Контрольные работы 4 класс по УМК Биболетовой М.З.
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку по теме

Белоусова Ирина Юрьевна

Итоговый контроль - вид контроля, который призван дать представление о достигнутых результатах. Итог может касаться как отдельного цикла обучения, так и целого предмета или какого-то раздела. В практике обучения итоговый контроль используется для оценки результатов обучения, достигнутых в конце работы над темой или курсом.


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Предварительный просмотр:

1 четверть

I.Вставь пропущенные слова.  Одно слово лишнее. ( kite, weather, sunny, like, a picnic, cold)

-What’s the… like today?

-It’s warm and ….

-Would you …to go to the park and have …?

- Of course. I can  fly my … there.

II. Составь словосочетания и напиши, в какой комнате ты делаешь это.

wash                                 TV

have                                 my face

go                                 breakfast

do                                 to  bed

watch                                 my homework




III.Вставь is/ are в предложения.

  1. There … two windows in my living room.
  2. There… a kitchen in the house.
  3. There … no sofa in the bedroom.
  4. …there any books on the bookshelves?
  5. There … no TV in my room.

VI.Употреби  верный предлог.( above,  in (2), in the middle of, next to, on, between)

  1. It I very cold … winter…Russia.
  2. There is a round table…. the room.
  3. There is a table …the wall and  the window.
  4. The chair is     …the table.
  5. There  are some books… the bookshelves.
  6. There in a lamp… the table.

Предварительный просмотр:

2 четверть

I.Вставь пропущенные слова: river, country, bridges, capital, fields, mountains, sheep, town, garden, deserts, apple tree. 

Одно слово лишнее.

Dear Masha,

        Thank you for your letter. I am Mike. I am from Great Britain. My 1…..is beautiful too!

The 2….of Great Britain is London. There are  a lot of new and old houses and 3…. in London.

I live in Cambridge. It’s an old and interesting 4…. . I often visit my granny in the country. There is a nice 5… next to her house. There are green 6…. and forests not far (недалеко) from my granny’s house. There is a 7….where we can swim in summer. In the fields you can see a lot of 8…horses and cows. In the evenings (по вечерам) we walk, play and read books about oceans, seas, 9…and 10…

Come and see my country.

        Best wishes,


II.Раскрой скобки.

1.Winter is (cold) season in the year.

2. John is the (good) student in our class.

3.I like cats (much) than dogs.

4.Autumn is the (bad) season of the year.

5.Streets in London are (long) than in Oxford.

6. I like summer (much) of all.

7.Russia is the (beautiful) country in the world.

8.The horse is (big) than the cow.

9.Bob is (happy) than Mary.

10.February is the (short) month in the year.

III.Поставь существительные во множественное число.

a dolphin-                        a monkey-

a mouse-                        a foot-

a horse-                        a fish

a sheep-                        a watch-

a fox-                                a man-

a camel-                        a woman-

a child-                        a wife-

a tooth-                        a bus-

a city-                                a leg

Предварительный просмотр:

3 четверть

I. Соедини фразы.

  1. Good night!                                a) You are welcome.
  2. Help yourself!                                b) Yes, please.
  3. Would you like some sweets?        c) Sleep tight!
  4. Thank you.                                d) Yes, dear. Here it is.        
  5. Can I have some tea?                        e) Thank you.

II.Запиши время цифрами.

1.It’s twenty past eight. 2.It’s half past six. 3. It’s a quarter past one. 4.It’s ten to seven.5.It’s ten past three.

III.  Соедини фразы.

1do                        a) a pet for a walk

2make                        b) shopping

3go                        c) the bed

4take                        d) the table

5lay                        e) the washing up

IV. Напиши верное местоимение my, his, her, its, our, their.

  1. The cat is grey. ……eyes  are green.
  2. Mr Black has got a car. …….. car is blue.
  3. We are pupils. We love ……school.
  4. I have got a sister. …….. sister is smart.
  5. The girls are friends. ….names are Kate and Jill.
  6. I have got a sister. …..name is Ann

V Выбери верную форму и переведи предложения.

1.My brother will repair/repaired/repairs the bike tomorrow.

2. My little sister usually plays/will play/ played  puzzles in the evening.

3.Alex didn’t/doesn’t/ won’t water the flowers   yesterday.

4. I often help/helped/will help mother at home.

5.He does/did/will do his homework every day.

VI. Раскрой скобки, поставь глаголы в Past Simle.

Last Sunday Mag  (get )1 up at 9 o’clock. She (wash)2 her face and hands and ( clean) 3 her teeth.

Then she (make) 4 her bed . Her mother (lay)5  the table and they (have) 6 breakfast. After breakfast Mag (do) 7 the washing up and (feed)8  her cat. They (take) 9 their bags and (go)10 shopping.

In the evening.  Mag and her mother (watch )11 TV and (play) 12 puzzles.


Предварительный просмотр:

4 четверть

I .Вставь слова в предложения . Одно слово лишнее.

1. looks, try on, much, like, suit, help, cook        


- Hello, madam! Can I…1 you?                

- Yes, can I …2 a T-shirt?                                

- Yes, what size would you …3?                        

- Five.                                                 

-Here you are.                                                

-Thank you. Does it …4 me?                        

-It …5  good.                                        

-How …6  is it?                                        

-10 pounds. Anything else?                                

-No, thank you. That’s all.                                   


2. classmates, count, draw, speak, write, by heart, translate, break, marks  

Peter is a Russian student. He goes to a Russian school.  He has 5 lessons every day. In Russian they …7 Russian, read  and …8 texts. In English they …9 from English into Russian, learn words …10 .In Maths they …11 pencils and in Art they …12 nice pictures. During the …13 they run and jump a lot. Peter is a good student and he always gets good…14. He has a lot of friends in his class. He gets along with his ..15 well.



II. Fill in some, any, no.

1.-Would you like … 16 coffee?                        2.-Jane, what would you like for breakfast?        

-Yes, please. And is there … 17 milk?                -…19 porridge with milk.

-Yes, There is …18.  Here you are.                        -I’m sorry but there isn’t…20 milk today.

-Thank you.                                                I hope you’ll go and buy …21.

                                                        -Of course. 

III.Выбери верную форму.

1.My brother will buy/bought/will buy 22 the T-shirt tomorrow.

2. My sister usually translates/will translate/ translated 23 English texts in the English lessons.

3.Alex didn’t/doesn’t/ won’t 24 answer the teacher’s questions   yesterday.

4. I often count/counted/will count 25 in the Maths lesson.

5.He does/did/will do 26 his homework every day.

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