Final test for 7 form
материал по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

 Егорова Анна Юрьевна

Final test for 7 form


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Предварительный просмотр:

1. When you ... older, you'll change your mind about this.
a) will grow c) have grown
b) grow d) grew
2. By the time the police get there, the burglars ... .
a) vanish c) will have vanished
b) will vanish d) vanished
3. As soon as the taxi arrives, I ... you know.
a) let c) had let
b) have let d) will let
4. My friend has been writing to me for years already, but he never ... a photo.
a) sends c) will send
b) has sent d) sent
5. Why are you busy packing? - My train ... in two hours, so we'll leave the house in an hour.
a) is leaving c) leaves
b) will be leaving d) left
6. When was this building finished? - They say it ... by the end of last year.
a) had been finished c) will be finished
b) was finished d) finishes
7. I thought that I ... my key and was very glad when I found it.
a) lose c) had lost
b) lost d) was losing
8. What's the matter? You look upset. Last week I lost my scarf and now I just ... my gloves.
a) lost c) had lost
b) have lost d) lose
9.1 ... for this bank for five years already but I have decided to change my job.
a) am working c) have been working
b) has worked d) worked
10. Martin said that he ... the tickets the next day.
a) bought c) will buy
b) had bought d) would buy
11. The house opposite our college .,., that's why we are using the back entrance at present.
a) pulls down c) is being pulled down
b) is pulled down d) pulled down
12. You ... an umbrella when you left the house, didn't you?
a) have c) had had
b) was having d) had
13. By the time we got to the cinema the film ... .
a) will begin c) had begun
b) would begin d) began
14. Is there anything I ... do to help you?
a) can c) am to
b) may d) as to
15. The last film I saw was ... frightening than this one.
a) little c) least
b) less d) the least
16. Someone is calling you. Will you answer ... phone?
a) a c) -
b) the d) these
17. To tell the truth I don't like ... pair of trousers that I bought last month.
a) those c) that
b) this d) a
18. Whose house is it? - It's ... .
a) my c) her
b) mine d) our
19. Today is ... cold than yesterday. So, I'm wearing my
a) little c) least
b) less d) the least
20. "Come home ... Christmas Day, we'll be waiting for you", my mother always says to me.
a)in c) -

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