тест 8 класс (лингвистический)
тест по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Герасимова Елена Евгеньевна



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Final Test.

Grade 8L.


  1. Open the brackets:
  1. If he (run), he`ll get in time.
  2. If I was offered a job, I think I (take) it.
  3. The police (arrest) him if they catch him.
  4. We (not have) any money if we didn`t work.
  5. What would happen if I (not come).
  6. It`s a pity I`m not rich. If I (be) rich, I (have) a yacht.
  7. If I (be) interested in the film, I would have gone to the cinema.
  8. If I had known about her problem, I (help) her.
  9. I didn`t hear the news. If I (hear) the news, I (tell) it to you.
  10. We can`t afford to go to Austria. If we (have) more money, we (go skiing) there.

  1. Translate from English into Russian using model verbs:
  1. Тебе следовало продать свой дом в прошлом году.
  2. Они, наверное, ждут тебя.
  3. Не может быть, чтобы она всё это придумала.
  4. Можно мне взять словарь?
  5. Поезд  должен был (to be to)прибыть 10 минут назад.
  6. Возможно, мы  придём.
  7. Лизе пришлось сидеть с ребёнком весь вечер вчера.
  8. Вы можете не платить сейчас.
  9. Мы должны были (to be to) вернуться ещё вчера.
  10. Неужели ты едешь в Париж

  1. Open the brackets choosing “–ing form” or infinitive:
  1. How can I make him (understand) us?
  2. Why not (prepare) some more coffee?
  3. His decision was (leave) the country.
  4. You know, he was made (say) that.
  5. Do you mind me (turn) the radio down?
  6. Who suggested (go) there without permission?
  7. Let`s stop (have) a snack.
  8. Don`t forget (call) your mother when you come home.
  9. They offered (see) me off.
  10. Tom really regrets (be) rude to his teacher.

  1. Fill in the proper prepositions:
  1. This gold ring has been handed …… in the family since the 18th century.
  2. The teacher handed …… books to all the students.
  3. He is absent, he is coming …… with the flu.
  4. My friend won`t come …… this evening.
  5. The monkey broke …… from the Zoo.
  6. Panic broke …… in the underground.
  7. I know him well enough and I easily see …… his lies.
  8. They arrived at the station to see me …… .
  9. Please drop …… and see us any time you are in Bradford.
  10. The situation was so hilarious that we couldn`t hold …… our laughter.

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