Конспект урока по теме "Времена года"в 5 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Данный урок проводится с использованием проектной методики .


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Конспект урока по теме «Времена года» в 5 классе

Основная методика : проектная

Этап работы над проектом: второй (подготовительный этап, который обеспечивает развитие языковых и речевых умений школьников)

Цель (для учителя): организовать общение обучающихся по теме «Времена года» на основе ранее изученного речевого и языкового материала.


  • продумать речемыслительную задачу и адекватную коммуникативную ситуацию, при которой увеличивалась бы мотивация говорения учеников на английском языке и возросли количественные и качественные показатели их речи.
  • обучить их стратегии и тактике группового общения, тo есть тем коммуникативным шагам, которые научили бы школьников высказываться логично, связно и продуктивно.
  • развивать коммуникативные умения говорения, аудирования и чтения на материале темы урока;
  • провести контроль сформированности умения говорить о  временах года;
  • развивать умение работать с электронными источниками информации; творческие способности учащихся;
  • развивать и воспитывать потребность пользоваться английским языком как средством общения;

Цель (для учащихся): овладение коммуникативными навыками, закрепление лексического материала.

Оснащение урока: мультимедийное оборудование, дидактический материал (карточки с прилагательными).



1.Организационный момент.

Стихотворение – приветствие.

Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

Good morning, dear pupils I’m glad to see you.  

Is anybody absent today?

That’s good.

Today we’ll continue speaking about the weather.

We have learnt a lot of words concerning  it.

Have a look through the window and answer my questions.

 Фонетическая зарядка

1. Разговор о погоде

Is the weather good or bad?

Is it cold or hot?

Is the sky blue or grey?

Is the sun shining? Is it snowing?

Does the weather today look like spring weather?

What season is it now? What other seasons do you know?

2.Отработка произношения в стихотворении по схеме (учитель-класс-ученик)

Listen to the poem (слайд 2)


Autumn is yellow,

Winter is white,

Spring is green,

Summer is bright.

Answer  the questions(слайд 3):

Why is autumn yellow?

Why is winter white?

Why is spring green?

Why is summer bright?

2.Основной этап урока

Активация употребления степеней сравнения прилагательных.

  1. Фонетическая отработка в режиме:


Warm-warmer-the warmest

Hot-hotter-the hottest

Bad-worse-the worst

Good-better-the best

Beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful

Now you’ll get cards with adjectives. Put in the necessary forms. You are given 3 minutes. your time is up .Let’s check it.

small- … - the smallest

big – bigger - …

… - longer - …

beautiful – more - … beautiful

bad - … - the worst

I see that you all know how to use different forms of adjectives. Now let’s answer my questions about different seasons.

  • Is the weather in autumn cooler than in summer?
  • When is the weather warmer than is spring?
  • Is summer the warmest season?
  • When is it more beautiful in summer or in autumn? Why?
  • Why can autumn be called the most beautiful season?
  • Is the weather in autumn cooler than in summer?
  • What is the best season for going in for sports?
  • Is winter the coldest season?
  • Is the weather in spring warmer than in winter?
  • Are all the seasons beautiful?
  1.  a) Введение новых лексических единиц:

(слайд 4):

dull - скучный

a dull season

to fall down – опадать

to enjoy doing something – получать удовольствие

б) Фонетическая отработка  новых лексических единиц

в) Let’s read the dialogue “All Seasons are Beautiful” and say what seasons Mary and Jane like and why. Be ready to answer these questions…

What season does Mary like?

Why does she like autumn? What does she like in autumn best of all?

 Who likes spring very much and why?

What season does Jane like?

Why does she like summer?

Do children go to school in summer?

Why does she like winter?

 All Seasons are Beautiful.

Mary: Do you like autumn, Jane?

Jane: No, I don’t. I think it’s a dull season. The grass is yellow. The leaves fall down from the trees. It often rains. It’s often cold. No, I don’t like autumn. But I do like winter and summer.

Mary: Do you?

Jane: Yes, I do, because in summer the days are longer and warmer and the nights are shorter. After we do not go to school! You can have a lot of fun in summer!

Mary: And why do you like winter, I wonder?

Jane: Oh, in winter you can have a very good time too. You can enjoy skating, skiing, playing snowballs and sledging. Winter is the time for fun! I think that winter is a beautiful season. Forests and fields are white with snow. They look wonderful in winter!

Mary: Well, but I like autumn. I think that forests are more beautiful in autumn than in winter. The leaves on the trees are of different colors – green, yellow, orange, red and brown. They look beautiful! And autumn is a “tasty” season – there are a lot of vegetables and fruit is autumn.

Jane:  And what about spring? Do you like it?

Mary: Oh, yes, I like it very much, too. The leaves are small and green. The grass is green, too. It’s warm in spring. In spring I usually enjoy the sun because it is not very hot. Well, I think all the seasons are beautiful!

г) обобщение

O.k. That was good. Now think a little and be ready to say what your favorite season is and why. (высказывания учащихся)

Fine, thank you and now let us speak about every season in details.

How many months does every season last?

  • What are winter months?   (слайд 5)
  • What  spring  months do you know? (слайд 6)
  • What are summer months?  (слайд 7)
  •   What autumn  months do you know?   (слайд 8)

(Слайды используются в качестве контрольного материала и показываются после ответа учеников).

1.Listen to the poem “Months” by R. Stevenson* and be ready to say how many days each month has.(все вопросы даются перед ознакомлением со стихотворением и повторяются после прослушивания).(слайд 9)

How many days do September, April,
June and November have?

How many days do January, March, May, July, August, October, December have?

How many days does February usually have?

How many days does February have when it is a leap-year?

What are the longest months of the year?

What is the shortest month of the year?

What is your favorite month?

What holiday is celebrated in this month?

The Month. (R. L. Stevenson) (слайд 10)

Thirty days has September,

April, June and November;

February has twenty-eight alone,

And the rest have thirty-one,

Excepting leap-year, that’s the time,

When February days are twenty-nine.

3.Заключительный этап урока


 Let’s recollect the poem “Seasons”. we have learnt  today . How can you prove now, that autumn is yellow and it’s a nice season.

Speak about summer.

Is winter the coldest season?

What is good about spring?

 (Еще раз разбираем каждое время года). Can you agree with me, that all seasons are beautiful?

2 Выставление оценок с комментариями

3 Домашнее задание: класс делится на 4 группы. Каждая группа собирает материал, наглядность, составляет рассказ, описывает одно из времен года.  

Таким образом учащиеся создают галерею «Времена года» и на одном из следующих уроков проводится защита проектов.


Class    Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

Good morning, dear teacher, we are glad to see you.

Good morning, good morning, good morning to you.

Good morning, dear pupils I’m glad to see you.

P1 Everybody is here.

P2  Spring, summer, autumn, winter.

P2    (Leaves on the trees turn yellow, red and brown)

P3    (The snow is white)

P4   (The leaves on the trees appear and they are green)

P5   (There are many flowers, they are of bright colors)

P6  small- smaller - the smallest

P7   big – bigger – the biggest

P8   long - longer – the longest

P9 beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful

P10   bad - worse - the worst

P11 Yes, it is. The weather in autumn is cooler than in summer.

P12 The weather is  warmer in summer.

P13 Yes, it is. Summer is the warmest season.

P1 For me, it is more beautiful in summer. There are many flowers, green grass and it is very warm.

P2 Autumn can be called the most beautiful season ,because of it’ s bright  colors.

P3 Of, course the weather is cooler in autumn.

P4 I think the best season for sports is summer.

P5 Yes, winter is the coldest season.

P6 Yes, the weather in spring is warmer than in winter.

P7 I’ sure that all seasons are   beautiful.

Отработка по схеме (учитель-класс-ученик)

P8 Mary likes autumn.

P9 She likes autumn, because the leaves on the trees are of different colors – green, yellow, orange, red and brown and they look beautiful.

P10 Mary  likes it very much, because it is not very hot.

P11 She likes winter and summer.

P12 She likes summer, because in summer the days are longer and warmer and the nights are shorter.

P1 No, they do not go to school.

 P2 Jane thinks that winter is a beautiful season.

P9 I like winter…

P10 Summer is my favorite season because…

P10 Every season has 3 months.

P11 December, January, February are winter months.

P12 March, April and May are spring months.

P1 June ,July, August are summer months.

P2 October ,November are autumn months.

P3  They have 30 days.

P4  They have 31 days

P5  It has 28 days.

P6  It has 29 days.

P The longest months are January, March, May, July, August, October, December.

P The shortest months are September, April,
June and November .

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