презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Манченко Людмила Григорьевна

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Слайд 2

If - clause Main clause Use Type I real present If+ any present form (Present Simple, Pr. Pr., Pr. Perf.) Future/Imperative/can, may,might/must/should+bare infinitive Present Simple True or likely to happen in the present or the future If you finish work lately, we will go for a walk. If you are ill, see a doctor. Type II unreal present If+ Past Simple or Past Progressive. Would/ could/might + bare infinitive Untrue in the present, also used to give advice. If I had money, I would travel round the world. If I were you, I would take an umbrella. Type III unreal past If + Past Perfect or Past perfect Progressive Would/could/might + have + past participle. Imaginary situation contrary to facts in the past; used to express regrets or criticism. If we had not left so early, we would have missed the plane.

Слайд 5

He (to call) you when he (to return) He will call you when he returns. If you (to have) some news, call me back/ If you have some news, call me back/ If my friends (to come) in, ask them to wait. If my friends come in , ask them to wait. Give the message to your teacher as soon as you (to come) to school. Give the message to your teacher as soon as you come to school. If Paul (to enter) the competition, he (to win). If Paul enters the competition, he will win. She (not to go) to work unless she (to be) better. She will not go to work unless she is better. If you (to drink) too much coffee, you (not to be) able to sleep. If you drink too much coffee, you will not be able to sleep. I (to call) the police if the neighbors (not to stop) shouting. I will call the police if the neighbors do not stop shouting. If the Chinese restaurant (not to be) open, we (to go) for a pizza. If the Chinese restaurant is not open, we will go for a pizza. You never (to get) a good job if you (not to work) hard at school. You will never get a good job if you do not work hard at school.

Слайд 7

If I (to have) money, I (to buy) that vase. If I had money, I would buy that vase. If he (to know) you were away, he (not to come) If he knew you were away, he would not come . If she (to change) her job, she (to earn) more. If she changed her job, she would earn more. If I (to live) in Spain, I (to do) a lot of sunbathing. If I lived in Spain, I would do a lot of sunbathing. If you (to go) to bed earlier, you (not to feel) so tired. If you went to bed earlier, you would not feel so tired. If I (to know) her well, I (to phone) her. If I knew her well, I would phone her. If I (to have) a chicken, I (to cook) it. If I had a chicken, I would cook it. If the theatre (not to be) so far, we (to go) there. If the theatre were not so far, we would go there. If I (to be) very poor, I (to be) upset. If I were very poor, I would be upset. If I (to be) you, I (not to buy) such an expensive dress. If I were you, I would not buy such an expensive dress.

Слайд 9

If I (to go) to bed earlier last night, I (not to be) tired. If I had gone to bed earlier last night, I would not have been tired. I (not to take) a taxi if I (to realize) that it was such a long way. I would not have taken a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way. If he (to know) the whole story, he (not to be) so angry. If he had known the whole story, he would not have been so angry. If I (to know) you were in hospital, I (to visit) you. If I had known you were in hospital, I would have visited you. If he (to lock) his car, it (not to be) stolen. If he had locked his car, it would not have been stolen. If she (to know) about the meeting, she (to come). If she had known about the meeting, she would have come .

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