The Passive Voice
презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме

Крылова Инга Алексеевна



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Слайд 1

The Passive Voice. Formation. Usage. Exercises.

Слайд 2

WE FORM THE PASSIVE VOICE WITH THE VERB TO BE AND THE PAST PARTICIPLE OF THE MAIN VERB. Stonehenge was built in prehistoric times. It was probably constructed as a place of worship. Many of its stones have been stolen over the years. It is visited by a lot of tourists every year.

Слайд 3

They serve dinner at 6:00. Dinner is served at 6:00. They are serving dinner now . Dinner is being served now. They served dinner. Dinner was served. They were serving dinner. Dinner was being served. They will serve dinner. Dinner will be served. They have served dinner. Dinner has been served . They had served dinner. Dinner had been served . They will have served dinner. Dinner will have been served . They should serve dinner. Dinner should be served . They should have served dinner. Dinner should have been served . The Present Perfect Continuous, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous are not used in the passive.

Слайд 4

The passive is used: When the person who carries out the action is unknown, unimportant or obvious from the context Mrs Archer’s ruby ring was stolen from her house last night. (We do not know who stole the ring.) Rolls Royce cars are made in England. (It is not important to know who makes the cars.) The cows are milked once a day. (It is obvious that the farmer milks the cows.)

Слайд 5

When the action is more important than the person who carries it out, as in news headlines, newspaper articles, formal notices, instructions, etc. Two teenagers were seriously injured in a car accident last night.

Слайд 6

When we want to make statements more polite. My new blouse is ruined . (more polite than saying, “You’ve ruined my blouse”)

Слайд 7

Changing from active into passive. To change a sentence from the active into the passive: The object of the active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence. The active verb remains in the same tense, but changes into a passive form. The subject of the active sentence becomes the agent , and is either introduced with the preposition by or omitted.

Слайд 8

Only transitive verbs (verbs followed by an object ) can be changed into the passive: E.g. active: Peter feeds the cows . (transitive verb) passive: The cows are fed by Peter. BUT: They leave for work early every day. (the verb leave is intransitive in this sentence. The sentence can’t be changed into the passive.)

Слайд 9

subject verb object subject verb agent active Sharon wrote a report passive A report was written by Sharon

Слайд 10

We use by +agent to say who or what carries out the action. A kite was made by John . We use with + instrument/material/ingredient to say what the agent used. A kite was made with paper, paint and string .

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