Контрольная работа по английскому языку 10 класс 1 раздел Кузовле
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме

Екатерина Андреевна Хатулькова

Работа содержит два варианта. Построена на материале 1 раздела. Содержит аудирование


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Предварительный просмотр:

Name ___________________

Form _________

Control work


I. Part. (Listening)

1Write down the missing information

I’m dreaming of living in a _____________ on a green hillside within a 10-minutes of a broad ____________   ____________ beach or of a nearby ____________. I’d like to have a __________   _____   ___________. I’d like to grow a variety of __________   and  _________________. I can move to any _____________. It’s a _____________ country with various ___________, landscapes and ______________.

2Write which information is True (T) and which is False (F)

Tom knows where he’d like to live. ________

He’d like to have a big farm in a prairie. __________

He said that for growing variety fruits and vegetables need a lot of rains. _______

He dreams to have a lot of horses. ________

He considers that his country is very small, and it has little possibilities for your life. ______

He thinks that he can move to any place. ___________

II Part. (Reading)

Write down words in the missing places.

It’s a world’s largest _________ and its smallest continent. The continent is south of the ________. Much of the land is a ______. Great deserts ______ nearly 2,000,000 square kilometers. Most of the continent is ______ most of the year. Its population is very _______ for such a ______ country. Many people live far away from towns in the _______. Severe _____, ______ and cyclones happen very often on the continent. The people ________ from limited fresh water.

1-island, 2-huge, 3-useless desert, 4-cover, 5-Equator, 6-small, 7-floods, 8-outback, 9-droughts, 10-suffer, 11-sunny

  1. Part

1 Write which situation is informal (Inf), formal (F), neutral (N)

  1. You ask your British friend about the weather forecast for tomorrow. ________
  2. You are at the geography lesson. You ask the teacher about British seas. _________
  3. You ask an American teenager during a TV bridge “Across the Ocean” about teenagers’ favourite places for summer holidays. _________

2  Match the words and the description with its meaning

 1 patience

a) a willingness to do what someone tells you to do even if it is unpleasant

2 toughness

b) the ability to move quickly and easily from place to place


3 self-reliance

c) the ability to see or describe a future event in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, reason, etc.

4 self-confidence

d) a feeling that you can do things successfully, that people like you, that you are attractive, etc.

5 predictability

e) great care

6 submission

f) the ability to wait for smth calmly for a long time

7 mobility

g) the ability to live through difficult conditions

8 cautiousness

h) the ability to use one’s own power of action and judgement without depending on others









3 Which country the following information is related to. Write USA, UK, Australia, Russia

  1. Much of the country is a useless desert. ________________
  2. It’s a fourth largest nation in the world. ___________
  3. Many people live in the outback there. __________
  4. It’s situated in two continents. ____________
  5. There are eleven time zones in this country. _____________
  6. Half of the population spend time gardening. _____________
  7. The people of this country started the fashion for seaside holidays. __________
  8. It’s an island state. ________________

Name ___________________

Form _________

Control work


I. Part. (Listening)

1Write down the missing information

I’m dreaming of living in a _____________ on a green hillside within a 10-minutes of a broad ____________   ____________ beach or of a nearby ____________. I’d like to have a __________   _____   ___________. I’d like to grow a variety of __________   and  _________________. I can move to any _____________. It’s a _____________ country with various ___________, landscapes and ______________.

2Write which information is True (T) and which is False (F)

Tom knows where he’d like to live. ________

He’d like to have a big farm in a prairie. __________

He said that for growing variety fruits and vegetables need a lot of rains. _______

He dreams to have a lot of horses. ________

He considers that his country is very small, and it has little possibilities for your life. ______

He thinks that he can move to any place. ___________

II Part. (Reading)

Write down words in the missing places.

It is an _____ state. It covers a territory of two _____ islands and several smaller ones. Its coast is over 6,000 miles long. It may be a small island by Russian _____, but geographically it is varied. The south and the east of the island consist of flat _____ or _____. Mountainous areas are found only in the north and west. In this _____ you are never very far from the coast and there are lots of _____ resorts. It has a mild _____. It is never very cold or very hot. There’s steady rainfall throughout most of the year. The main passenger _____ and _____ are in the Southeast. It’s a rich country, one of the richest in the ____.

1-large, 2-climate, 3-standards, 4-plains, 5-world, 6-hills, 7-island, 8-country, 9-ports, 10-seaside, 11-airports

  1. Part

1 Write which situation is informal (Inf), formal (F), neutral (N)

  1. You ask an American teenager during a TV bridge “Across the Ocean” about teenagers’ favourite places for summer holidays.  ________
  2. You are at a travel agency. You ask agent about bus tour to Windsor. _________
  3. You are at the railway station. You ask the clerk about the nearest train to London. _____

2  Match the words and the description with its meaning

 1 patience

a) a willingness to do what someone tells you to do even if it is unpleasant

2 toughness

b) the ability to move quickly and easily from place to place


3 self-reliance

c) the ability to see or describe a future event in advance as a result of knowledge, experience, reason, etc.

4 self-confidence

d) a feeling that you can do things successfully, that people like you, that you are attractive, etc.

5 predictability

e) great care

6 submission

f) the ability to wait for smth calmly for a long time

7 mobility

g) the ability to live through difficult conditions

8 cautiousness

h) the ability to use one’s own power of action and judgement without depending on others









3 Which country the following information is related to. Write USA, UK, Australia, Russia

  1. Many people live in the outback there. __________
  2. There are eleven time zones in this country. _____________
  3. It’s sometimes called the Land Down Under. _______________
  4. No place in it’s more than 120 kilometers from the sea. _________
  5. It’s known for frontier experience. __________
  6. The people of this country started the fashion for seaside holidays. __________
  7. It’s situated in two continents. ____________
  8. Half of the population spend time gardening. _____________


I – Variant

I Part. (Listening)

1. home, white sand, river, lot of horses, fruits, vegetables, place, vast, climates, possibilities

2. T  F  F  T  F  T

II Part. (Reading)

1-island, 5-Equator, 3-useless desert, 4-cover, 11-sunny, 6-small, 2-huge, 8-outback, 9-droughts, 7-floods, 10-suffer

III Part

1. Inf     N      Inf


















3. 1-Australia; 2- the USA; 3- Australia; 4- Russia; 5- Russia; 6-the UK; 7- the UK; 8- the UK

II – Variant

I Part. (Listening)

1. home, white sand, river, lot of horses, fruits, vegetables, place, vast, climates, possibilities

2. T  F  F  T  F  T

II Part. (Reading)

7-island, 1-large, 3-standards, 4-plains, 6-hills, 8-country, 10-seaside, 2-climate, 9-ports, 11-airports, 5-world

III Part

1. Inf     F    F


















3. 1-Australia; 2- Russia; 3- Australia; 4- the UK; 5- the USA; 6-the UK; 7- Russia; 8- the UK

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