Family Holidays
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Набиуллина Алсу Гумаровна

Конспект урока с презентацией по теме «Семейные праздники». Данный урок продолжает учебную тему «Семья». Воспитательные цели урока: - это воспитывать уважение к семейным традициям, к своей семье и к семейным отношениям. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект урока.

Тема: “Family Holidays”
Предмет: Английский язык
Класс: 6 класс

Учитель: Набиуллина Алсу Гумаровна
Образовательное учреждение: МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 95 с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов»

Тип урока: обобщающий

Цели урока: 
•обучающие: способствовать развитию практического владения языком, совершенствовать навыки и умения аудирования;
•развивающие: развивать навыки и умения во всех видах речевой деятельности;
•воспитательные: воспитывать уважение к своей семьи и к семейным традициям.


• активизация изученной ранее тематической лексики;
•   мотивирование учащихся на дальнейшую работу по теме;

•   развитие монологической речи;

• формирование умения строить логическое высказывания по опорным фразам (рассказ о семейном празднике);

Знания, умения, навыки и качества, которые актуализируют/ приобретут/ закрепят/др. ученики в ходе урока: 

•Актуализация знаний по теме «Семья», «Праздники».

• Ознакомление с семейными традициями страны.

• Развитие умения говорения (умение реагировать на вопросы, используя краткие ответы, уточнить задание, используя готовые разговорные клише, составление краткого монологического высказывания с опорой на схему).

•Развитие умения аудирования с целью поиска нужной информации.
Оборудование: презентация к уроку, мультимедийный проектор, телевизор, видеомагнитофон, видеокассета, раздаточные материалы – рисунки праздников, карточки с предложениями.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент

a) приветствие

T: Good morning, dear boys and girls.  I am glad to see you. (T →Cl)

Are you fine? (all together: ‘Yes’)

Are you fine, Masha? (- Yes, I am)

How are you, Gleb? (- Fine, thank you) 

And you, Kate? (I’m fine, too) (T →P1, P2, P3) 

  • Who has a younger sister?  Sit down, please.
  • Who has an elder sister?  Sit down, please.
  • Who has a younger brother?  Sit down, please.
  • Who has an elder brother?  Sit down, please.

T: Great! Let’s start our lesson.

II. Актуализация темы.

а) определение целей. The topic of our lesson is “Family Holidays”. Today we are going to talk about your family, your responsibilities at home and the celebration of special days in your family.  

б) Игра-разминка.

T:  Do you like to play games? Let’s begin with playing a game. We’ve got 2 teams. Your task is to name as many “Family Words” as you can. For example: mother and father…. Go on, please!

Well done! You know  «Family Words» perfectly!!! Answer my questions, please.

T: - Have you got a big family?

  • How many people are there in your family?
  • Have you got any brothers or sisters?
  • Do your grandparents live with you?
  • Has your mother/father got a sister or brother?
  • Do you help your parents about the house?
  • What are your responsibilities at home?

( sweep the floor, water the plant, walk the pet, help in the garden, walk the pet,  take out the rubbish )

III. Основной этап.

T: So, it’s very important to share household chores and help your parents. But being a friendly family is not only responsibilities, helping each other, it is also celebrating holidays together.  Do you agree with me?

  • What holidays do you know?
  • What holidays do you celebrate with your family?
  • In Tatarstan? In Russia?

Look at the pictures and name them. Don’t forget about the dates.

  • What holiday is it? When is it?

( New Year’s Day – 1st of January, St. Valentine’s Day – the 14th of February, Mother’s Day - , Women’s Day, Victory Day, Day of Knowledge – the 1st of September, Motherland Defender’s Day – the 23rd of February)

So Christmas Day is on the 25th of December. It’s one of the most favourite family holidays in the UK. Today we have got an opportunity  to watch a short film about the celebration of this holiday. But:

Before the watching it

 a) Let’s read some phrases. Repeat after me.

to put up decorations – развешивать украшения

keep presents under the Christmas tree – держать Рождественские подарки под елкой

spend Christmas with their family – проводить Рождество с семьей

give  presents to their friends and family –  дарить подарки друзьям и родственникам

go to church – идти в церковь

have a special dinner – устроить праздничный ужин

finish with the traditional dinner – завершить ужин традиционным Рождественским пудингом.

put a silver coin – класть серебряную монету

It brings good luck! – Она приносит удачу!

 b) Get ready Card №1. Look at the picture. D you understand all the words? Do we need to translate them?

While watching:

a).Your task is to tick the things that a TV-presenter mentions. And complete the sentences. And now it’s time to watch the film

1.The important festivals are … … … .

2. People put up … .

3. They keep their presents under … … .

4. They spend Christmas with …. …. .

5.They give presents to … … … … .

6. They have special dinner: … … … … … … … … … … … .

After watching:

  1. Is everything clear? Let’s check up. What meals are mentioned n the film?
  2. Now read the sentences.
  3. Who can tell us about the celebration of Christmas in the UK using these sentences and the “spidergram”.

  1. What holiday is it?
  2. When is it?
  3. What do people do before the celebration? How do people  prepare for the holiday?
  4. What do people do during the holiday?
  5. What do people eat?
  6. Why do people love this holiday?

You’ve told about Cristmas very well.

  • What is your favourite holiday?
  • How do you spend it?
  • How do you prepare for this holiday?
  • What do you eat?
  • Why do you love this holiday?

III. Подведение итогов.

What have you learned today at the lesson?

Today we have learned about the celebration of the most popular holiday in the UK – Christmas. And I hope, you will be able to talk about a favourite holiday in your family.  

–Setting the homework for the next lesson

So your hometask is to write and to tell  about a favourite holiday celebration in your family.

– Saying ‘Good bye’

T: Well, thank you for your work, boys and girls. You were so active, clever and friendly today. Stand up, please. (T →Сl) Good-bye, dear friends. Thanks a lot once again. 







 for love



Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1
The Topic of the Lesson:

Слайд 2
Name as many “Family words” as you can

Слайд 3
What holidays do you know?
What holiday is it? When is it?

Слайд 4
New Year’s Day – 1st January, St. Valentine’s Day – 14th February, Motherland Defender’s Day – 23rd FebruaryMother’s Day – the 4th Sunday of Lent Women’s Day – 8th MarchVictory Day – 9th MayDay of Knowledge – 1st SeptemberChristmas Day – 25th December (in the UK)

Слайд 5
Before Watching
Read the phrases. Repeat after me. Tick the things that a TV-presenter mentions Complete the sentences

Слайд 6
Read the phrases:
put up decorations – развешивать украшенияkeep presents under the Christmas tree – держать Рождественские подарки под елкойspend Christmas with their family – проводить Рождество с семьейgive presents to their friends and family – дарить подарки друзьям и родственникамgo to church – идти в церковьhave a special dinner – устроить праздничный ужинfinish with the traditional dinner – завершить ужин традиционным Рождественским пудингом.put a silver coin – класть серебряную монету It brings good luck! – Она приносит удачу!

Слайд 7
Tick the things that a TV-presenter mentions

Слайд 8
Easter and Christmas
1.The important festivals are 2. People put up 3. They keep their presents under 4. They spend Christmas with 5.They give presents to 6. They have special dinner:
a Christmas tree
their families
their friends and family
roast turkey, Stuffing, roast potatoes, Brussels sprouts and Christmas pudding.
Complete the sentences

Слайд 9
Tell about Christmas
5.Traditional meal
6. Reason for love
Tell about a favourite holiday in your family

Слайд 10
What have you learned at the lesson?
New words
A favourite British Holiday – Christmas
To tell about favourite family holiday

Слайд 11
Homework is to tell (to write) about a favourite holiday in your family

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