My native town. My home town.
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Шуликина Татьяна Георгиевна

У каждого человека есть место (деревня, поселок, город), который является местом рождения, является родным. Очень важно, чтобы мы любили "малую родину", заботились о ней, прививали любовь детям к месту их рождеия, жительства. Замечательно, когда есть песни и стихи о родном городе. Вот и  я сочинила  на всем известный мотив песни "Happy birthday"свои очень простые слова о городе Реутов. Они помогут детям лучше знать английский язык, испоьзовать  в речи простые предложеия о своем городе. Каждый может заняться творчеством и сочинить стихотворение или песню на изученые темы. При изучении пословиц, поговорок можно дать задание перефразировать их так, чтобы связать с родным городом. Еще одно задание. Вы даете предложеня о городе, а дети должны закончить этот рассказ, выбрать предложения, которые они смогут рассказать. Хорошо оргаизовать конкурс на лучший рассказ о городе. лучшую творческую работу, презентацию, стихотворение , песню. Итак, 1. Песня. 2.Пословицы, поговорки. 3. Рассказ о городе.



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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. The song about my native town .

We live in Reutov,

We love our native town

Our town, our Reutov

We love it very much/.

The streets are wide here

The buildings are tall here.

Our people are friendly,

Our children are happy.

Our Reutov is beautiful,

Our town is modern

It’s scientific and industrial

It’s a cultural and educational centre.

We live in Reutov,

We love our native town

Our town, our Reutov

We love it very much!

Proverbs and sayings.


It’s how you can change the proverb


East or West home is best

East or West but native town is best.

East or West Reutov is the best town.


There is no place like home.

There is no place like Reutov.

 There is no place like native/home town.


Home, sweet home.

Reutov, sweet Reutov.

Native town, sweet native town.

 Home town, sweet home town.


My house is my castle.

 My Reutov is my castle.

 My native town is my castle.


When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

When in Reutov, do as the Reutov people do.


Love me, love my dog.

Love me, love my native town.

 Love me, love my Reutov.


A good name is better than riches.

A good name   of Reutov is better than riches.


A good deed is never lost.

 Good deeds of Reutov people are never lost.


An honest tale speeds best being plainly told. Самое лучшее – прямо и просто сказанное слово.

An honest tale about Reutov speeds best being plainly told.


As the tree so the fruit.

As the people of Reutov so the town.


All doors open to courtesy.

All doors of Reutov  open to courtesy.


A sound mind in a sound body.

A sound mind in a sound body.

3. My home town.

  1. I live in Reutov.
  2. Reutov is my home town.
  3. It is a town in Moscow region (Mokovskaya Oblast)
  4. Rutov is to the east of Moscow.
  5.  Reutov is more then 500 years old.
  6. It has a long and interesting history.
  7.  Reutov  was a part of a defense system in Moscow.
  8. There was a tower with a bell (reut) in Reutov.
  9.  The bell (reut) transmitted signal of the approaching enemy to Moscow.
  10. Reutov became a village at the beginning of the 18thcentury.  
  11. Andrey Michailovich Pokhvistnev  and his people built a  cotton mill in 1824.
  12. Yarn from the mill/ factory was among the best in Russia and won a gold medal at the All-Russian National Show/ Exhibition in 1831.
  13. The new owner of Reutov Sergey Alexeevich Mazurin  and  his people built a brick factory, dormitories and reconstructed the  cotton mill factory in 1843.
  14. A railway to Balashiha and a railway station were built in Reutovo in 1913.
  15. A railway to Balashiha and a railway station were built in Reutovo in 1913.
  16. Reutovo became a district centre in 1929.
  17. Reutovo became a town Reutov on the 7th of October in 1940.
  18. Reutov is a scientific, educational industrial and cultural center now. It is a town of science, it is  Naukograd.
  19. It is famous for NPO  Mashinostroyeniya

(formerly known as the USSR Experimental Design Bureau #52). It developed robotic and manned space satellites.

  1. A famous Soviet scientist Vladimir Chelomey was the director of NPO  Mashinostroyeniya.

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