her taxi pull up. She …………………………….. (can \ not \ drive), so she ……………………………. (call) one to take her to the airport. She was very excited. Julia …………………………….. (go) on her very first business trip. Her boss, a strict woman named Ms Dryer, ………………….. (choose) her from all the other salespeople in the office.

Julia ……………………………….. (prepare) for her trip all week. All her clothes ………………………………. (pack), also she ………………………… (get) all her papers in order, bought her ticket, ordered a taxi for 7 o’clock that morning. The only problem now was, where was the taxi? While she …………………….. (stand) at the window nobody passed her house.

Julia ………………………. (tell) herself not to panic, the taxi would arrive, she just had to be patient. She thought, “I …………………………….. (give) the taxi another five minutes and then I will call my friend Bill, and ask him to take me to the airport”.

Ten minutes ………………………… (pass) and Julia ………………….. (call) Bill. He ………………………………… (probably \ wake up) by her telephone ring, as he murmured, “Hello, Bill ………………………… (speak)”. In a nervous voice, she ……………………. (say), “ Bill, I’m sorry to bother you but I ………………….. (wait) for a taxi to take me to the airport for over an hour now and I think I …………………………… (miss) my plane. It ………………………… (leave) at 10am.” Julia’s calm returned as she heard Bill …………………. (say) that he would take her to the airport.

                                                                                  20 p.

                                 Total: 125 p.


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