Контрольная работа по английскому языку 5 класс (УМК Кузовлев В.П.)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за I четверть  содержит кодержит тестовые задания для оценки уровня сформированности языковых навыков и речевых умений обучающихся на конец I четверти (УМК Кузовлев В.П.)



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Предварительный просмотр:

Name: ______________________________

Form: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________

Раздел 1. Аудирование

1. School trips are not useful.

2. You can learn a lot during school trips.

3. School trips help you to get to know your classmates better.

4. School trips are only for people with a lot of money.

5. School trips can help you to decide what job you want to have.







Раздел 2. Чтение

“Sit down, Sarah,” Miss Mulkey said. “We have a new student in our class.”

Sarah saw a new girl. Her dark red hair was long. All the girls wore short bobs, and it was strange to see the new girl’s hair be right down to the seat behind her. She’s very pretty, Sarah thought. She had a beautiful oval face. But the girl’s clothes surprised Sarah most. She wore a blue velvet dress and – blue shoes. Like a princess.

Miss Mulkey smiled. “This is Melanie Rivers, class,” she said. “Melanie has come to Portland from Hollywood, California, and we’ll make her feel welcome, right, boys and girls?”

She paused. “Take out your arithmetic,” she said, and she looked as strict as usual.

 Sarah worked worse than usual that morning. Even the play went out of her head when her eyes turned to the new girl. Melanie was from Hollywood! Did ordinary boys and girls live in Hollywood? But perhaps Melanie wasn’t an ordinary girl. Perhaps she was an actress. She was very pretty.

When the bell rang for lunch, children gathered around Melanie. She smiled and answered questions. Sarah came nearer.

“I don’t actually know any film stars,” Melanie said, “but I’ve seen a lot of them. Greta Garbo’s limousine went past our house nearly every morning.”

1. The new girl had longer hair than any of the girls in the class.

True                              False                  

2. The new girl’s clothes were beautiful.

True                              False              

3. The new girl’s dress and shoes were of different colours.

True                              False          

4. Sarah could not work well that day.

True                              False          

5. Sarah was sure that Melanie was an actress.

True                              False          

6. Melanie knew Greta Garbo.

True                              False          

Name: ______________________________

Form: _______________________________

Date: _______________________________

Раздел 3. Грамматика и лексика

My parents are very fair. They are only strict when they have to be. My mum is the (1)______________(nice) mum. But she can be strict. Once I (2) ______________ (leave) my clothes on the floor and she (3) __________________ (be) angry.

I have to do a lot of chores around the house to get my $3 a week.  If I want an extra pound, I have to wash the car with my Dad. If I (4) _________________ (not tidy) my bedroom, my Mum (5) _______________ (not give) me pockets money. I think it is fair.

My (6) ______________ (friend) parents are the strangest parents of all. He gets $ 15 a week for nothing at all. He (7) ____________________ (not have to) do any chores. I think my parents (8) _____________________ (be) stricter.

How Old Should You Be to Stay at Home Alone?

It is (9) ___________________________ (fair/unfair) to think that all children are silly. I can stay at home alone. But some children look for (10) _____________________ (entertain/ entertainment) and have parties when their parents are away. Then the house is very (11) ___________________ (mess/messy). These children can’t stay alone. And I think you should be older than 10 and care about your (12) ______________ (safe/safety): know how to use (13) ____________________ (danger/dangerous) things like a gas cooker. Here is my advice – do not open the doors to strangers and keep the house (14) ________________ (tidy/untidy).

Раздел 4. Письмо

You have got a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Mark.

… I started this school year in a new school. It is nice. We have a lot of afterschool activities. We have to wear a school tie every day but I don’t like it …

      What are the rules in your school like? Are they strict? What afterschool activities do you do at your school?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.

Write 80-100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.







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